vpn_key Overview
Name - What is Myst Blaire’s full name?

Myst Blaire

Role - What is Myst Blaire’s role in your story?

Peasant, then Knight, then Queen

Age - How old is Myst Blaire?


Gender - What is Myst Blaire’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Myst Blaire go by?

She will impale u if u try to give her a nickname

palette Looks
Eye Color - What is Myst Blaire’s eye color?

Dark brown, with a hint of hazel

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Myst Blaire have?


Hair Style - How does Myst Blaire style their hair?

Long and wavy, more straight than curly, giving it a sophisticated feel

Hair Color - What color is Myst Blaire’s hair?

Raven black, with a colored hint of red

Height - How tall is Myst Blaire?

176.7 cm idk


A little high, but she speaks with authority. It's smooth and syrupy, like honey. A comparable voice is Maggie Q, who speaks in this video.


Myst can't afford perfume, but sometimes she'll smell like a bakery. She spends a lot of time in the town and in the bakery especially because she enjoys the smell. When she washes, the smell of the soap she uses has a scent comparable to Japanese Cherry Blossom

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Myst Blaire have?

Scars on her back

This is from her father, who was more abusive than her mother, and would smash plates on her back when he was angry at her.

Body Type


While she didn't possess much weight in her early years, her weight usually focused around her hips and upper thighs.

Skin Tone

Creamy beige

Race - What is Myst Blaire’s race?


A shifter is a creature that appears human but can morph into one specific base animal. Myst is training to be able to shift into a dragon, but right now she is only capable of shifting into a panther.

Weight - How much does Myst Blaire weigh?

185 lbs.
83.9 kg

When she was younger, she wouldn't get much food, but as she got older, she got more food, and was able to gain back the weight she lacked as a child.

extension Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Myst Blaire?

Commander (ENFP-A)

Myst is a leader, and a strong one. She is full of confidence and has a strong-willed heart. She's positive towards confidence and negative towards insecurity. She's independent and doesn't often feel lonely, but then again she's around people a lot, and is loved by many because of her sparky attitude. Despite her encouragement for people to love themselves, Myst loves to make fun of people in friendly ways. She's very snarky in that she'll respond to almost everything with a sarcastic and bitter response. It's all in good fun, but occasionally Myst can get excessive with her jokes. Either way, Myst is very charismatic and inspiring towards others, when she is serious, she is serious.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Myst Blaire have?

Practicing shifting into a dragon, training to fight, likes to hum (it often calms her down), recently took up armor design, hoping to come up with the most efficient armor.
Studying politics and the advancement of cultures.

Talents - What talents does Myst Blaire have?

Although Myst doesn't like physical fights, she spent a few years practicing light sword fighting and hand to hand combat. It was difficult for her to get used to practicing fighting with a trainer, as it was equivalent to a real fight, and she didn't know when the trainer would stop, causing her to take a few steps back in the skill. After a while, she learned to get used to it and to face her fears.
Myst did practically all the house-chores as a child, and is quite skilled in cooking and sewing, though she doesn't use these two talents to her advantage.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Myst Blaire have?

Strongly believes in not only the equality of females, but also the superiority of females. Does not believe man is anything more than a degenerate, as that is how her father was, and that is how she soon believed the king was; the two most powerful men in her life were the most incapable, so she believed men with less power were more so.

Flaws - What flaws does Myst Blaire have?

She can be too loud, with her confidence and inability to care about the looks from other people. Myst doesn't trust easily, as she's grown up in a house of untrustworthy people, and she's jumpy and afraid of loud noises and violence, and tries her best to avoid physical fights, but she also tends to start verbal arguments over seemingly nothing. In this way she can be a bit confusing; though she starts a verbal dispute, if the argument starts to hint at becoming physical, she will break. On the outside, one wouldn't understand her retreat at the first sign of a physical fight, but the sign reminds her of the domestic abuse in her house, and it gets past her walls. Throughout the story she tries to break through the last bit of insecurities that she hides in order to become a more solemn and intimidating leader, which is the one thing that stopped her in the first place. Myst is self-righteous and egotistical

Motivations - What motivates Myst Blaire most?

Myst grew up in a broken home, with a family that was filled with hatred and had no love for each other. Myst matured too quickly to allow the abuse dealt to her to affect how she treats others (although she can be aggressive when provoked, she's not full of hatred), and she did every attempt to get out of her house growing up, which often failed, as people would find her rummaging through trash and return her to her family. Myst grew up believing that if the king in rule was actually a good King, he would do something about the obvious abuse the town seemed to be full of. (Though the town wasn't full of hatred, she certainly saw it that way.) She believed she should inherit the throne so that she could do a better job than the current King.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Myst Blaire have?

Myst is a confident character, fully herself around anyone and not uncomfortable around strangers. She's used to staring. Though she's confident and such, often times it's merely a facade and she can be easily startled as well as jumpy, and might twitch at small noises. She's smooth when relaxed, but not in times of stress, in which case she's shaky and twitchy. Even as an adult, she seemed to look stiff as if she's forcing herself to stand straight in fear of being disrespectful; a fear that she hides often.

Moral Alignment

Lawful Good

wc Social
Favorite color - What is Myst Blaire’s favorite color?

Myst often saw the color peach in the town; peach colored cakes, peach blankets, peach luxuries. She was lead to believe that it was a luxurious color and grew to adore it.

Religion - What religion does Myst Blaire practice?


