"Ellis?" Lloyd looked back. "You coming?" He asked, still walking slowly, but keeping his eyes fixed over his shoulder at Ellis. "You don't have to stay out here if you don't want to."
"Ellis?" Lloyd looked back. "You coming?" He asked, still walking slowly, but keeping his eyes fixed over his shoulder at Ellis. "You don't have to stay out here if you don't want to."
Ellis blinked. "Oh. Alright." He said slowly, and followed the two princes, his hands tucked in his pockets.
"Rosie said she should be done with your clothes by tomorrow. Does that work for you?" Lloyd asked Ellis. "She's working quickly."
Ellis blinked. "Oh. That's…yeah. That works great." He replied with a quick smile. "Uhm…thanks." he ran a hand through his hair.
"No problem. She said she's excited to have something to work on anyways." Lloyd smiled softly. "Have you eaten?"
"Yeah." He hadn't eaten much, but he had eaten. He shifted slightly, still walking with the princes.
Lloyd nodded and was quiet for a few seconds. "Enjoying the palace?" He asked, pushing open the doors and heading in.
Ellis thought for a moment. "What I've seen of it, yes." He replied, nodding. "Though I admittedly have not seen much of it." He ran a hand through his blond hair.
"Well, you're welcome to go exploring anytime. I'm sure Nathaniel would be happy to show you around." Nathaniel nodded in agreement.
Ellis smiled a little bit. "Thank you." He replied. "But…I do have chores to be doing for Anton, so I don't have much time for exploring."
Lloyd nodded. "Whenever you have free time, then. You're free to roam. Speaking of Anton, I'm probably supposed to be getting to know him…"
Ellis let out a quiet laugh. "He…isn't so bad." He replied slowly, even though the words tasted like a lie as he remembered the way Anton had treated him in the past, the things that his stepbrother had done to him.
"Hopefully not, considering I'm to marry him." Lloyd sighed. "Well, here is where I leave you. I should probably go speak with Anton. It was nice speaking with you." He smiled softly and waved before walking off to Anton's room and knocking on the door.
(by the way, do you have any triggers/things you'd rather I not include? If you don't specify any than I will assume that anything is alright. I'm asking because I have a tendency to get very dark, and I want to know how dark I'm allowed to go)
Ellis nodded, watching Lloyd go for a moment, then shook his head and started walking again, meaning to explore for a while.
Anton opened the door after a moment, wearing a light colored button up shirt, the top two buttons undone. "Oh! Hello." He greeted.
(Nope! I don't have any triggers, and I'm probably just as dark aha. Do whatever you want!)
"Greetings. I figured we should get to know each other a little better considering we're going to be married and all. Mind if I come in?"
(alright, cool! I don't have any triggers either, so we're good, then)
Anton nodded slightly, stepping back and opening the door. "Yes, of course. I was just reading." he gestured to where his book sat on the coffee table, a bookmark sticking out of the pages.
Lloyd nodded and stepped in. "Forgive me. Small talk isn't my strong suit. Is there anything in particular that you would like to know?" He asked.
Anton closed the door. "Nah, I get it." he replied with a shrug, running a hand through his dark hair. "I…don't really know. Is there anything you'd care to explain?"
"Um… I'm eighteen? There's not really much that's too interesting about me… I don't typically have time for hobbies or anything, to be honest."
He nodded a little bit. "Right." Anton himself was 21, nearly 22, so he was a bit older than Lloyd was. "Well…would you like to know a bit more about me?"
"Just… um… general things, I guess? One of the things about this whole process is that they don't tell me anything at all…" He sighed softly.
He nodded again, sitting down. "Right. Do you want something to drink, by the way?" he took a deep breath. "So. I'm Anton Tremaine, I'm 21 years old, and I'm working on a military history degree."
"I'm alright, thank you…" Lloyd listened attentively to Anton speaking, nodding a bit as he did so. "Do you plan on finishing your degree or are you going to give it up?"
"I'm going to finish it. I'm close enough to the end of it, in any case." he replied, gesturing to the book sitting on the coffee table.
Lloyd nodded again. "I feel like I've done enough studying and work to have completed college by now, but alas, I've never been allowed to attend." He sighed.
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