forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Katastrophic group

also, if it's okay with you @Katastrophe i can put the art on google photos and pm galaxy a link since that seems to be a site that works pretty well for her

anything I post here I don't mind if you're saving or are sending it through the site, as long as it stays within this site as I don't post things all at the same time on my platforms! Though now it should be an imgur picture on the original post as I finally got it to compress!

@PaperHats business

@RainyDayArtist I would but I don’t even know how I do it… I black out and look at the paper and its just there. and aaaaaa thank you so much both of you :’)


So I did a redraw of a redraw lol




I think it’s good to look back at the progress you’ve made over the years! ^^ as you can tell, getting to where I am didn’t happen over night! It took lots of practice and patience hehe!
also sorry for such a big post