info Overview
Name - What is ANBIS’s full name?




Role - What is ANBIS’s role in your story?

Automated Navigation Battle Information System

Other names - What other aliases does ANBIS go by?


Gender - What is ANBIS’s gender?

Male appearance

Age - How old is ANBIS?


face Looks
Weight - How much does ANBIS weigh?


Height - How tall is ANBIS?


Hair/Fur Color


Hair/Fur Style


Eye Color - What is ANBIS’s eye color?


Race - What is ANBIS’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does ANBIS have?

Blue highlights, mechanoid appearance

Character's Appearance

Emanating the aura of ancient legends, the character's head takes the form of a majestic jackal, reminiscent of the deity Anubis from Egyptian lore. The face, carved from shadows, hosts intense blue eyes which not only gleam but also effuse a golden energy, suggesting divine or supernatural powers. Crowned with a resplendent golden headdress, the intricate designs dance around a dominant central ruby gem. The inside of the jackal-like ears, with their gold-colored highlights, give an impression of both opulence and mystique.

The torso is swathed in luxurious black fur, providing a contrast backdrop for the eye-catching golden chestplate that embraces it. This ornate piece showcases meticulous carvings, with blue and red flourishes accentuating its elegance. Beneath its golden splendor, a pristine white tunic peeks out. Circling the neck, a broad golden collar, engraved with precision and studded with a medley of gemstones, accentuates the character's regal bearing.

Muscular arms, signifying strength and prowess, are adorned with shimmering golden bracers. An ethereal aura emanates from the hands; while the left hand exudes a vibrant golden flame or energy, the right confidently grasps a formidable staff, hinting at the character's martial and magical capabilities.

This isn't just any staff but a symbol of power and dominion. Bathed in gold and decorated with serene blue elements, the scepter pulsates with a golden energy. Equally impressive in stature as its bearer, it tells tales of battles won and lands conquered.

Lower Body:
Covering the lower body is a kilt or skirt-like attire, bejeweled with golden trims and vertical stripes of blue and red. Nestled at the center is a triangular pendant, its gold composition enhanced by red and blue details. The legs, mirroring the brawn of the arms, seem ready to propel the character into action or combat at a moment's notice.

These aren't ordinary feet. With elongated, clawed toes, they exude an aura of the wild, yet remain in perfect harmony with the rest of the majestic ensemble.

Full body:
Enshrouded in a layer of fur that slightly softens the details beneath, the character stands as an enigmatic fusion of the organic and the mechanical. While the jackal essence is undeniable, sharp, pointed angles around the ears and face introduce a slightly mechanoid touch, merging the realms of nature, machine, and mythology into one awe-inspiring entity.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does ANBIS have?


Motivations - What motivates ANBIS most?


Flaws - What flaws does ANBIS have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does ANBIS have?


Talents - What talents does ANBIS have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does ANBIS have?


Magical abilities

groups Social


Religion - What religion does ANBIS practice?


Politics - What politics does ANBIS have?


Favorite possession - What is ANBIS’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is ANBIS’s favorite weapon?


Job - What job does ANBIS have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is ANBIS’s birthday?


Education - What is ANBIS’s level of education?


Background - What is ANBIS’s background?

Artificial Life

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Anbis started out as a portable supercomputer used by Devellion Dayt for physics reserach and simulations, and to navigate using experimental techniques. He successfully navigated the PDRTV during the Point Insertion Pulse Detonation Event .

In 1 API, Dayt began working on an anthropomorphic body for ANBIS. For the next several years, Anbis received numerous upgrades, fitting EW suites and better sensors scavenged from military projects.

In 3 API, Anbis and Dayt escape their captivity on Baron 3b. Anbis accompanies Dayt to his homeworld, using his technology to mask their movement and manipulating comptuers to provide food and travel.

After Dayt concluded his personal travels, he took Anbis to Turner 12, where Dayt guessed a Porcine Republic reserach facility was located. Anbis rented a FTL ship to get the system, and successfully navigated a smaller craft into the debris and minefields. There, they discovered the Turner Aberrant Research Facility on Turner 12c.

