info Overview
Name - What is Sholar’s full name?


Role - What is Sholar’s role in your story?

Fourth of the Original Seven

Age - How old is Sholar?


Gender - What is Sholar’s gender?




face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Sholar?


Weight - How much does Sholar weigh?

8 lbs.

Style of Dress


Full Physical Description

Sholar's bright orange color makes him easy to pick apart from other Star Ghosts, but his real trademark feature is his monocle, which is literally stuck to his face – he hardly has any eyebrows or cheekbones to hold it in place, so he uses glue instead. And yes, he sleeps with it on.

fingerprint Personality



People who don't pay attention, Pipe Man's ridiculous hat

Fears and Phobias

Losing his intelligence

Hobbies and Interests

Mathematical theory


Asexual (and physically incapable)

Full Personality Description

Sholar's heart is always in the right place, but he falls short when it comes to expressing his intentions properly. He can be very talkative, not realizing when others have lost interest, and argues with people about their appearance or mannerisms when he feels they're uncouth.

pan_tool Abilities
Specific Techniques and Other Powers

Bore: Sholar reads from his book about the Pythagorean theorem, putting all enemies to sleep.


The Star Wand

Prowess and Style

Sholar does not fight, instead using indirect methods of supporting his allies. Should his life depend on it, however, he can use the Star Wand to fend off attackers.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does Sholar have?

Mathematics instructor

Realm of Origin

Current Residence

edit Notes
Image Sources
help_outline Q&A
What do you find repulsive or disgusting?

"So many people carry themselves in such uncouth ways, what with their ripped clothes and their hair gel and their rock and roll... It baffles me, frankly!"

What is one of the most primary things you feel that is missing from your life?

"I have everything I need. We Star Ghosts lead simple lives."

Are you easily insulted?

"No, I merely take objection to those who would intentionally upset me!"

What is something you've always wanted to do, but know you shouldn't?

"I wish I could lock Rock up in a room and fix his obnoxious hairdo! It bothers me to no end!"

What would be the perfect gift for you?

"The latest version of 'Enstin's Guide to Triangles: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know and Then Some'!"

What is your philosophy on life?

"We must spend our lives educating the younger folk on what is smart, and what is right."


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