info Overview
Name - What is Devellion Dayt’s full name?

Devellion Dayt



Role - What is Devellion Dayt’s role in your story?

DS, Mad Engineer

Other names - What other aliases does Devellion Dayt go by?


Gender - What is Devellion Dayt’s gender?


Age - How old is Devellion Dayt?

43 at PI

face Looks
Weight - How much does Devellion Dayt weigh?

400lbs (181.4kg)

Height - How tall is Devellion Dayt?

7'4" (2.23m)

Hair/Fur Color


Hair/Fur Style

Medium length, somewhat shaggy

Eye Color - What is Devellion Dayt’s eye color?


Race - What is Devellion Dayt’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Devellion Dayt have?


Character's Appearance

The creature's head is strikingly wolf-like, adorned with a thick, luxurious coat of brilliant white fur. Penetrating amber eyes exude a mysterious and wise aura, bordered by dark markings that accentuate their intensity. Resting above its eyes are green-tinted goggles, hinting at a purposeful use, perhaps protection or enhanced vision.

The body, draped in a snug-fitting beige shirt, is lined with various leather straps, pockets, and harnesses, resembling an explorer or inventor's attire. The attire is laden with intriguing details, such as vials of multicolored substances and secured pouches, signifying a preparedness for unforeseen adventures or experiments.

Robust and well-defined, the arms are swathed in bands and wrist guards, bearing the marks of a seasoned traveler. The creature's hands, though not entirely visible, indicate dexterity, equipped to handle intricate tasks or grip necessary tools with precision.

Lower Body:
The explorer's theme continues down to the creature's pants, which are made of the same beige fabric as the shirt. They are also adorned with pockets and straps, storing an array of tools and devices, perfect for a journey into the unknown.

Unique in form, the creature's feet, while wolf-like, are structured for bipedal stance. They are large, providing stability and are unshod, highlighting the creature's natural instincts and adaptability to diverse terrains.

Full body:
Standing with an assertive posture, this anthropomorphic white wolf is an embodiment of adventure and wisdom. Combining the raw elegance of a wolf with the attire of an intrepid explorer or inventive scientist, the character seems ever-ready for the challenges that lie ahead. Every accessory, from goggles to vials, tells a story of countless voyages and experiments. One can't help but feel that this creature is a master of both the natural world and the realms of invention.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Devellion Dayt have?

Dayt is an eccentric researcher and inventor of many odd and unusual devices. He gets overexcited about an idea and spends days working nonstop to create a prototype or to discover the answer to some seemingly futile question.

Since his methods are considered unrealistic and outlandish, he often gets rejected and ridiculed by those with whom he shares his ramblings, which discourages and diminishes his spirit greatly.

Motivations - What motivates Devellion Dayt most?

He is motivated to advance technology with his inventions.

Flaws - What flaws does Devellion Dayt have?

He has limited moral constraints when it comes to his projects. Just because he can make something doesn't mean he should.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Devellion Dayt have?


Talents - What talents does Devellion Dayt have?

Talented inventor, researcher, engineer.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Devellion Dayt have?

Talented inventor, researcher, engineer.

groups Social




Religion - What religion does Devellion Dayt practice?


Politics - What politics does Devellion Dayt have?


Favorite possession - What is Devellion Dayt’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Devellion Dayt’s favorite weapon?


Languages spoken

Job - What job does Devellion Dayt have?

Theoretical Engineer

date_range History
Birthday - When is Devellion Dayt’s birthday?

43 BPI

Education - What is Devellion Dayt’s level of education?


Background - What is Devellion Dayt’s background?


device_hub Family
edit Notes

Devellion Dayt was born in 43 BPI to a middle class family in a techno-industrial planet. At a young age, he was afforded time and resources for personal projects.

Dayt was eventually able to enter into a prestigious university and pursued a DS in Experimental Physics. His thesis for Experimental Physics was "Gravitation Wave Influence of Dark Matter," which uses his unpublished Theoretical Physics thesis of Dark Matter Medium.