Inside, Dayt discovers numerous advanced technolgies the Porcine were working on, including deep parts of the facility that are of Great Empire era origin. In a sealed off area, he uncovers an advanced android development facility. He uses leftover parts to considerably upgrade Anbis' capabilities.

During his reactivation, Anbis without realising it, makes contact with other Great Empire androids still active.

Upon returning to GRU space, Anbis and Dayt part ways. Anbis was working on his own development of advanced version of pulsefuel, more powerful than Dayt's Pulsefuel type 2. Seeing the devastation of Turner 12, knowing of the PIPD Event, and having heard Task's recount of the destruction of Atsalis, Anbis theorized that a denser, more powerful substance than Dayt's already-observable Pulsefuel type 2 was. Anbis called this substance Pulsefuel type 3, but did not disclose his idea to Dayt.

Anbis hired a private ship and its crew to take him to Atsalis, since the journey was too far for the small ship he had rented for the Turner 12 trip. In spite of his generous fee to be the sole patron of the journey, the Captain of the ship accepts the passage others, a small family desperate for cheap passage and discovered by Anbis only after they had set out.

To keep the crew in the dark about their destination, Dayt kept their course and speed a secret. When they got into orbit of Atsalis, Anbis arrange for all the crew and passangers to be secured away from the bridge, airlocks, and the obervation deck areas. Anbis transmitted a signal to Atsalis' automated defenses to let them pass, then he traveled to the surface in a small launch craft.

While on Atsalis, Anbis collected a number of relics, such as the Landager geneology and family artifacts, and other items of curio or sentimental value.

Anbis explored the equatorial crater and discovered Pulse residue there. At the center bottom of the crater Anbis found the remnants of a drill bit made of Solid Pulsefuel type 2, which appeared to have contacted a signficant quantity of type 3 and somehow caused a pulse detonation. Anbis guessed that the Atsalisians somehow had the capabilty to manufacture tools using the Pulsefuel, but lacked a significant understanding of its more esoteric properites. Anbis kept the drill bit.

Anbis returned to the ship to find that the crew had disobeyed his requests and knew that they were in orbit of Atsalis. The Captain confronted Anbis about the danger and recklessness of his actions. The Captain orders his crew to subdue Anbis for violating a GRU directive to stay away from Atsalis, but Anbis fights back, subduing the crew and getting shot several times in the processess. Anbis forced the crew and passengers into crystasis before returning to the surface. There, he retrived an Atsalisian light cruiser, and used that to return to GRU space, leaving the hired ship in orbit hidden inside the Atsalisian Defense Network.

In orbit of Werdans, Anbis went to the first spacedock and paid for 200 years of enclosed storage for the Atsalisian ship and his retrieved artifacts, and hired passage back to Dayt from there.

Using financial investment schemes and digital manipulation, Anbis accures a consirderably sum of money that he intends to use to provide himself and Dayt with a comfortable new life.

Upon urging from Dayt, the two return to Baron 3b to see if Task would join them in a new life. Task manages to convice Dayt to return to work for the GRU, and Anbis agrees to stay with Dayt for the duration.

Anbis uses his new abiliteis from Turner 12 to hack into protected GRU severs on Baron 3b, and transmits the data to another server off-world. Dayt uses this as blackmail to maintain leverage over the GRU, consolidating his power. Anbis can covertly communicate with Dayt using his radio to transmit his voice to a speaker in Dayt's ear.

Anbis often would accompany Dayt on his projects, both the Pulse Detonation Engine and other GRU tasks, proving to be a capable assistant and a gifted problem-solver in his own right.

Anbis and Task do not get along. Atsalisian culture has a distrust of automation, which Task extends to androids. Anbis protests that nothing he does is automated, per se, since he has full control over his own actions, similar to any living being's reflexes. Tasks argues with Dayt that Anbis could be dangerous and is uncontrollable. Anbis argues that if Task view him as no more than a machine, the risk he presents is no more than a moving vehicle. Dangerous, perhaps, but only along a somewhat preditable and anticipatable path. If he is not just a machine and he has free will, Anbis is no more dangerous than any living individual.

