forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers


Maybe it's the light, but I'm having a hard time telling if they have a sword or a nightstick strapped to their hip.


Maybe it's the light, but I'm having a hard time telling if they have a sword or a nightstick strapped to their hip.

Its a machete in its sheath, I wanted to keep it the same color as the one I have. (but really, the sword type does not matter since they all kinda look the same when their in their sheaths.)

Deleted user

Looks really good! I love the subtitle thingy (brain not working properly at the moment, sorry if something doesn't make sense)

Deleted user

I’m trying to re design an old character now. I hate there design and it’s bad so I’m redoing there entire design from scratch, and redo her personality.