Red Ball Game
Game of perseverance
Isolated area, away from populated areas
Single red ball, a long stick capable of holding the ball, and the guardian's armor and melee stick
Guardians cannot score, the player wins if they score
If the guardian feels the player is making bad effort, they can take the ball down and order the player to do an activity before resuming play.
If the player gives up, they may be disowned by their family.
The player wins if they get the ball.
As long as it takes the player to score.
None, but the guardian is typically between the player and ball.
The most successful players know to tire out the guardian, who is wearing heavy atmor, before making serious attempts on the ball.
The player typically has dozens of injuries.
Legs, Core
Every male on Atsalis plays it at one point
All males on Atsalis
Becoming an adult in Atsalisian tradition
Exris Landager and Task Landager game
The Red Ball game is a traditional rite of passage game on Atsalis. There are two players, the player and the guardian. There is a red ball placed on top of a stick in the ground. All the player must do is get the ball. The guardian must prevent the player from getting the ball. The guardian is armed with a long hardwood stick and wears armor. The player is unarmed and unarmored.
This sport was created by GRUsturmovik on
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