info Overview
Name - What is Angie’s full name?


Role - What is Angie’s role in your story?

Sixth of the Original Seven

Age - How old is Angie?


Gender - What is Angie’s gender?




face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Angie?


Weight - How much does Angie weigh?

7 lbs.

Style of Dress


Full Physical Description

A small halo hovers around the top point of Angie's yellow body, giving off a faint glow that makes her easy to pick out from a crowd, even by Original Seven standards. She has two small feathery wings on her back as well, but rumors are going around that they're fake. (Likely started by her brother Dev. No comment from Angie herself.)

fingerprint Personality

Birds, peace and quiet


Loud noises, bickering

Fears and Phobias

Injuring herself in a fight

Hobbies and Interests

Meditation, people-watching


Asexual (and physically incapable)

Full Personality Description

Angie is quiet and peaceful, always sticking to the sidelines. She prefers not to involve herself in conflict whenever possible, and few people have ever seen her get truly angry. She understands that someone has to stop evil when it arises, but why bother involving yourself if that someone doesn't have to be you?

pan_tool Abilities
Specific Techniques and Other Powers

Holy Light: Angie revives someone back from the dead. Must be used immediately to take effect.

Prowess and Style

Angie prefers not to fight, but if need be, she is highly skilled with the Star Wand, able to unleash the greatest potential of its magical power. From long range only, however.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does Angie have?

Meditation instructor

Realm of Origin

Current Residence

edit Notes
Image Sources
help_outline Q&A
Are you more likely to admire wisdom or ambition in others?

"I don't see why the two can't coexist... A strong team needs equal amounts of each."

What is your biggest relationship flaw?

"Umm... I guess I have a hard time with conflict resolution. I always hope things will sort of figure themselves out."

What calms you down the best when under severe stress?

"Mindful meditation, without fail."

If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?

"I would wish for peace and happiness for all mankind."

Would you ever kill someone?

"No, never. And I don't condone it in others, either, under any circumstances."

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