info Overview
Name - What is the name of Pulse Aberration ?

Pulse Aberration

Description - How would you describe Pulse Aberration ?

Maniuplating elements of space using Pulse

Type of magic - What type of magic is Pulse Aberration ?


flash_on Appearance
Visuals - What do the visual effects of Pulse Aberration look like?

Mostly bending in lights or the complete absence of light where it is taking place.

Effects - What effects does Pulse Aberration have?

Teleportation, Clocking, Manipulation of Computers

Aftereffects - What visual effects persist after Pulse Aberration ?


flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Pulse Aberration have?

No effects

Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Pulse Aberration have?

No effects

Negative effects - What negative effects does Pulse Aberration have?

No effects



Scale - How does the power level of Pulse Aberration scale?

Dependant on the amount of Pulse and the will of the user.

polymer Alignment
Element - What element is Pulse Aberration most closely aligned to?


Morality - How good or bad is Pulse Aberration ?

Morally Neutral

Respectability - How respected are users of Pulse Aberration ?

Most users do not reveal their usage.

lock Requirements
Resource costs - What resource costs are required to use Pulse Aberration ?


Materials required - What materials are required to use Pulse Aberration ?


Skills required - What skills are required to use Pulse Aberration ?

Users must know how to manipulate the gravity wells produced by Pulse Detonation

Limitations - What limitations does Pulse Aberration have? What can't it do?

Users must have enough Pulse to detonate and be strong enough to use it.

Education - What needs to be learned before Pulse Aberration can be used?

Users must have an understanding of how gravity and time are effected to use Pulse Aberration effectivly.

edit Notes


Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Pulse Aberration

Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked Pulse Aberration

Lore chevron_right Magic link linked Pulse Aberration

Universe chevron_right Magic System link mentioned Pulse Aberration

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