Myst was never introduced to a religion, and if she were to be introduced to a god, she would feel that she could still do better than the god and therefore wouldn't have any faith in them.

Politics - What politics does Myst Blaire have?


Myst believes that she is the only one who could save the town from the despair that it's falling into, and therefore wants to gain the crown to do it all herself. People might find this trait of her intimidating and call her power-hungry, but she merely retorts that the current king isn't utilizing his power and is lazy. Most people can't argue with this because it's true.

Occupation - What is Myst Blaire’s occupation?

At 18, she had no occupation, and she never did before. At 19, she got a job as a Knight of the kingdom, and often showed off her leadership skills, being promoted often. At 21, she inherits the crown and becomes the Queen of Spero

Favorite food - What is Myst Blaire’s favorite food?

Myst didn't often get many treats, but when she did, it was cake. She adored the taste of cake and the sweetness it gave, and she looked forward to the day she could have another bite.

Favorite possession - What is Myst Blaire’s favorite possession?

Growing up, the most comforting item she owned was her peach blanket. It wore out and became so torn, but she kept it with her to remind her where she came from.

Favorite weapon - What is Myst Blaire’s favorite weapon?

Light sword

While she prefers hand-to-hand combat, she can work well with a light sword and enjoys practicing with it.

Favorite animal - What is Myst Blaire’s favorite animal?

For the longest time, Myst liked panthers because that's what she could transform into, but when she was introduced to dragons, she fell in love. She wanted to be able to transform into one, and has been practicing since she was 14. She has not mastered it quite yet.

import_contacts History
Background - What is Myst Blaire’s background?

Myst grew up in an abusive family. Growing up, she'd find friends in similar situations, and realized how little the King did to help his citizens. Myst grew convinced that she could do a better job at ruling this kingdom and being more involved with her citizens, so she trained herself physically. However, one day, she ran into two peculiar characters; an alcoholic wizard boy and an upbeat and optimistic orphan. She joined them for a while, which helped soften her hardened heart, and caused her to develop a compassion she'd never felt before. After several years of physical and emotional training, Myst was old enough to be recruited as a knight, so she went to the kingdom to earn the title. After a year of endless attempts to earn the Administrator's respect, she finally wad dubbed as a knight of the castle. Myst's determination to rise to the throne grew stronger with every passing day.

Education - What is Myst Blaire’s level of education?

IQ- 110

Myst learned what she could and what she needed about becoming a queen, but she did not focus on academics as much as she focused on other education.

Birthday - When is Myst Blaire’s birthday?

March 21, 1999

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does Myst Blaire have?

Myst does not have any pets, but she can transform into a panther.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Comparable Characters (Popular Characters with similar personalities)

David Palmer (24)
David Palmer takes on a leading role because of his need to fix everyone's problems, which is comparable to Myst's want for power because she believes she could do a better job than anyone else.

River Tam (Firefly)
River Tam has a bit of a sensitive side and might be jumpy or un-confident when under pressure, which is a lot of how Myst seems immovable until her weakness is discovered.

assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.
Miscellaneous Add-Ons

It was my home. The outside walls were a sickly pink and the railings and window sills were an unsettling hospital-toned baby blue, but it was home. Every morning we'd be woken up by the muffled yelling and screaming that went back and forth for hours on end next door, and occasionally some shattering noises, and let's not forget the doors slamming. The entire building reeked of "skunks" as mom would call it, hoping we wouldn't know that she's part of the reason it smelled so bad. The police would visit every week and arrest someone new each time, and yet somehow never managed to arrest the people that were actually guilty. Everyone here was rough, but they wouldn't harm anyone under 4. Once you turned 5, it was over for you. Bruises, scratches, cigarette burns, and other various scars would cover your body and your muscles would ache every morning from the previous day. No one here knew how to live. All they knew is that they were beat up as a kid, so that's how they should do it. Your birthdays were bittersweet when you were presented with the last kid's half birthday cake. You ate the cake anyway, considering you don't get to eat much in the first place. I looked at the walls that reeked of the fake beauty and paradise that it presented with it's obnoxious colors. I'm 18 now, and I can finally leave the place. Despite a lot of the kids trying to leave, the parents still wanted them to stay. Every kid was found by the police in a few days, malnourished and desperate for love. At 18, no one can call the police and have them search for me.

It's hell, it was a struggle, and it shouldn't continue, but it's home.

local_laundry_service Wardrobe

White sundress from her mother


Simple light pink shirt with overalls, white socks, and leather boots.

Casual 2

A solid, but faded colored t-shirt tucked into skinny jeans


Oversized gray t-shirt and sweatpants

local_hospital Health

Being so brutally treated physically, it has taken a toll on Myst's mental health. Myst struggles with self esteem and self worth as well as being very sensitive when it comes to physical stress. Sudden loud noises would scare her more than the average person.


Myst has bruises on her arms, cigarette burns on her shoulders, and scars on her back. She was physically abused by her father and thus has suffered severe injuries in various places.

school Education
High School

Myst did not go to any sort of educational institute, but she managed to learn how to read at the library, with a bit of help, and read as many books as she could. She spent a lot of time at the library as well considering she did not want to be at home. She started her education late, beginning to read children's books and bedtime stories when she was 12, and slowly worked her way to a high school reading level. Myst was not so much interested in text books, but a few times the librarian would incline her to read non-fiction to help accelerate her education.

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Hair: #1B1212
Skin: #EFCF98
Eyes: #663E1F
Pink Shirt: #FC97E7
Overalls: #406195

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This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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