forum One-on-one roleplay anyone? ||Closed and discontinued?
Started by @spacebluelily language

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@spacebluelily language

Jackson blushed and the cat meowed questioningly. Now that the cat was up close, He realized what type of breed it was. It was a brown Manx Cat with white stripes. It had a little bit of blood on his fur, indicating he had a bloody battle with another animal.

@spacebluelily language

The cat meowed in a soft tone and Jackson tilted his head to the side. “A white cat with black stripes?” Jackson mumbled. The cat meowed again and he looked at Phillips. “Are there any white cats with black stripes on this ship?”

@spacebluelily language

“Ah, I see.” Jackson smiled and nodded. “I understand a lot of animals, to be honest.” He paused. “Though, sometimes my ability to understand animals fails me.”

@spacebluelily language

Jackson chuckled. “It’s like if it has it’s mind of it’s own.” He paused and put a finger to his chin. “Yeah, I guess it’s cool. Not everyone has that ability. My sister is only able to understand Cats and Dogs.”

@spacebluelily language

Jackson perked up and smiled. “What nice?” He asked, curiously.
His eyes had a different color to them, making them look even more beautiful than ever. He reached down to pet the cat, who had actually let Jackson pet him. The cat was purring and rubbing his head against Jackson’s leg.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Just… being able to talk with you while I work." Being able to hold him is nice too, he thought to himself. Phillips turned his head slightly to look at Jackson, taken in by the beauty of his eyes.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson gave out a bright smile. “I dunno why, but you give me the impression that you don’t talk to other people while you work, but I could be wrong.” He paused before continuing. “It’s just like. . I dunno how to explain it.” He paused once again. “I dunno, like a vibe. . a very strong vibe that you’re giving off.”