forum Cinderella AU // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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"I still need to go get my books, though…" Lloyd tried to get up from the cot, but Nathaniel immediately pushed him back down. "Absolutely not. You can't even walk. Wait until Anton gets here, at least. He's supposedly coming to check on you." Lloyd sighed again.


"Really? That'd be great… I don't think I'll be allowed to leave at all until I'm healed and I've got nothing to do…" Lloyd sighed. "Are you sure?"


Ellis nodded. "Of course." he replied. "Just…give me a list or something." he pulled his device from his pocket, holding it so he could write down what Lloyd wanted.


Lloyd nodded and fished a list of book titles out of his pocket. "Here… I've already gotten it written down. Didn't want to forget any of them." He held the paper out to Ellis.


"No, thank you. Be careful, will you?" Lloyd closed his eyes again. "Wouldn't want to see you get hurt, Ellis…"


Lloyd nodded as well and soon drifted back into unconsciousness. Nathaniel stayed with him, remaining silent for now.


When food was brought into the infirmary, Nathaniel refused to eat. Lloyd was still resting and wasn't hungry, but he tried to encourage Nathaniel to eat something to no avail. The boy insisted that he wasn't hungry either despite the quiet rumbling of his stomach.


Ellis came back after about an hour, setting the bag of books down. "I found them." he said with a quick smile, sitting down and letting out a breath.


Lloyd looked up at Ellis and smiled weakly. "Thank you, Ellis… It means a lot, really." Nathaniel was the one sleeping now, or at least pretending to sleep. He was still refusing to eat.


He nodded. "Yeah, of course. No problem." He replied, smiling softly over at Lloyd. He still wondered if the prince would ask how Ellis had gotten him back here.


Lloyd was a little curious, but still wasn't too concerned. Perhaps he just weighed less than he thought? Perhaps Ellis was stronger than he looked? He didn't want to be rude by asking. "I'm not quite sure how I'm to get around… I've been provided with crutches, but I'm not decided on whether or not I'll use them."


Ellis nodded a little bit. "Well…I don't know how else you can get around." He replied with a shrug. "I mean…I guess a wheelchair is a possibility as well."


Lloyd sighed. "But having to be pushed around in a wheelchair is humiliating… I'll just have to find some other way to get around."
(Lloyd: injures himself further by refusing to use crutches or a wheelchair)


"Then I won't move. I can't get injured or humiliated if I just stay here, right?" He shrugged and sighed again. "Being injured is not very fun…"


"I'm sure I'll be fine… tis but a flesh wound, after all. I'll heal up in no time." Lloyd yawned a bit and closed his eyes.


"You can do what you want, Ellis. I'm fading. They must have given me a lot of pain medication." He hummed thoughtfully.