Lloyd glanced up and noticed Ellis with Pixie. "Oh! Ellis! I didn't know you were out here." He dropped the fake head and turned to Ellis.
Lloyd glanced up and noticed Ellis with Pixie. "Oh! Ellis! I didn't know you were out here." He dropped the fake head and turned to Ellis.
Ellis blinked, looking over at him. "Yeah, I was just exercising Pix." he replied, gesturing to the dappled mare beside him.
Lloyd nodded a bit. "I'm getting pretty antsy being cooped up inside all day, so I'm just training…" He sighed.
He laughed a little bit. "You could go for a ride." he replied with a shrug. "I'm sure your horse would appreciate it."
"True. It's been a little whiles since I've taken her out." He considered for a few seconds before putting his sword away and going to saddle up his horse.
Ellis smiled a little bit, and Pixie bumped her nose against his shoulder. He started walking again with a quiet laugh, leaving the lead loose.
Lloyd soon caught up to Ellis, riding on his horse, who seemed very glad to be out and about. "She isn't used to casual rides, but I'm sure she'll manage."
Ellis smiled again, swinging up onto Pixie's back. She wasn't wearing a saddle, so the half human male would have to just ride bareback.
"You can borrow a saddle, if you'd like." Lloyd offered, noticing that Ellis was riding bareback. "We've got plenty in the stable. Unless you prefer riding bareback, that is."
Ellis shrugged. "I'm good. I learned to ride bareback before I learned with a saddle, so I'm fine." he replied.
Lloyd nodded. "Alright. Let me know if you change your mind." He dug his heels into his horse's sides. She spread her wings and took off, now galloping through the air.
Ellis nodded a little bit. "Alright." he blinked as Lloyd's horse took off, watching as the pegasus lifted into the air.
Lloyd grinned, the wind whipping through his hair as he rode through the sky. It had been far too long since he'd done this considering how much he'd always enjoyed it.
He smiled a little bit as he watched Lloyd, then coaxed Pixie into a trot, then into a gallop.
After a bit, Lloyd stood up on the pegasus' back and made himself fall backwards, sending himself into a controlled freefall. After falling for a few seconds he turned and spread his own wings with a grin.
Ellis looked up, smiling again as he saw the prince diving. He soon returned his attention to Pixie, keeping her running.
Lloyd flew closer to the ground and whistled, which seemed to be a summons for his pegasus. She whinnied and turned in the air to come meet him. He laughed and spiraled in the air a few times before finally landing back on the ground.
Ellis slowly drew Pixie down to a trot, then to a walk again. She snorted softly, shaking her head.
The pegasus landed beside him and pressed her nose against his cheek. "I really need to do this more often…" He sighed happily and stroked the horse.
Ellis smiled a little bit as he came closer. "I mean…you're the prince. Can't you make time?" he asked. His blonde hair was messy and sticking up a little bit.
"I wish… I don't get to make too many decisions yet." Lloyd sighed again. "Usually I'm forced to reread textbooks. 'Fun' isn't something I get too much of." He ran his fingers through his own ruffled blonde hair to neaten it up.
He grimaced. "Why?" he asked. "The textbooks, I mean. If you've already read them why read them again?"
Lloyd shrugged. "I don't know. I could practically recite every word of all of them in my sleep by now, to be honest… like, I get that they want me to be smart and all, but a little variety would be nice, you know?"
Ellis frowned a little bit, and nodded. He wished he could do more schooling. College, something.
"Maybe I'll see if I can go out to the market to buy some new books… you could borrow my old ones if you'd like. They're not terribly gripping, but very informative if you haven't read them thousands of times."
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