info Overview
Name - What's the name of this technology?

Continuous Pulse Drive

Description - How would you describe Continuous Pulse Drive?

Enhanced FTL Drive Technology

Other Names - What other names is Continuous Pulse Drive known by?

Pulse Drive

build Production
Materials - What materials is Continuous Pulse Drive made with?

High-grade titanium, metals, and electronic components

Manufacturing Process - How is Continuous Pulse Drive produced and manufactured?

Heavy manufacturing, extreme close tolerances

Sales Process - How is Continuous Pulse Drive sold?

Contract, mostly miltary/ heavy commercial

Cost - How much does Continuous Pulse Drive cost?

Incredibly Expensive

blur_on Presence
Rarity - How rare (or common) is Continuous Pulse Drive?

Precious, but only slightly rare.

speaker_phone Use
Purpose - What is Continuous Pulse Drive used for?

The Continuous Pulse Drive is a safe and proven method of FTL travel using the Pulse Field Effect

How It Works - How does Continuous Pulse Drive work?

The Pulse Continous Drive combusts Solid Pulsefuel at a continuous rate to generate the Pulse Field-Effect necessary for Extreme FTL travel.
The Pulse Field Effect is a physical phenomenon that allows extremely fast FTL travel. It is generated by the combustion of large quantities of solid pulsefuel. In practice, the Pulse Field Effect is actually a combination of two fields.
The first is the Gravity Impulse field, which essentially is the gravitational shockwave created by the release of energy during combustion. This creates a gravitational ripple in space as the energy from the Pulse Engine is released into space. The purpose is to create a temporary zone of low gravitational effect. This field is the mechanism by which the Pulse Drive is able to achieve speeds faster than light. In essence, the light and matters of the Pulse Drive aren't actually going FTL, but rather the gravity environment is around the ship is. Therefore, the limits of matter going FTL is circumvented because the matter and light itself isn't accelerating, the vessel of space attached to the ship is, carrying whatever is inside of it along.
The second field is the Continuous Pulse Field. The Continous Field is similar to the Gravity Impulse Field and uses almost identical mechanisms. The purpose of the Continous Field is to control and maintain the low gravity effect area. It does this by sending out constant pulses of gravitational ripples. The frequency of the magnitude of these pulses influences the gravity vessel.

"To create an analogy: The Gravity Impulse Field creates a hollow bar of soap. The inside empty space represents the low gravity effect area and the hard shell represents the Continuous Field around it. Due to the existence of the soap, the space around it holds it in like a hand. Since the area inside the Continuous field is lower pressure than the space around it, space's hand has to squeeze the soap. The soap is slick, cannot break, and has no bevels or holds to secure it. The Continous Field decreases the interior pressure of the soap further, causing the hand to grip it tighter. The soap's onboard engines propel it forward in the Continous Field, the and Continous field's next pulse pushes the Field further forward and causes the aft part of the field to lose rigidity. The soap then is forced forward even faster and at a far greater distance because the hand squeezes the soap so hard is shoots forward."

-Dr. Devellion Dayt

Resources Used - What resources does Continuous Pulse Drive use?

High grade alloys

sd_card Appearance
Physical Description - What does Continuous Pulse Drive look like?

The Pulse Drive is essentially an elevated cylinder with a rotating disc attached along its center. The elevated cylinder houses the Pulse Detonation Engine portion of the drive, which generates the Gravity Impulse Field by combusting a specific amount of Pulse Fuel.

The rotating disc revolving around the center is the Angular Continous Engine portion of the drive, which combusts Pulse Fuel slowly to generate the Continous Field.

Size - How big is Continuous Pulse Drive on average?

The pulse drive is massive, 55m x 15m x 10m

Weight - How much does Continuous Pulse Drive weigh on average?

The CPD weights around 20 tons

Colors - What colors are Continuous Pulse Drive usually?

Metal light grey

edit Notes


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