forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Katastrophic group

Nothing too fancy, I just recorded and threw some music on top. The full thing took about an hour to paint! This will maybe be used for the earth magic realm later in my story, but I just like the idea of massive stone trees.

@Katastrophic group

That is the link, it loads automatically in the message. try this:
https:/ /
remove the space between the // and it should work :)


Wow so pretty! The colors look pretty good!

Also I guess it could be considered lofi-but lofi is usually a lot less upbeat than that lol

@Katastrophic group

thanks :D
I have no idea what the music is, I found it on a royalty free vlog music channel and I'm never good with identifying stuff, especially all the newer genres like lofi


hey @Katastrophe can I just say how absolutely floored I am at how disciplined you were with keeping it zoomed to the same size most of the time??
like everything about this is fabulous. concept - love it. colours - stunning. depth and atmosphere - excellent. but by far the most intimidating thing was that you were somehow able to add all that detail and make all those choices without zooming in about 200% too close (which is the strategy I currently employ, to my frustration and occasional despair)

@Katastrophic group

xD thank you! it definitely takes practice, and I still zoom in a lot to do linework and details on other stuff, like my signature at the end. Since this is in a "concept art" style and I need so many of them, I can't spend too much time on details that I want to add by zooming in. I also heard some good advice in a video the other day about never zooming in past 100% because that's when people stop noticing stuff that small. Since I work at really high dpi, I just watch the rulers and stay around what the actual size would be. It also helps that I calibrate my tablet pen very often so everything marks where it's supposed to lol

@Katastrophic group

Final set! Now I can finally work on my homework for other classes…
I tried some different color pallets and some vertical compositions, but I was definitely running out of ideas lol

Deleted user

This might brake my Keybord but
uyghrfbhrufvboefiejdfh Its amazinggggggg

Deleted user

A redesign

Much prefer the redesign, mind if I steal some ideas lmao
I’m actually in the making of a witch character so I could use some ideas lol

@Pickles group

I was gonna do a mermaid tail and I was like 'nope I'm not talented enough yet gonna try that on paper'
So now I'm gonna do a koi fish mermaid
On paper

Then you have to send it to Mir