forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Does anyone know how composition works? or how to fix a bad composition? I've been trying to paint something and it just. it feels cluttered, no matter what I do, and it's driving me insane.

@Reblod flag

Well basically your painting is a frame of sorts that you're looking into. There are planes, foreground, middleground and background. There should be a balance of colour and shape within the planes of the artwork which can be achieved through symmetry or asymetry depending on what you're going for. It'd be easier to help if I saw it


huh that does make sense! I think I probably just overshot and am in one of those weird situations where I decided to draw something way beyond my skill level. please brace yourself haha (symmetry is not my friend today)

(I think it's the fire that's making it so messy. but I also don't know how to render fire. so. yeah. I'm just struggling today)

@Reblod flag

Maybe you could try moving the two people apart? That would help to make it less cluttered. And maybe if the fire was more concentrated in one line? That would help the eye move more smoothly across the piece

Deleted user

Not gonna lie, my jaw is on the floor after seeing that drawing, IT´S GORGEOUS!!!

Deleted user

Did you make your picture @The-Absurd-Nerd?

No, I'm not that artistic (I want to do digital art, but I cannot find a good app for my tablet, which isn't made for drawing sadly.)
Plus, I'm way too timid to show my art to the public-I only received one comment on my sketch, and I'm just…way too shy because everyone else is better.

Deleted user

(Oof I'm inspired but I know I can't do anything remotely as good as your art…)