Two months before he submitted his thesis and published his theory, his class took a trip to Fendtegad to observe the impact of a large comet into a gas giant. The trip took 1 month. The event was less impressive than expected, so his professor implored the tour company to take them to the Turner 12 system on the edge of Porcine Republic space to observe the unusual formations. The ship arrived at Turner 12 2 months later. Dev could not submit his thesis due to the range from GRU space.

After arrival to Turner 12, the tour ship struck a mine laid by the Porcine Empire, crippling the ship, and separating Dayt from the rest of the survivors. Dayt continued his work as if nothing had happened. After a week adrift, a Porcine Patrol investigated distress calls, and rescued all survivors, except for Dayt. He continued to live on the derelict ship for two weeks until a Porcine salvage team arrived to scrap the wreck.

As the scrappers began disassembling the ship, Dayt simply packed up his experiments and walked onto the salvage ship, found a small corner to set up his gear, then started stripping valuable materials from the tour ship for use in projects. He wasn't detected until he took of his survivor gear to eat in the mess when he was out of survival meals. He was promptly thrown in the brig, a locked supply closet, and the ships captain messaged the Porcine Security Forces at the Turner 12c facility for assistance.

There was only one individual at the Turner research facility that spoke Kunlaang, an Astronomer doing research on Aberrant Materials. He translated for the security chief during Dayt's interrogation. The security chief thought he was a spy or sabatuer, so Dayt had to explain what his theories were and what his projects hoped to accomplish. The Astronomer brought this information to his colleagues, and they attempted to validate Dayt's thesis. They eventually found that Dayt's Theoretical Physics had essentially solved a major hurdle in Aberrant Material research mathematically, without ever observing specimen.

The Porcine now had a dilemma.

They could learn all they Dayt's research and return him to the GRU as they'd done with the rest of the passengers, but then Dayt may tell the GRU about the Porcine's more than casual interest in his theories, which could flag the Porcine Aberrant Material Weaponization Project to the GRU.

They could also simply impress Dayt into their research team, and hope the GRU doesn't come looking for him. The GRU had noticed his disappearance, but their interest in him wasn't exactly overwhelming.

They elected the latter, taking Dayt to the Amon Quest research station in orbit of Porcine Prime to continue his work. With the State funding his research and having a small team of researchers, Dev worked tirelessly for 13 years developing a Pulse Detonation Repulser, an experimental FTL device, and the Porcine were eager to build it.

When the majority of the PIPD Cannon was built, the Porcine transferred Dayt to evaluate it. Dayt was less than impressed; the Porcine had altered his design radically. Dayt had designed a cubical accelerator to efficiency transfer a large number of ships to FTL. The Porcine had redesigned it to a linear accelerator for better single object performance.

Dayt spent the next two years testing and optimizing the PIPD Cannon for long range and high velocity. Dayt was given a set of desired parameters to strive for. The Porcine also let him build a PDR test vehicle to maintain their cover. Dayt tried to determine the effect of such a high velocity cannon, but was unable to theorize.

In the Point Insertion Pulse Detonation Event , Task meets Dayt after infiltrating the PIPD Cannon. Task convinces Dayt the station is indeed a weapon, and Dayt agrees to leave. Task signals his team for extraction, but the Porcine intercept the signal, forcing the rescue to break off. At the same time, Dayt gathers his research team, who are loyal to him, and tells them to prepare to leave at once. The meeting runs long, as one of the researchers get a sample off of the "test boilerplate" in the PIPD Cannon to analyze. The collectively theorize PIPD. The Porcine Security break into the room, and a fight ensues, most of the researchers are killed, but Task and Dayt escape into conduits. Dev suggests destroying the station to prevent its use, Task agrees. They split up, with Task going to the command center to place explosives, with Dayt going to his test room to collect his things, against Tasks recommendation. At the command center, Task decides to use the PIPD Cannon on the Porcine planet, planting the charges as a backup.

