info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?

Pulse Detonation Engine

Description - How would you describe Pulse Detonation Engine?

FTL Technology

build Production
Materials - What materials is Pulse Detonation Engine made with?

High grade Metals

Sales Process - How is Pulse Detonation Engine sold?


Cost - How much does Pulse Detonation Engine cost?

Strategic Asset

blur_on Presence
Rarity - How rare (or common) is Pulse Detonation Engine?

One of a Kind

speaker_phone Use
Purpose - What is Pulse Detonation Engine used for?

FTL Travel

How It Works - How does Pulse Detonation Engine work?

The Pulse Detonation Engine is comprised of 10 tubes of solid pulsefuel placed radially around a rotating cylindrical frame. In front and behind the PDE are two resonators. Each resonator is comprised of two contra-rotating pulse-resonate plates.

During operation, some or all tubes of pulsefuel are directionally detonated, generating a pulse propagation wave. The propagation wave hits the resonator and converts parts of the wave into Pulse Effect Field and also into kinetic energy, instantly accelerating the ship.

The PDE is then stopped to be refueled, if needed.

Resources Used - What resources does Pulse Detonation Engine use?

High grade Metals, alloys

sd_card Appearance
Physical Description - What does Pulse Detonation Engine look like?


Colors - What colors are Pulse Detonation Engine usually?

Unpainted, Steel color

edit Notes


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