forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@soupnana group

You guys are so sweet! I love y'all so much!!!
(And @The-Absurd-Nerd I bet you can with loads of practice and hard work you can do anything! Keep believing in yourself!)
(That was really cheesy but yeah haha)

@Katastrophic group

alright so I need to make an "urban legend" series of posters for class so I'm doing will'o'wisps in a ghibli style poster, but ghibli backgrounds are hard. I think I need some bright flowers and some dramatic lighting/highlights/shadows across the whole thing but idk.


!!!!!!!!! that's amazing hello
the perspective?? the composition?? the colours?? the atmosphere?? the rendering?? I'm dying this is too fabulous for my brain to compute

@Katastrophic group

eee thanks so much!

12ish hours total work

10ish hours total work plus youtube

I was so worried about this turning out, so thank you guys so much for your compliments, it really boosted me to get it done!

@Katastrophic group

thank you x)
the file size is too thicc for even png compression programs, idk why or how. I'll try a few other things
AHA I GOT IT, it should be updated for everyone to see now ^_^

@saor_illust school

you're welcome, that is so cool! i hecking love it so much!!! like, i can totally see where you got the ghibli style!!

can i please steal your talent? i wanna draw as good as you

@saor_illust school

also, if it's okay with you @Katastrophe i can put the art on google photos and pm galaxy a link since that seems to be a site that works pretty well for her

Deleted user

First off, @Katastrophe That. Is very very nice

Second off, How do I attach an image to this message.

Deleted user

I’m almost done a character, I’m trying to get better with hands, more close up in fact, I’m using a reference of a friend, I use some realism to pose my characters, but I spin it with my style. My style isn’t that realistic, but at least it looks some what like a person.

Deleted user

Thanks, I like making motion. The being in the picture itself is called a Nightmaar, A weird thing that pops up in my dreams every now and then.