info Overview
Name - What is Pipe Man’s full name?

Pipe Man

Role - What is Pipe Man’s role in your story?

Hero of the Marshroom Kingdom

Other Names - What other aliases does Pipe Man go by?

PM (nickname)

Age - How old is Pipe Man?


Gender - What is Pipe Man’s gender?




face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Pipe Man?


Weight - How much does Pipe Man weigh?

135 lbs.

Style of Dress

Plain, baggy jeans, the color blue

Full Physical Description

Pipe Man is short for a boy his age but adds a bit of height with his poofy blue newsboy cap, emblazoned with a big black "K," which he is never seen without. Light brown hair sticks out from beneath the hat on all sides; it's always incredibly scruffy, not matter what he does to it. Rounded blue eyes and thick eyebrows give an intense edge to every expression he shoots at someone. Baggy clothes and the Pointy Stick of Omega in hand complete his look.

fingerprint Personality

Glory, loud cities, steak well-done


Fickle people, being ordered around, conspiracy theories

Fears and Phobias

Being forgotten, snakes

Hobbies and Interests

Pizza cooking, card games, magic tricks



Full Personality Description

PM doesn't exactly fit the ideal hero archetype. He's eager to be the hero the kingdom needs, but at the same time he's getting tired of putting up with constant requests from the Star Ghosts (particularly Merlino). He tends to be rather cynical and sarcastic, but loves to ham it up in combat doing things like calling his attacks and loudly barking orders to his partners.

pan_tool Abilities
Specific Techniques and Other Powers

Communion with the Original Seven, usage of Enchanted Flags

Prowess and Style

Most of Pipe Man's special abilities come from the flags gifted to him by the Star Ghosts. Each one grants a unique power, with most of his best attacks taking the form of flying kicks and other fancy footwork. Though his five partners are key to his fighting style, he is fairly competent on his own. He also seems to have a lot of fun in a fight, spouting banter and calling his attacks nonstop.

group Relationships
account_circle Life
Job - What job does Pipe Man have?

Designated hero of Marshroom Kingdom

Realm of Origin

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


Pipe Man was once a pizza chef working at M 'n' L Pizza, a popular restaurant in Roqueplot. Until one day, word reached him that Mowser had attacked Pear Castle, and PM decided he'd had enough of the working class life and wanted some damn adventure. He threw down his apron for good, and was called on by the Original Seven to defeat Mowser and save the Marshroom Kingdom. Even today, he's regularly seen whenever Mowser tries another one of his plots.

PM has five partners, whom he met in his travels and regularly fights alongside. There's:

  • Goombio, a Shoomba never seen without his own blue hat,

  • Doops, a blue-shelled Doopa Troopa who loves hanging out with his friends,

  • Duo, a Bomb-Oom with two fuses, a feature which seems unique to her,

  • Furry, a Fuzz with unusually soft fur that has everyone crowding around to pet her,

  • and Bao, an Ooo who uses his pranks for others' amusement and not just his own.

edit Notes
help_outline Q&A
Have you ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed you?

"The day I saw Princess Pear's castle go up in flames and heard Mowser had finally taken the Star Wand, I just KNEW I had to do something. Up until then I'd been sitting around making pizzas for the family business, but right then, I realized I wanted more. My life's never been the same since."

Are you bothered by the sight of blood?

"A little, but I don't get people who freak the heck out about it. It's just blood, we all have it."

Who, in your opinion, makes the best food?

"I mean... my brother, if I'm being honest. Don't tell him I said this, it'll go right to his head, but he's REALLY good at making pizza. I don't get wanting to stay in a job like that your whole life, but I'm happy for him, I guess."

If you were Creator for a day, what would you do?

"Uhh... I dunno, that sounds like too much responsibility... Maybe I'd put a statue of myself in the middle of Roqueplot or something."

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