He looked up. "Oh. Uhm…you really don't have to do that." he replied, ducking his head slightly and biting his lip a little bit.
He looked up. "Oh. Uhm…you really don't have to do that." he replied, ducking his head slightly and biting his lip a little bit.
Lloyd shrugged. "Honestly, I'll be glad to get them out. If you're interested at all, you're free to borrow them. I don't mind."
(gtg soon sorry)
"Well…what are they about?" he asked curiously, looking over at Lloyd for a moment.
(Np me too)
"Um… there's some on swordfighting techniques, some on general subjects like math and science and such, couple palace etiquette things, history of royalty… I could list my entire lineage for generations." He laughed weakly.
He laughed a little bit. "I can list it for…two? Three?" he shrugged. "It's not as important for people like me." Lord Aron told me to forget it, because it didn't matter anymore.
"I suppose… I used to be quizzed on it when I was younger, but I guess they assume I know it now." Lloyd hummed softly. "But overall, I don't know that it's all that important for me to know."
He shrugged slightly, looking over at Lloyd. "Maybe so." he replied.
"Well… would you like them? You might not be too interested in the history one, unless history is your thing… but you're welcome to any of them any time."
He bit his lip for a moment, then nodded slightly. "Uhm…yes please." he replied. "If…if you're sure that's alright."
"Yes, I'm sure. We can grab them when we head in." Lloyd smiled softly to reassure Ellis. "Just let me know."
Ellis smiled a little bit. "Alright. Thank you." he reached down to pet Pixie's mane, smiling softly.
"No problem. Let's ride for a few more minutes, shall we?" He grinned and hopped back onto his pegasus's back.
He nodded a little bit, still a bit shy about the fact that Lloyd was treating him…almost like an equal?
Lloyd started galloping and then rose into the air on the pegasus's back, grinning brightly. He laughed and did a few barrel rolls in the air.
Ellis watched, a faint smile on his face. Pixie continued to walk, Ellis riding her bareback.
Lloyd eventually came back down and started off at an easy canter on the ground. "Are you having fun?" He asked.
He nodded a little bit. "Yeah. Did you talk to Anton?" he asked, looking over at Lloyd with another little smile.
"For a little bit, yeah. Unfortunately, small talk isn't my strong suit." Lloyd laughed softly. "He said he's planning on finishing college."
"Of course he is." Ellis replied, shaking his head a little bit and looking away for a moment. He doesn't give a shit about that damn degree.
"Yes… he said something about his father forcing him to. He seems determined to finish it, though." He hummed a bit and slowed to match Ellis's pace.
Ellis shrugged his shoulders. "Of course he's finishing it. That was the requirement for him and his brother when…when Miriam Tremaine died. They only inherit if they have degrees." his voice sounded too bitter, he knew, but this was supposed to be his inheritance. Not theirs.
Lloyd nodded. "Ah… that makes sense. Are you alright?" He asked. "You sound… upset. Have I done something?"
Ellis took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. "I'm fine. Sorry. Just got…I'm fine." he replied, shooting Lloyd a faint smile.
Lloyd hesitated before nodding again. "Alright, well… let me know if you need something, okay?"
Ellis let out a slow sigh, and nodded. "Right. I will. Thanks." he replied.
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