Anbis also argues with Tasks that, from a certain point of view, Anbis is more responsible for Exek's existance than Task is, since Anbis was the one controlling the PDRTV during the PIPD Event. This angers Task considerably, and Anbis continues by stating that, no matter how Task viewed Exek, he is not a father, but rather a caretaker, similar to Anbis' relationship with Dayt. Anbis conceeds that Exek needs a far more personal level of caretaking that Anbis would be able to provide.

Due to the Dayt's power struggle against Task and the GRU, Anbis becomes a bodyguard and muscle to protect Dayt for GRU intimidation. His strength far outmatches that of organic beings.

Dayt and Anbis work on a variety of black projects for the GRU.

In 6 API, Dayt discovers that his subordinates were suddenly all furloughed and that his project had been put on an indefinate hold. Anbis guesses that either the GRU thinks they are bluffing about the blackmail, or know that the release of the data would not be as deveastating as it once was.

GRU security lock down the ship and force Dayt and Anbis to return home, despite Anbis' suggestion that take direct action.

Anbis covertly asks Dayt if he is planning on offering Task an exit again. Dayt signals that he is. Anbis states that Task already made his choice once, and if Dayt thinks that Task would change his mind now. Dayt considers the possiblity of leaving Task and Exek behind.

Over dinner, Dayt and Anbis makes their move, spiking Task's drink with a dose of the knockout drug they had helped develop. Dayt and Anbis argue over wether to bring Task and Exek or not. Dayt argues they could just throw him in a locked room on the ship until they were clear. Anbis argued that Task had already decided to stay, and that bringing them along could jepardise their future survival.

They end up decideding to send Exek to bed and tell him that he didn't have school in the morning, and to not bother Task since he was very tired. They blindfold and gag Task and handcuff him to his bed, and damage the door to the room.

Dayt an Anbis then head back to the Mystic Trench. Anbis disables part of the perimeter security and the two sneak back onto the ship. Anbis sends radio traffic to make it seem like the GRU is confiscating the ship, trying to keep scrutiny off of the ship's launch activity. The ship's refueling takes a long time. After sunrise the following day, the first alarms begin to sound 10 minutes prior to launch. Hasty GRU attempts to access the ship were thwarted by the Mystic Trench's ignition sequence.

Task wakes up and escapes from his bondage just in time to watch the Mystic Trench lift off. Task rushes to the nearby spaceport and scrambles all available ships. He boards a corvette that lifts off in pursuit.

As the Mystic Trench ascends it orbit, the small patrol craft stationed around Baron 3b catch up and begin attacking. Anbis activates the Mystic Trench's automated weapon systems, which catches the pursuers off guard. Long range attacks manage to damage some of the Mystic Trench's engines, slowing their ascent. Anbis detects a task force of GRU ships in nearby system scramble to assist the force of Baron 3, consisting of several battleships and heavy cruisers. Anbis relises that the Mystic Trench's reduced speed means the task force will arrive before they can attempt a SFTL burn.

Realising he is trapped, Dayt hot mics his radio and begins the procedure for PDE activation.

The launch sequence has a few issues, but Dayt manually overrides them. Before commencing ignition, Dayt tells Tasks that he almost brough him and Exek, and hoped that he made the right decision.

Upon ignition, the Mystic Trench is engulfed in a massive cloud of burning space material, and vanishes from view.

Anbis started out as a lab grown circuit card created by Devellion Dayt for adaptive navigation experiments. Dev soon discovered that, due to the malleable medium that operated his memory and processing, Bis cannot simply be programmed using software; he cannot be coaxed or forced into thinking. Instead, he must be taught using software emulating the calculations that are required, using Bis as a sort of controller, like a player in a video game.

During the Point Insertion Pulse Detonation Event , Anbis, then BIS, successfully navigated the PDRTV, carrying Task Landager and Devellion Dayt to safety.

