vpn_key Overview
Name - What is Celia Foxx’s full name?

Celia Foxx

Role - What is Celia Foxx’s role in your story?

Spirit Child

Age - How old is Celia Foxx?


Gender - What is Celia Foxx’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Celia Foxx go by?


palette Looks
Eye Color - What is Celia Foxx’s eye color?

Forest green-A clear green with the slightest hint of blue, only noticeable if you look closely enough.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Celia Foxx have?


Hair Style - How does Celia Foxx style their hair?

Messily cut to the shoulders, full

Hair Color - What color is Celia Foxx’s hair?

Scarlet red

Height - How tall is Celia Foxx?



Celia has a bit of a high pitched voice, which is quite fitting for her bubbly energy. Once you get used to it you'll start to really like hearing her. A good comparable voice is Suzy Berhow from KittyCatGaming


Celia smells like that of a forest, usually because that's where she spends most of her time. The smell of fresh air is also her favorite scent, including the smell of a lake, plants, and animals.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Celia Foxx have?

Freckles over face and shoulders

Body Type

Banana Shape

Skin Tone

Dark tan

Race - What is Celia Foxx’s race?

Celia is the child of a Fox Spirit. Spirit's children can morph into their respective animals and gain stat increases while in form. It takes energy to morph so spirit children typically don't do it more than twice a day.

Weight - How much does Celia Foxx weigh?

120 lbs

extension Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Celia Foxx?

Campaigner (ENFP-T)

Celia is the humanization of the sun. She is quite possibly the brightest and most genuine person you could ever meet. She is always smiling and she always sees the bright side of things. Celia lives in the moment and finds no point in dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. She is a gentle soul with a taste for adventure. Celia does not like seeing people upset or bothered and always does everything she can to cheer everyone up. She is crazily sociable and has never met a stranger. She can help relax others and is suspiciously relaxed herself for someone who is put under a lot of pressure. The only time you can catch Celia being quiet or maybe even melancholy is when she's reminded of her family, but even then she tries to think positively through anything.

Sexuality: Despite loving everyone, Celia is asexual. She does not view people in lustful or sexual ways and she never has.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Celia Foxx have?

As a traveler, Celia wouldn't really have much time for hobbies, but one might consider her endless wandering and long walks as a hobby. However, Celia has considered taking up journalism to document her story.

Talents - What talents does Celia Foxx have?

Making the most with what she has, learning survival skills, singing, and a knack for advice-giving.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Celia Foxx have?

Celia is an unconditional lover and has no prejudices, however, she often struggles to socialize with stubborn and pessimistic people, but she forgives them and wishes to spend more time with them to help cheer them up.

Flaws - What flaws does Celia Foxx have?

It is not hard to tell that Celia is a blind optimist. She only thinks the best of people and cannot resist idolizing everyone she meets. She's heavily naive and forgives and forgets way too easily. Celia is full of unconditional love and can't hate anyone. People often take advantage of this trait of hers, knowing that Celia will forgive them no matter what.

Motivations - What motivates Celia Foxx most?

Celia's main motivations come from her "people pleaser" personality trait. She wants everyone within a 5 mile radius of her to feel her positive energy and fall victim to it.
Her plot motivation is the fact that Celia plans to avenge her family from the phoenixes that destroyed them, however, after a trying journey, Celia learns not to dwell on the past and that revenge is empty.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Celia Foxx have?

Celia walks with a bright energy and a spirit of life. She is quite the lover and is never caught without a smile. Her smile can light up a room and she knows it, so she uses her positive vibes to warm up the whole world. She uses things like finger guns and winks a lot, as well as giggles to express practically every emotion, even if there isn't anything funny.

Moral Alignment

Neutral Good

wc Social
Favorite color - What is Celia Foxx’s favorite color?

Celia enjoys soft colors, like pastel pinks and blues. Many people might believe her favorite color to be a forest green, but it's actually pastel pink.

Religion - What religion does Celia Foxx practice?

(wow i rlly wish i could link religions sigh)

Taiyo - god of the sun
Tsuki - goddess of the moon
Tenki - god of the weather
Kori - goddess of the ice
Kasai - god of the fire
Senso - goddess of war
Heiwa - goddess of peace
Katsu - god of life
Shi - goddess of death
Ai - god of love
Kirai - god of hate

Taiyo and Tsuki are siblings
Tenki is the father of Kori and Kasai
Senso and Heiwa are the mother and father of Katsu and Shi
Ai and Kirai are siblings.

Politics - What politics does Celia Foxx have?


Celia isn't very educated in politics, and doesn't understand all of it, but, if asked, she believes everyone should have their say in the matter and that the most popular opinion is surely the right one.

Occupation - What is Celia Foxx’s occupation?

Celia does not do anything to earn a living. She gets her food from hunting and has many makeshift trinkets from objects she finds on her adventures.

Favorite food - What is Celia Foxx’s favorite food?

Cake is a luxury to Celia, but she finds herself getting away with sneaking into celebrations because she happened to spot a cake on the table.

Favorite possession - What is Celia Foxx’s favorite possession?

Her brown sunhat. She wouldn't go anywhere without it.

Favorite weapon - What is Celia Foxx’s favorite weapon?

Celia doesn't use weapons. She thinks violence is not even an option, so I guess you could say she uses her heart in a time of quarrel.

Favorite animal - What is Celia Foxx’s favorite animal?

Celia often catches herself befriending more foxes than any other creatures in the forest. They remind her of her family, so she enjoys their presence.

Pokemon Main


import_contacts History
Background - What is Celia Foxx’s background?

Celia grew up in a very loving family. They moved a lot, so Celia learned a lot about the essentials of setting up camp pretty early on. Although her family never stopped moving, they could not escape the phoenixes that attacked and killed her family. Despite Celia's endless attempts to save them, her family told Celia to run. Living the rest of her life on foot, Celia trained herself to defeat the phoenixes to avenge her family. However, her curious nature got her into trouble and she angered a troll. After getting thrown against a rock and knocked out, Celia was rescued by a mysterious tall, lanky figure.
(This is when her story starts)
((Also Note: During Celia's journey, she meets three new friends that later become her family. First, she is saved by a by a tenderhearted drunk, next, she helps out a snarky knight from a nearby kingdom, and lastly she saves a vicious creature from succumbing to her controlling family. After growing closer with these three wildly different people, Celia comes to realize how empty revenge is, and no longer has a want for defeating the phoenixes.))

Education - What is Celia Foxx’s level of education?

IQ- 100

Celia never had a proper education, but she learns a few things here and there from her socialization with others in passing kingdoms.

Birthday - When is Celia Foxx’s birthday?

March 10, 2001

account_balance Family
Pets - What pets does Celia Foxx have?

Celia doesn't have any specific pets, but she happens to make friends with the various animals in the forest along her journey. She doesn't stay in the same area for long, so she doesn't expect to meet the same animals again.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
assignment Non-Canon Stories/Poems/Etc.
local_laundry_service Wardrobe

A pale blue sundress, also with her sunhat


A forest green blouse with thin straps, a purple skirt with her brown sun hat

Casual 2

The lime green crop top with sky blue shorts


A long sleeved lime green sweater and pajama pants

local_hospital Health
school Education
camera Color HTML Codes
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Hair: #841324
Eyes: #2B934D
Skin: #FFCEA5
Shirt: #51C24D

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This character was created by Aloe on Notebook.ai.

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