info Overview
Name - What is Exek Landager’s full name?

Exek Landager


Chief Ambassador

Role - What is Exek Landager’s role in your story?

Chief Ambassador AAF Third Directorate

Other names - What other aliases does Exek Landager go by?

Exek, Ex

Gender - What is Exek Landager’s gender?


Age - How old is Exek Landager?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Exek Landager weigh?


Height - How tall is Exek Landager?


Hair/Fur Color


Hair/Fur Style

Short, straight

Eye Color - What is Exek Landager’s eye color?


Race - What is Exek Landager’s race?

Black Panther

Linked Races

Skin Tone

Black fur / Jaguar Spots

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Exek Landager have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Exek Landager have?

Professional, Observant, Arbitrator, Diplomatic, Friendly, Warm, Good, Social,

Motivations - What motivates Exek Landager most?

He is motivated by his desire to do well by Task Landager

Flaws - What flaws does Exek Landager have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Exek Landager have?


Talents - What talents does Exek Landager have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Exek Landager have?


Magical abilities

groups Social




Religion - What religion does Exek Landager practice?


Politics - What politics does Exek Landager have?


Favorite possession - What is Exek Landager’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Exek Landager’s favorite weapon?
Job - What job does Exek Landager have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Exek Landager’s birthday?


Education - What is Exek Landager’s level of education?


Background - What is Exek Landager’s background?


device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Exek is created during the PIPD event as the PDRTV was impacted by the Pulse Wave.

Task positioned forward of the Pulse Resonance Generator which, upon impact from the Pulse Wave from Porcia Prime, caused the generator to sheer free from its mount and warp through Task, creating Exek as a byproduct. Anbis, without being able to remember it, had a role in keeping Task alive and giving life to Exek by maintaining and directing the pulse field.

Exek was discovered after the PDRTV crash landed on the GRU planet Awerty. Task was incapacitated, so Dayt did his best to provide for him in his first hours. Dayt, Task, and Exek were taken to a military field hospital, where Dayt and Task were detained and questioned on their undocumented status. Dayt found a wet nurse for Exek, and assumed that he was somehow created by or from Task.

When presented with Exek by the hospital staff, Task maintained that he did not have a child, but Dayt insisted that, somehow, Task was likely the "father" even if he did not have any proof.

Task realised that if what Dayt said was true, Exek could be a full-blooded Atsalisian, meaning that Task was no longer the last.

While with the medical staff and refugees, Task sought out parenting advice.

During pediatric medical care and check ups, doctors were confused by test results, namely DNA tests, that could not differentiate between Task and Exek, confirming Dayt's hypothesis.

As a single father, Task often used daycare services to watch Exek whenever he had to be in an office. During his roles as Dayt's handler, he often took Exek with him.

Exek was naturally taught Felid-speak first, and Task taught him Atsalisian and Kunlaang simultainiously, often leading to confusion to his daysitters and frustration to Exek, who didn't know why some people couldn't understand him. This lead to slight delays in his learning.

Dayt and Anbis disappear when Exek is 6. Exek forgets them due to childhood amnesisia.

Exek and Task move locations to Severo several month after the PDE mishap.

Exek begins primary school after the move, and is required by Task to wear green contacts to mask his ethnicity.

His unusual heritage and family culture causes a few problems in class. Namely, his lack of a mother and the fact Task doesn't want him to disclose he is an Atsalisian. Exek must lie and say they are just Felids from with the GRU.

In 10 API, Task is deployed to Fendtegad in support of the GRU takeover of the planet. Task brings Exek along so the GRU doesn't kidnap him for medical experimentation.

By 12 API, Exek is tired of living in a cramped ship and wants to live a normal life on a planet. Task awknoledges Exek's struggle, and how the whole situation was unfair to him. Task promises he is doing everything he can to keep Exek happy.

In 13 API, Task was seriously injured in a mudslide, and discloses to Rahm Mach about Exek's existance so that Mach can take care of Exek if he dies. Task survives and is evacuated, but is incapacitated due to his injuries.

Mach and Salazar covertly approach Exek, who had been warned about talking to anyone on the ship. They manage to gain his trust and bring him to an unconcious Task so he could see him.

During this adventure, General Powersk discovers them and accuses Mach and Salazar of harboring a stowaway. Mach is forced to disclose what Task to him to Powersk, and convices Powersk to maintain Task's cover for their sake. What Powersk learns from this meeting forms the building blocks of the Coup.

Task's injury relegates him to less active roles, allowing him to spend more time with Exek. Powersk upgrade their accomodations abord the ship.

After leaving Gnollroq, Task is stationed at Werdans as a melee arms instructor, at Powersk's intervention. Not long after, the Coup happens. Task partcipates in the action and saves a loyalist official form being lynched. Task gives Exek a pistol and instucts him to maintain a watch on the prisoner. Exek begins to realise what Task was doing for the GRU all this time.

After the coup, Exek resumes secondary school and begins to develop a normal social life.

Exek discovers an image of himself being held by Dayt next to Task and Anbis while intruding in Task's room. He realises that Dayt is the author of several books that they have. He tries to read them but finds them too dense. Exek is fixated on this part of his and Task's life he has no recollection of. Exek begins to seek answers on his own, not disclosing to Task what he's found.

Exek tries to look up Dayt in a public database, but only finds his death as being 13 BPI, far before he was born and before the destruction of Atsalis. For the picture to exist was impossible in multiple ways.