Task arrived at at the PDR first, by almost a minute. Dayt was being chased by two PCF, who had radioed Dayt's location. Task shot one, and forced the other to take cover. Dayt got shot in the leg by PCF, which slowed him considerably. The two managed to get in the ship under fire, Dayt powered up the craft and hooked Bis up while Task activated and calibrated the Resonance Sail.

The PIPD fired at the systems star, causing a PIPD, which propelled the PDR out of the system.

They arrived at Awerty almost instantly, on the other side of GRU space. The PDR continued to travel at extreme velocity, hitting the atmosphere and ultimately crashing into the planet. The Mass Infusion Effect prevented catastrophic damage to the craft, and all aboard were uninjured in the crash.

Following his repatriation to the GRU, Dayt continued to work on Pulse Technology, and stayed away from Point Insertion uses. He received funding from the GRU, but far less then the Porcine, much to his frustration. He often relied on scavenging materials to fund his projects, as the GRU decided to not allow him to return to public life following his cooperation with the Porcine. Essentially, he was a prisoner again. Task was assigned his handler. The two develop on unsteady romance.

Dev's projects included ANBIS, Pulse Detonation Engine, and Pulsefuel.

In late 3 API, Dayt and ANBIS escape Baron 3b. Dayt travels to his homeworld where he discovers that his parents had died while he was in Porcine captivity. The correspondence he kept with them since his return had been forged by the GRU.

Task then sneaks in to Porcine space to the Turner system, where ANBIS helps him navigate deep into the debris fields and mines. There he uncovers the Turner Aberrant Research Facility , which he explores. He discovers numerous advanced technolgies the Porcine were working on, including deep parts of the facility that are of Great Empire era origin. In a sealed off area, he uncovers an advanced android development facility. He uses leftover parts to considerably upgrade Anbis' capabilities.

Dayt and Anbis part ways. Dayt travels around using an alias and money created by Anbis. He reconnects with a few of professional friends from his past, while still maintaining a low profile. He secures a small position with a technology firm, trying to build a believable alibi and background.

In mid 4 api, Anbis returns to Dayt, with enough money for them to live in comfort for some time. Dayt thinks of Task, and wonders if he would be willing to take their exit plan and start and start a new life together.

Anbis and Dayt sneak back to Baron 3b and find Task in his home. Dayt makes his offer, but Task is hessitant. Task felt he was already living a lie, and that a change of scenery did not change that fact. Task also knew the GRU had failed to develop any of Dayt's propositions on thier own, and Anbis' advanced new look was convincing of Dayt's abilities. Task counter offers for Dayt to stay and work for the GRU, promising to get the funding and material for Dayt's Pulse Detonation Engine. Dayt says he would agree only if he was promised unconditional oversight and discretion. Task maitained that he couldn't garuantee such conditions, but that Dayt would help his case if he promised to complete the other GRU projects he had been tasked with. Dayt asks Anbis if, should Dayt stay, he would stay with him or leave. Anbis states that he would stay, and Dayt agrees to stay and work for the GRU.

Dayt returns to his workplace and refuses to disclose anything about his escape to his GRU senior handlers. Thier attempts at strongarming and intimidating him fail with Anbis there to protect him. Dayt reveals he and Anbis had hacked into Baron 3b's database and transfered a copy off-world. If Anbis didn't transmit a special cryptokey every interval, the database would automatically publish to public servers across the GRU. Dayt used this to threaten the GRU handlers into silence to carry out his projects in peace. Dayt also forbade anyone outside his subordinates from contacting him directly; all communication had to be through Task. This was not only a filter to keep most of the pressure off of himself, but also to ensure Task had a position; Dayt was worried of the fallout Task suffered from Dayt's disapperance.

While working on the PDE, Dayt also worked on numerous side project at the GRU's insistance, per his terms with Task. These include advanced stun-guns and batons, knock-out and pacification weaponized gas, and body-takeover devices. Task gets Dayt's compliane by convicing him that, without such things, the GRU would be forced to used lethal weapons against those who otherwise would live. Dayt refuses to work on any lethal weaponry for the GRU, but tells the GRU that there is weapon potential for his fuel projects.

