Still. Ellis was rather small for a human, and most humans his size weren't able to carry seventy pounds, unless they were extraordinarily muscled, which Ellis was most certainly not.
Still. Ellis was rather small for a human, and most humans his size weren't able to carry seventy pounds, unless they were extraordinarily muscled, which Ellis was most certainly not.
A couple other servants looked up when Ellis walked in with Lloyd and gasped. They started flitting around the two worriedly, pulling Ellis along and trying their best to help however they could.
Ellis followed their directions, hoping no one asked how the fuck he was able to carry the prince for so long.
At some point in the chaos, Lloyd ended up in the infirmary and was being quickly treated by the local medic. Everyone was asked to leave the room while this was happening, and no one was allowed in until about an hour later when everything was done. Lloyd was flitting between phases of consciousness by now and wasn't fully there, but he was stable.
Ellis was waiting a bit anxiously, hoping that Lloyd was going to be okay. He didn't know what would happen if Lloyd wasn't.
Eventually, visitors were allowed in. Nathaniel was naturally the first in. He climbed onto the cot with Lloyd and huddled up in his arms. Lloyd still wasn't fully there, but he became vaguely aware enough to wrap his arms around Nathaniel before drifting back into unconsciousness.
Ellis continued to wait, knowing that he would need to explain how he had gotten Lloyd back here. He was reading one of the textbooks the prince had given him, sitting in a chair in the waiting room.
Eventually, the nurse called Ellis in. It had been a while and Lloyd still wasn't present enough to explain what had happened, so they needed Ellis. "How did this happen?" They asked.
Ellis bit his lip a little bit. "I don't…I don't know. I found him. I don't know how he got hurt." he replied slowly, holding the textbook carefully.
The nurse nodded. "Well, he had two gunshot wounds. One in his shoulder and the other in his leg. Did you happen to see any shady looking people around? Anyone who might have shot him?"
"I didn't…I wasn't paying attention." he shifted from foot to foot. "I was a little busy trying to help him." he chewed on his lip slightly.
She nodded again. "Alright. Well, you may visit with him if you'd like. I don't expect him to be very conscious for a while. We had to give him anesthetics and a fair bit of pain medication."
He nodded. "Right. Alright." he ran a hand through his hair, anxious. "Thanks."
"No problem." She went off to do something on her computer. Nathaniel looked up when he noticed Ellis. He was still huddled up in Lloyd's arms.
Ellis sat down, looking at Nathaniel. "Hi." he greeted softly, rubbing the back of his neck a little bit.
Nathaniel nodded in greeting and lay his head back down. "I'm worried about him…" He said softly. "Usually I'm the one who gets hurt, not him…"
Ellis nodded a little bit. "Yeah. I'm…I'm worried too." He was worried about Lloyd, and about himself. About being exposed.
Nathaniel huddled a bit closer to Lloyd and closed his eyes. Lloyd stayed quiet and still for now. "Do you think he knows any more than we do?" He asked. "What happened, that is…?"
Ellis shrugged helplessly. "I don't…I don't know." he replied slowly, looking at Lloyd. "I hope so."
"Me too…" Nathaniel sighed and fell quiet. After a few minutes, Lloyd started coming to a bit more. He whined softly and opened his eyes groggily. "Hello…?"
Ellis bit his lip a little bit, letting Nathaniel speak to his brother first. He fidgeted a little bbit.
"Lloyd? You okay? Does anything hurt?" Nathaniel asked worriedly. "No, no… m'alright, Nathaniel. I'm okay… just a bit sore…" Lloyd sighed and tightened his grip on Nathaniel. "Did we find the… the guy…?" Lloyd asked.
Ellis let out a breath. "We didn't find him. I can't…I don't know who shot you." he said quietly, looking at his hands and wishing he could be more useful.
Lloyd nodded. "That's fine… I'm sure we'll find him…" He lay his head back down tiredly. "Dad said you're not allowed to go out alone anymore." Nathaniel informed Lloyd, to which Lloyd sighed and nodded in resignation. "That doesn't surprise me…"
Ellis ran a hand through his hair again, the blond strands sticking up in messy tufts all over his head by now.
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