forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

So I did paint a little thing from graphic design class (I still don´t know what sculpting has to do with graphic design but our teacher wanted us to do that…)

Deleted user

My bf wanted me to draw a dragon

I’ve never drawn a dragon before

agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind agony is only a state of mind

i forgot to do scales, which I’m doing right now

agony is only a state of mind

Deleted user

(Ok that's a mood) as someone who began with drawing dragons, that is definitely looking pretty good!!!

Deleted user

thanks guys 😅

I decided to make him more fluffy than other dragons because big fluffy dragons are what we stan around here

Deleted user

my h a n d

I’m one hour, almost a half, into drawing JUST CIRCLES and i swear to god my whole existence feels like a circle that can be layered to make a scale-like shape

Deleted user


two hours of circles later and a touching up of the piece itself:

@saor_illust school

Oh my word that looks even better than it did before!! (Which is saying something because the sketch/rough draft you showed us was really good.)
It's absolutely stunning!

Deleted user

you just have to ignore the agony in your back and how much you hate yourself, then you can do it!