Dayt manages to aquire a damaged battleship, the PDETV "Mystic Trench", for use with the PDE project. He reports work is progressing slower than in reality. As work progressing on the PDE, he also develops and installs numerous automated systems as a gift for use across the GRU fleet. Systems like fire control, autoloading, ECM, propulsion, and automated defense systems. He also begins developing shield technology into the Mystic Trench.

After the PDE is installed into the ship, Dayt closes off the area beneath it and scecretly installs a pulsefuel rod autoinserter, and stocks it with the new and incredibly expensive pulsefuel type 2. When questioned about the area beneath, Dayt would only say that it housed expensive and delicate equipment.

In 6 API, Dayt learns that his funding for his Pulse Detonation Engine was cut significantly, just prior to its first major test. This starts the Pulse Detonation Engine Mishap, where Dayt takes matters into his own hands and tries to escape Baron 3 with the Mystic Trench, and disappears from the GRU.

In 6 API, Dayt discovers that his subordinates were suddenly all furloughed and that his project had been put on an indefinate hold. Anbis guesses that either the GRU thinks they are bluffing about the blackmail, or know that the release of the data would not be as deveastating as it once was.

GRU security lock down the ship and force Dayt and Anbis to return home.

Task meets them and tries to lift Dayt's spirits, but finds Dayt's confidence had not been shaken. Still, Task insists Dayt stay to have dinner with he and Exek, just to keep an eye on him.

Anbis covertly asks Dayt if he is planning on offering Task an exit again. Dayt signals that he is. Anbis states that Task already made his choice once, and if Dayt thinks that Task would change his mind now. Dayt considers the possiblity of leaving Task and Exek behind.

Over dinner, Dayt and Anbis makes their move, spiking Task's drink with a dose of the knockout drug they had helped develop. Dayt and Anbis argue over wether to bring Task and Exek or not. Dayt argues they could just throw him in a locked room on the ship until they were clear. Anbis argued that Task had already decided to stay, and that bringing them along could jepardise their future survival.

They end up decideding to send Exek to bed and tell him that he didn't have school in the morning, and to not bother Task since he was very tired. They blindfold and gag Task and handcuff him to his bed, and damage the door to the room.

Dayt an Anbis then head back to the Mystic Trench. Anbis disables part of the perimeter security and the two sneak back onto the ship. Anbis sends radio traffic to make it seem like the GRU is confiscating the ship, trying to keep scrutiny off of the ship's launch activity. The ship's refueling takes a long time. After sunrise the following day, the first alarms begin to sound 10 minutes prior to launch. Hasty GRU attempts to access the ship were thwarted by the Mystic Trench's ignition sequence.

Task wakes up and escapes from his bondage just in time to watch the Mystic Trench lift off. Task rushes to the nearby spaceport and scrambles all available ships. He boards a corvette that lifts off in pursuit.

As the Mystic Trench ascends it orbit, the small patrol craft stationed around Baron 3b catch up and begin attacking. Anbis activates the Mystic Trench's automated weapon systems, which catches the pursuers off guard. Long range attacks manage to damage some of the Mystic Trench's engines, slowing their ascent. Anbis detects a task force of GRU ships in nearby system scramble to assist the force of Baron 3, consisting of several battleships and heavy cruisers. Anbis relises that the Mystic Trench's reduced speed means the task force will arrive before they can attempt a SFTL burn.

Realising he is trapped, Dayt hot mics his radio and begins the procedure for PDE activation.

Task pleads with Dayt to surrender, but Dayt turns off the volume.

The launch sequence has a few issues, but Dayt manually overrides them. Before commencing ignition, Dayt tells Tasks that he almost brough him and Exek, and hoped that he made the right decision.

Upon ignition, the Mystic Trench is engulfed in a massive cloud of burning space material, and vanishes from view.

Dayt survives in Cryostasis on the PDETV "Mystic Trench" after landing on Earth following the Pulse Detonation Engine Mishap.

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