info Overview
Name - What's the name of All Allied Forces?

All Allied Forces

Description - How would you describe All Allied Forces?

Multiplanet Coalition

view_list Structure
Type Of Government - What type of government is All Allied Forces?

Technocratic Replublic

Power Structure - How is All Allied Forces's power structured? How is it organized? Who has what powers?

The AAF is divided into two main governments: The General Assembly, in which the people of the AAF are represented, and the Directorate, which is the combined power of the planets.

The General Assembly is a multilevel republic with representation in local, regional, and planetwide government.

The local government consists of counties within the region

The directorates, each covering their own jurisdictions.

The First Directorate is charged with the active expansion and defense of the coalition.

The Second Directorate is charged with the standby readiness and defense of planets

The Third Directorate is charged with the outward representation of the coalition to any other power.

The Fourth Directorate is charged with the interplanetary cooperation between planets of the coalition.

Power Source - Where does All Allied Forces's source of power come from?

Nuclear and renewable souces

Checks And Balances - What checks and balances does All Allied Forces have in place?

The AAF's member planets convene for general affairs and have the power to dictate into a charter the operating procedures and limitations to the Directorates. They also have the power to recall Directorate leaders to answer for their actions. This is because the Directorates, especially the 1st and 3rd, can have a greater amount of leeway while abroad.

Jobs - What jobs does All Allied Forces provide? What jobs are necessary to run it?

The AAF provides a plethora of jobs, specifically in the military sector and diplomatic personnel. The AAF also sponsors a lot of jobs via contracts for the production of military materials.

cloud Ideologies
Sociopolitical - What sociopolitical ideologies does All Allied Forces hold?

-Habitable planets are rare; the Government and People have a responsibility to minimize the impact on the health of the planet.
-The workplace must be made to eliminate occupational risks; the Government has an obligation to impose regulations to protect workers.
-Prisoners of War are not slaves; the Government has an obligation to repatriate captured individuals or provide a path to naturalization.

Socioeconomical - What socioeconomical ideologies does All Allied Forces hold?

-Poverty is a failure of society; Government institutions pay citizens a minimum wage to improve the quality of life.
-Individual health is public health; the Government has an interest in public health and provides the means to healthcare.
-Education builds the future; the Government provides a standard of education to all AAF citizens, especially children.

Geocultural - What geocultural ideologies does All Allied Forces hold?

The AAF maintains sovereignty over the systems under its banner and maintains the right to deny passage or entry of foreign vessels. In addition, the AAF will impose jurisdiction on vessels granted passage, as well as foreign visitors to planets and starbases.

The AAF maintains sovereignty over its diplomats and soldiers. They are the extension of the government and operate on diplomatic immunity. To persona non grata an AAF Directorate member is to disbar the AAF itself unless the AAF grants the individual persona non grata. The reasoning is the individual would be operating under orders from the AAF itself, and to reject that individual is to reject the AAF.

The AAF has an obligation to render aid to vessels in need.

Laws - What are the laws of All Allied Forces?

Most laws are very similar to the former GRU and have a similarity when compared to Earth countries like the United States. However, the AAF is considerably less of a police state than both. The AAF focused on reducing crime by raising the living standard and reducing police over enforcement.

Immigration - What immigration policies and ideologies does All Allied Forces hold?

Immigrants are welcome

Privacy Ideologies - What does All Allied Forces think about privacy?

Generally, there is a right to privacy in private and a right to not be disturbed in public.

gavel Process
Electoral Process - What is the electoral process of All Allied Forces?


Term Lengths - What are the term lengths for people in All Allied Forces?


Criminal System - What is All Allied Forces's criminal system like?

In order of priority: Prevention first, rehabilitation second, punishment third

visibility Populace
Approval Ratings - What do the people think of All Allied Forces? What are their approval ratings?

Mediocre good

International Relations - What do international governments think about All Allied Forces? How are their relations?

AAF's internation relations focus on all of Earth's countries.

Civilian Life - What is civilian life like for the people ruled by All Allied Forces?

Very free and dynamic; UBI makes essential guaranteed, allowing great creative freedom and innovation.

group Members
Military - What does All Allied Forces's military look like?

Expansive and Advanced combined forces of Space, Air, Land, Sea, and Undersea forces

Navy - What does All Allied Forces's navy look like?


Airforce - What does All Allied Forces's airforce look like?

A diverse mixture of multirole aircraft

Space Program - Does All Allied Forces have a space program? What is it like?

Serious sustained exploration and contact

date_range History
Founding Story - How was All Allied Forces created? What is its founding story?

The AAF was founded following a military coup inside the GRU

Flag Design Story - How was All Allied Forces's flag designed?


Notable Wars - What notable wars throughout history has All Allied Forces been involved in?

First and Second Porcine Wars

Holidays - What holidays are relevant to All Allied Forces's history? What holidays does it recognize?

Victory Day,

edit Notes

(The All Allied forces is an multi-planet advanced alien civilization comprised of animal-like bipeds. The AAF forces mostly consists of Canids, such as wolves, foxes, and coyotes, and Felids, such as tigers, lions, and jaguars. The AAF is led by Commander Task Landager, a black jaguar with purple eyes.)

(The All Allied Forces military is significant. The AAF has advanced, heavily armed spaceships. Their weapons are generally conventional firearms, but highly advanced. This includes tanks, aircraft, and infantry weapons. The AAF has advanced military logistics and deployment strategies.)

The AAF has built an artificial archipelago in the Pacific ocean with the permission of the United Nations, and later invaded and annexed Iran after Iran attacked one of their cargo ships. The AAF focus on rebuilding and investing in their new territory, AAF Iran, to turn it into a modern economic powerhouse.)

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