Marshroom Kingdom
A Realm of medieval monarchy. It is quite small compared to other Realms and has a lower technology level than other human-populated ones like Terrata, but boasts a wide variety of unusual races and creatures not seen anywhere else. The entire area is ruled by the Mussheron family, with Princess Pear acting as the current leader.
The kingdom is currently in the middle of a constant war between Princess Pear, with her Frogg subjects, and the tyrant king Mowser and his army of fellow Doopa Troopas. The two fight over control of a powerful artifact known as the Star Wand. Their castles sit at opposite ends of the kingdom, with the capital city Roqueplot seated firmly in the middle to serve as neutral ground.
Any outsiders who find themselves in the Marshroom Kingdom are often thrown off by the apparent goofiness of just about everything that goes on there, and the odd bits of magic that don't seem to follow any particular rules, such as the Enchanted Flags.
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