In 1 API, Devellion Dayt began construction of a physical form for Anbis, creating a mechanical head and additional circuit cards to give Anbis senses beyond Inputs and Outputs. The body was finished and installed in 2 API.

For the next several years, Anbis received numerous upgrades, fitting EW suites and better sensors scavenged from military projects.

In 3 API, Anbis travel to Turner 12c with Devellion Dayt based on data indicating the Porcine Republic had a facility there. Anbis theorized Pulse Aberration after analyzing the data.

In 6 API, the Pulse Detonation Engine Mishap sent Anbis and Devellion Dayt on a 1000 year voyage to Earth. Devellion Dayt elected to enter cryogenic stasis, instructing Anbis to wake him if they are rescued or if stasis begins to fail. The PDETV "Mystic Trench" lands in present day Groom Lake, Nevada in 12621 BP, traveling to the past (relatively) in the process.

Anbis initially guards the PDETV "Mystic Trench" for 150 years, but soon gets bored and starts exploring Earth in 12475.

In 12473 BP, Anbis finds an abandoned female American Lion cub, starving and sick. He decides to help and ultimately adopt the cub, naming the cub Ms. Kitty Atrox. He returns to the PDETV "Mystic Trench" for a safer environment to raise her. However, she had no natural immunity to the alien infections aboard, and soon fell ill and died. On a whim, Anbis constructs a device to keep Ms. Kitty Atrox "alive" with cybernetics that have progressive growth. After three years, in 12470 BP, Ms. Kitty Atrox's natural development causes her to becomes aggressive and territorial with Anbis, and she leaves after a fight. Anbis worries about the possibilty of an outbreak caused by the PDETV "Mystic Trench", and buries the ship beneath Groom Lake. He leaves to explore again in 12460.

Anbis continues exploring the Earth, walking to South America, traveling along the West coast, arriving at Isla Hornos in 12402 BP. He then traveled up the Eastern Coast, arrive back at Panama in 12370. He then Traveled up through Central America along the East Coast arriving back at Groom Lake in 12353 BP. Anbis gathers materials and modifies himself for 7 years, setting out again in 12346. He walks along the South Coast of North Amierca to the Easternomst Tip, arriving in 12323. Then he continues North, arriving at Bylot Island in 12280. Moving West, he arrives at Point Hope in 12263. Traveling along the West Coast, he arrives in Unimak Island in 12250. He detects the Alaskan-Russo Landbridge, but does not cross at this point. He continues South, traveling along the West coast until he arrives back at groom lake in 12229.

Anbis began experimentation of Pulse Aberration in 12225 BP, cannibalizing the PDETV "Mystic Trench"'s Pulse Detonation Engine to make one of smaller size to install in himself. He transports into and almost gets stuck inside of a Gravity Impulse Field, and is almost destroyed when he escapes in 11897 BP. He spends the next 120 years repairing and upgrading himself, and is fully operational again in 11776 BP.

As he experiments with pulse technology, he discovers another form of Aberrant Material, which he names Pure Pulse for its much lighter and more potent charteristics. He further develops this into Pulse Aberration .

The 1859 Carrington event disables LOC-Net, blindig them from dangerious stellar activity.
The May 1922 Solar Flare catches Anbis, Ms. Kitty Atrox and Mr. Tallow by suprise and disables them.

In May 1940, Anbis moves to Great Britain from France due to the German invasion. There he discovers the British are working on atomic weapons. He reassigns Tallow from the US to British to help defeat British counter intelligence.

In 1942 AD, the USAAF discovers the PDETV "Mystic Trench" under Groom Lake, and make an attempt to access it shortly thereafter. Anbis, Ms. Kitty Atrox, and Mr. Tallow are alerted and rush back to Groom Lake. Kitty is the nearest in Siberia, and monitors the ship as she starts moving back. This indirectly causes the battle of LA as the US detects the radio signals. Kitty is unable to cross the Pacific due to the war, but manages to scare off the Americans untill Anbis and Tallow arrive.

Disabled in 1921 Solar Storm.

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