info Overview
Name - What is Task Landager’s full name?

Task Landager


Civilian (Commander)

Role - What is Task Landager’s role in your story?

Commander of AAF 1st Directorate

Other names - What other aliases does Task Landager go by?

Task, Agent Fulcrum, Gambit, Team Lead Helix

Gender - What is Task Landager’s gender?


Age - How old is Task Landager?

55 equivalent human years

face Looks
Weight - How much does Task Landager weigh?

450 lbs (204.1kg)

Height - How tall is Task Landager?

7'9" (2.32m)

Hair/Fur Color


Hair/Fur Style

Short, straight

Eye Color - What is Task Landager’s eye color?


Race - What is Task Landager’s race?

Blank Panther

Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Task Landager have?

Purple irises

Character's Appearance

The panther's head is sleek with a deep black coat of fur. Its eyes are a striking shade of purple, emitting an aura of authority and vigilance. The facial structure is sharp, with pronounced cheekbones and a stoic expression.

Adorned in meticulously crafted armor, the torso is protected by a breastplate segmented with silver outlines and intricate designs. The chest armor showcases a blend of gray and black hues, and it converges into a belt that features an emblematic circular buckle, possibly signifying rank or affiliation. Draped over the left shoulder is a cascading dark cloak, suggesting a mark of distinction.

Both arms are armored with gauntlets extending to the elbows, featuring detailed engravings. The character's right hand grasps a folded piece of cloth, perhaps a part of the cloak or another garment, while the left hand is poised openly, revealing protective gloves.

Lower Body:
Clad in a pair of fitted armored pants that reflect the same craftsmanship as the torso, the character's lower body showcases strength and agility. The pants are segmented with silver designs, mirroring the upper body armor, and held up by a detailed belt with pouches, likely for utility.

The panther's feet are large and paw-like, with powerful toes tipped with formidable claws. They're bare, emphasizing the natural prowess and agility of the panther.

Full body:
Viewed in totality, the character exudes an aura of authority, discipline, and strength. The combination of the natural panther features with the intricately designed armor suggests a warrior of high rank or a leader in a military or royal hierarchy. The three different poses provide a comprehensive view of the character, from a full frontal to a side profile and a rear view, allowing one to appreciate the meticulous details of the character's design and attire.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Task Landager have?

Landager is described as being very direct, not holding conversation beyond what he deems to be necessary. He is very introverted and rarely deviates from his rigid schedule to socialize beyond duty. He maintains a professional posture and military bearing that extends to his work, ensuring that rules and procedures and followed efficiently. Nonetheless, he does not mind being challenged and is willing to take criticism for his choices.

In war, Landager commands that both AAF soldiers and their foe follow established laws of armed conflict, with serious consequences for any who break such trust.

For the tiny number of those who have known him closers, namely Exek Landager and Devellion Dayt , a different side to him is known. They describe him as a tortured soul, rife with self-doubt, and haunted by the loss of Atsalis and his own actions thereafter. His suffering is silent, whether compelled or by choice is unknown. He is comforted by the two's presence and lightens up as he realizes the family still has. In their absence, however, the ghosts of the past haunt him, and he becomes anxious for their future and safety.

Motivations - What motivates Task Landager most?

He is motivated by his desire to provide for Exek Landager and his empire

Flaws - What flaws does Task Landager have?

Self Doubt, Anxiety, Worried about Exek Landager

Prejudices - What prejudices does Task Landager have?

He has a severe lack of trust in 'self aware' artificial intelligence.

Talents - What talents does Task Landager have?

Military Genius, Master Swordsman, Sharpshooter, Aircraft Pilot, Spy

Hobbies - What hobbies does Task Landager have?


Magical abilities

groups Social




Religion - What religion does Task Landager practice?

Atsalisian warriorship

Politics - What politics does Task Landager have?

Landager's political view has changed greatly over the course of his life. He currently exhibits a generally egalitarian worldview, but also has traits of militarism, industrialist, and even imperialism, to a degree. He believes that a strong central government is needed to ensure the security of the AAF against other hostile space-faring civilizations. Reflecting after the loss of Atsalis, the ideology of isolationism and self-reliance exhibited by the late Atsalisians contributed to their extinction, he believed and was self-justification in the coup leading to the end of the GRU.

Favorite possession - What is Task Landager’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Task Landager’s favorite weapon?


Job - What job does Task Landager have?

Commander AAF First Directorate

date_range History
Birthday - When is Task Landager’s birthday?

32 npi

Education - What is Task Landager’s level of education?

Informal University as a warrior on Atsalis. He would later undergo further training as part of a GRU agent program.

Background - What is Task Landager’s background?

Prince Warrior

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Task Landager is a black panther with remarkable dark fur. His eyes are purple, and he has a long pantherine tail. He stands on two legs with a height of about eight feet. Landager is described as being very direct, not holding conversation beyond what he deems to be necessary. He is very introverted and rarely deviates from his rigid schedule to socialize beyond duty. He maintains a professional posture and military bearing that extends to his work, ensuring that rules and procedures and followed efficiently. Nonetheless, he does not mind being challenged and is willing to take criticism for his choices. As Commander of the All Allied Forces, he has executive oversight of all military activities, and plays a significant and direct role in their foreign policy.

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Task Landager

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Task Landager

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Task Landager

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Task Landager

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Task Landager

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Task Landager

Item chevron_right Original Owners link linked Task Landager

Government chevron_right Leaders link linked Task Landager

Lore chevron_right Characters link linked Task Landager

Race chevron_right Famous figures link linked Task Landager

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Task Landager

Character chevron_right Children link linked Task Landager

Scene chevron_right Characters in scene link linked Task Landager

Technology chevron_right How It Works link mentioned Task Landager

Sport chevron_right Famous games link mentioned Task Landager

Town chevron_right Citizens link linked Task Landager

Character chevron_right Superiors link mentioned Task Landager

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