Exek knew that he was on Baron 3b for a long time when he was young, and his school was taking a voluntary trip out there for those interested in military service. Exek had initially not wanted to go, but conviced his organiser and Task that he had changed his mind.

Task thinks that it is not worth Exek's time, but Exek thinks that it would be worth the perspective and that he might learn about the new government that is being created for the former GRU. Task still doesn't want Exek to go, but does not want to be overbearing.

Exek intiially finds a lot less than he was expecting about Dayt. There is no record of him or even Task anywhere that can be found. He tries to find thier residence, but there are soo many houses it is impossible.

His class visits the shipyard where the Mystic Trench was kept, now repurposed into a training environment. The guide states that it was decomissioned after it was damaged in a launch. Exek recalls he watched a launch happen, probably from the facility, but the guide insists that it was discommisioned much longer ago. Exek searches around and finds hints of battle damage, fire, and forced entry. This doesn't make sense because the entire planet was owned by the GRU. The only people around to break in would be GRU themselves. Exek exhausts his leads, and cannot determine any more facts from the facility.

The class is brought before General Powersk as he makes a speech welcoming them and imploring them to consider military service. Exek recongises him, and after the speech, sneaks off to find Powersk staff office. He gets access by telling his staff he has questions for the general about what he would want to see out of a subordinate.

Powersk intends to make a learning opportunity of whatever prospective officer came knocking on his door, but is appalled when the teenage Exek Landager appears before him.

Powersk first asks if Task knows Exek is here, which he replies that he does, even if he tried to dissuade him from coming.

Powersk then asks why Exek his here, and Exek asks why his presence causes such discomfort. Powersk replies that such questions are for Task, not him. Exek replies that he cannot rely on his father for everything, and must find some things on his own.

Powersk states that anything Task wouldn't or didn't tell Exek was to protect him.

Exek tells Powersk that he saw a picture of himself being held by a wolf who officially died 15 years before he was born, next to another weird looking one who never existed.

Powersk tells Exek that the line he is walking is the one between espionage and treason and urged Exek to not pursue the matter. Task's aquitances were the subject of the highest GRU security and the disclosure of such would represent a major breach.

Exek says he though the GRU was gone after the coup. Powersk states that some things are best left buried than made public.

Exek asks if what Task and Powersk were doing on Fendtegad and other places was one of those things.

Powersk says that those happens destroyed the GRU by shattering the military's trust, and that all the difficulties being experinces across the region were a result. Powersk goes to far as to say that if things don't change soon, the former GRU may start degenerating and falling back into darkness, because of what Task was doing. Powersk says he cannot blame Task for anything; it was beyond his control. But what Exek is doing is easily within.

Exek is discouraged and the next few days yield no further results. Exek studies Dayt's books further, but doesn't learn anything.

The day before the return to Werdans, the class is taken to a park. Exek recognizes the park from the cover of one of Dayt's books, and he and his friends search the area. They find a headstone hidden away for Dayt, but are forced to leave before they can search it. Exek thinks that something may be buried there because of Atsalisian tradition, so he returns at night and digs the area up. He recovers several things, including Dayt's journal, and head back.

Someone see him digging up the area and security forces are called. They find Exek on the way back and he tries to flee, ditching his bag as he does. He is arrested and put in confinement.

His friends look for him in the morning before they leave, but only find his bag. They take it with them.

Powersk learns that Exek was arrested and goes to the jail to release him. He is somewhat suprised as he releaed him that Exek didn't break out.

Exek goes off on a rant about how Task didn't want to induct him into Atsalisian knighthood because he wanted Exek to have a chance at a normal life, that the tradition had died for that purpose. In spite of this, it was impossible for him to have a normal life because everything about it was abnormal. In every way, he was like his father. An inaccessible past, a stagnant present, and a nonexistant future. He had to lie every day about every facet of his life. Furthermore, it was people like Powersk who perpetuated this by continuing to keep his own past in the dark, and if he though that he was going to stop now then Powersk should put him back in the cell and lock the door.

Powersk replied that he is done trying to get Exek to see his way. He awknoledges that, despite Tasks' intentions, he has probably felt like he has been treated like a child, when he is no longer one. He warns Exek, though, that what is hidden is hidden for a reason. There are reasons a new government doesn't exist yet, and that there are people out there that fully intend to stop one from forming. Should the coup ultimatly fail, Powersk would likely be killed with a lot a people, and probably Task and Exek too. The threat is real, and if he didn't think Powersk was telling the truth, just ask Task.

Exek was returned to the passenger ship in orbit, where his friends gave him the his bag with the journal, and return to Werdans.

Exek begins reading the journal on the ride back.

When they return to Werdans station, Exek and his friends need to find a storage faciliity to transfer their things back planetside. When Exek inquires at desk of the first storage facility, he is told he already has an account and storage paid for. Exek assumes Task set it up, and he and his friends arrainge for the transfer and then visit the station.

Exek is called back to the storage facility because his things had been delivered, and that he needed to load them into the unit. This was unusual because the cargo pods are normally loaded by the storage facility. Exek and his friends return and realise that what they thought was a cargo pod was actually a spaceship, an Atsalisian cruiser. It had been hidden there under the name Anbis Dayt, and paid forward for 200 years. Exek Landager and Devillion Dayt were names also authorized to access, but not Task. Biometeric data had been entered for Exek, even though he had never registered there before.

Exek pays for and transfers his stuff to a cargo pod, and explores the ship.

Inside he finds numerous atsalisian artifacts, documents, and reserach equipment. He also finds the nameplate of the Candor.

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