info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Beauty in the Broken

Genre - What genre best describes The Beauty in the Broken?

Fantasy, containing several mythical and unheard of creatures of all kinds.

Description - How would you describe The Beauty in the Broken?

New wonders and mysteries at every turn

book History
History - What is The Beauty in the Broken’s history?

This is a fictional universe created to contain all of the creatures rejected from the original universe. Spirits manifest here when one hasn't moved on from them, and countless different races apart from human rule the earth.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Beauty in the Broken?

The technology in this universe is underdeveloped. There is little to no electrical lights. The humans that take up 45% of the population have a slight delay in the intelligence of humans in the original universe.

Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Beauty in the Broken?

Elemental manifestation, spiritual incorporeal occurrences, several mythical races

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Beauty in the Broken?

Similar to the laws of physics in our universe

edit Notes

The sun is blue, causing the grass to be more of a blu-ish purple tint. The "chlorophyll" in the green plants is closer to red than any other color, and the blue light from the sun mixes with the blue.

history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Aloe

    Created universe about 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person jenny

    Invited almost 7 years ago

folder_open Medicine

Herbal medicine normally. Chemical medicine is next to impossible and magic medicine is difficult to master, but is only powerful if fully mastered. Otherwise, magical medicine is inefficient and insufficient.

This universe contains...
1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Spero Terram Lush, surrounded by a forest, a bit of farmland

3 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Yuki's Scarf A green and grey striped scarf
emoji_events Book of Wizarding Spells Yuki's spellbook where he writes down the instructions for all the spells he learns. Almost like a diary, but strictly spells.
emoji_events Kaiholo's Blindfold A dirty bit of brown cloth that goes over the top of Kaiholo's face

1 continent reorder
explore Continents close
explore Pangaea The only body of land on earth.

16 deities reorder
1 flora reorder
eco Floras close
eco Kankitsurui Berry producing bush

1 lore reorder
book Lores close
book The Everlasting Competition Two kids were constantly rivaling each other during development. Though they had feelings for each other, they were pit against each other, and forced to redirect their anger and defiance at each o...

1 race reorder
face Races close
face Shinel Ice Magically Based Elvish Subrace

1 religion reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Kagayakun Polytheistic

This universe was created by Aloe on with 1 contributor.

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