forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@YukiSenoue group

I just did this thing.
Two things:
I can’t draw women
I can’t draw armor
bUt mY fRiEnD mAdE mE dO bOtH aNywAY

Can't draw women or armor… That's a joke, eh? Because this drawing is awesome


(Omg you guys are all so nice ahh)

Rainy and I have a roleplay together with Melissa and one of my characters lol
It's super cute


I was gonna line it but then the lineart was looking bad and I thought the sketch was cute, so I went with it

@YukiSenoue group

<33 I need to honestly get a digital sketch pad, but for now I'll stick to my pencil and paper

I need to take off the dust of mine.
I got some drawings back in deviant art with my old username I need to rescue


Hey guys, this is just a sketch, but I'm actually really happy with it and I wanted to show it to you guys before I fuck it up with lineart and color
(This is part of a payment for a character, btw)