Spero Terram
Lush, surrounded by a forest, a bit of farmland
Mence, equal to about 50 cents.
There's also Penca, which is equal to two dollars.
The average income is about 7-8k a year, depending on Holidays and vacation days taken. Hourly wage is 2 Penca
The average house costs about 32k
A drink at the pub costs 2.5 Penca, or 10 Mence.
There is no banking system in Spero Terram.
The King owns about 60% of the Kingdom's wealth.
Hunting, self-explanatory
Something sort of like basketball except the basket is on the floor and just really far away. You don't need a ball, anything that fits in the basket will work. Extra points for style.
Common, Latin, Shinella is a dead language, but there's still one person nearby that knows the ancient tongue.
"The land of unrealized potential"
Northeastern area of Pangaea
Wheat, corn, cotton
A strong man ran away from his abusive home and created a civilization purely out of spite.