"No problem. We wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable here." He smiled softly and turned his horse around to head back to the stable.
"No problem. We wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable here." He smiled softly and turned his horse around to head back to the stable.
He shrugged a little bit, watching Lloyd go. "Thanks." he said again.
"See you later, Ellis!" He waved and went back to untack his horse. Once he'd done so, he headed back inside.
Ellis waved back. "See you." he replied, a little smile tugging at his lips.
(Should we time skip a bit?)
(sure! To when?)
(Something exciting I guess lol. Not quite to the wedding. More conversations?)
(lol sounds good. Yeah not the wedding yet)
(Any ideas?)
(hmm. Well…
those are my only ideas)
(Number two sounds great because I love injuring my characters lol. I'll just have to figure out some way to do it)
(lol alright!)
A couple days later, Lloyd went out again. He'd decided that it was time to go get himself some new books from the market, as he had already given the old ones to Ellis. He walked around in search of the book store and turned the corner. When he did so, he first felt a sharp, white hot pain in his shoulder, and then in his leg. He fell the the ground, dazed and blinded by pain. He was vaguely aware of his blood spreading across the pavement.
Ellis was out, having to do some shopping for Anton, who wanted some very specific items. He was just walking, a basket tucked under his arm, a few items already inside of it.
Lloyd looked around from the ground to try and see who'd shot him, but he couldn't see much. He groaned softly in pain as he struggled to push himself up. Deep crimson pooled on the cold stones around him, a pool that he soon collapsed into when he could no longer try to pull himself up. He was breathing heavily and his wings were fluttering a bit in distress.
Ellis saw a bit of commotion up ahead. Someone was on the ground. They looked…familiar? He hurried over, eyes widening when he spotted Lloyd. "Shit." he breathed, dropping the basket and crouching by Lloyd. "Your highness?"
Lloyd turned his gaze up to Ellis, his eyes glassy and distant from the pain. "…Ellis?" He asked weakly. He tried to push himself up again, but his injured arm quickly gave out. He couldn't stand on his leg either, and while his wings weren't injured, he was far too weak in this state to fly.
Ellis bit his lip slightly, gently putting his hands on Lloyd's shoulders, steadying him. "Stop trying to get up." he said quickly. "I'll, uhm…" he looked around for anything he could use to try and get Lloyd back to the palace.
Lloyd nodded and closed his eyes, drawing in a few shaky, labored breaths. The feathers in his wings were fluffed up from his distress and he was clearly incredibly uncomfortable, both from the pain and his faint awareness of the people around him staring at him in this weakened state.
Ellis searched around. Sure, he could probably lift the prince, but that could mean exposing himself as half-human, and he didn't know what would happen then. "Shit." he muttered, biting his lip.
Considering Lloyd had hollow bones, he actually weighed considerably less than a human. A little less than half what a human his size would weigh, actually. Unfortunately, that did make him more fragile.
Finally, he gave up. He had to get Lloyd back to the palace before he bled out on the street. If that meant exposing what he was…so be it. "Don't move too much." he murmured to the prince, bending and gently scooping him up.
Lloyd nodded weakly, keeping his eyes closed as Ellis lifted him. He tried his best to keep his wings folded so they weren't in the way, but they eventually began dragging on the ground.
Ellis sighed, trying to gather up the prince's wings, too, to keep them from getting damaged. He was well aware that he really shouldn't be able to lift Lloyd so easily, but he was already walking towards the palace.
Lloyd wasn't too concerned about the fact that Ellis was able to carry him. He was only around seventy pounds, after all, due to his hollow bones. Nathaniel weighed next to nothing for the same reason. Lloyd also wasn't concerned because he wasn't thinking particularly clearly.
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