@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"You'll probably get to," Phillips said.
"Let's just get this over with." He started to make his way up onto the main deck, pausing to turn back and take Jackson's hand lightly before continuing.
"You'll probably get to," Phillips said.
"Let's just get this over with." He started to make his way up onto the main deck, pausing to turn back and take Jackson's hand lightly before continuing.
Jackson smiled slightly and walked with Phillips. As the bright sun hit his eyes, he stopped just to look at the sun for a moment and then he continued walking.
Phillips and Jackson were able to make it two steps onto the deck before a small mass launched herself onto Phillips, knocking him down.
"Phillips, we need to talk~!" The girl said. It was the one Phillips had told Jackson about. Her pet stood to the side, glancing over at Jackson.
Jackson looked at the girl and then at her pet. He took one step away from the girl and Phillips and waved at the girl’s pet while giving him a smile. He thought twice before approaching Phillips trying to help him up.
Phillips stood, mostly thanks to Jackson's help, the pink-haired woman still clinging to him. The pet, when waved and smiled to, grunted in response, nodding his head a bit. His lips twitched a bit, but he didn't fully return the smile.
Jackson looked at the pink-haired woman as she clung onto Phillips. He laughed a bit at the sight and stood to the side of Phillips side. He put his hands behind him and materialized some candy. Slowly he took of the wrapper and quickly put it into his mouth.
The sound of a crinkling wrapper drew the woman's attention near immediately, and she looked over to catch Jackson popping the sweet into his mouth.
"Oh my god, you have actual candy?" the woman's eyes lit up at the thought of sugar. "Can I have some, please?"
"No, don't give any to her!" Phillips said quickly. "She's hyper enough as it is!"
Jackson smirked at Phillips and stuck out his tongue. He put his hands behind him and materialized a whole bag full of different types of candy. “I have a better idea. You can just have mine.” He pulled out the bag and handed it to the woman.
The woman's eyes got huge, and she quickly jumped off of Phillips to grab the bag of candy. She climbed onto her pet's back.
"Thank you~! Phillips, I absolutely adore your new pet!" Phillips sighed heavily.
"Thanks, Casey."
Jackson smiled knowing that he had made a good impression on the pink-haired woman who’s name was Casey according to Phillips. “When you need more candy, ask me for it and I’ll happily give you as much as you want!”
The woman's eyes got wide again, and she popped a sweet into her mouth.
"Thank you!" Phillips rolled his eyes. The giant pet seemed happy when Casey was on his back.
Jackson smiled once again and went to Phillips. “She’s a nice person, I haven’t met anyone who loves candy as much as me.” He chuckled and looked at Casey and her pet.
Casey looked over at Phillips.
"Why is your pet so relaxed in how he talks? No sirs, or ma'ams. He doesn't even call you Master!" Phillips shrugged.
"He's still learning."
It’s not like I plan on saying that anytime soon. I really do have to check on Hunter though. I do hope he hasn’t been eaten by anyone. Jackson immediately heard a meow, a sad meow. He recognized that meow anywhere, that meow belonged to hunter.
"Ah, I see. It took Haren a while to learn too." She turned her attention to her pet, smiling and giving him a hug. She still hung from his back, her legs barely able to fit around his chest. "Didn't it?" Haren nodded once.
"Indeed, master. But he will learn." Phillips shrugged half-heartedly, and Casey and Haren walked away to continue working. Well, Haren worked; Casey just clung to his back and ate candy. Phillips turned to Jackson.
"Hey, whatever happened to the cat you had yesterday?" He asked.
“He hid, but I have a feeling he hasn’t had anything to eat since last night. And I can not lose my precious cat.” He paused and saw the cat come out out of his hiding spot and walk to Jackson. He materialized some tuna in a bowl and a small bowl with milk and gave it to Hunter. “Here ya go boy. Eat up, I want you to be healthy.”
Phillips tilted his head slightly.
"He doesn't have to do that. Hide, that is. There's are really strict rules about not hurting any of the cats on the ship."
(Sorry for the late response, I’ve been kinda busy the last couple of days.)
“Well, that’s a relief. I really don’t want anything bad to happen to him.” The cat looked up at Phillips and Jackson after he had finished with his food. He stretched and walked over to Phillips. He then proceeded to rub himself against Phillips leg. Jackson chuckled and smiled. “He likes you.”
(Don't worry about it, I understand!)
"I figured he hated me when we first met." Phillips bent down, hesitating for a moment before patting Hunter's head gently.
The cat purrs. “Well, it did look like that, but it takes a while for him to warm up to people. I guess it took less time for him to warm up to you.”
"Hm. Interesting." Phillips smiled under his mask, scratching behind Hunter's ears before straightening up again.
"We should better get to work."
Hunter purrs again and then walks to Jackson. “Yeah, we should get to work.” He sighed and bent down to pet his cat. He smiled when Hunter rubbed against his arm.
Phillips started walking away, expecting Jackson to follow. He made his way up to the topmost deck, where he nodded to the man steering the ship. The man nodded back, letting Phillips take the wheel. There wasn't really anything for Jackson to do, though.
Jackson just took everything in. He, of course wasn’t allowed to do much, not that he was complaining, but it sucked that he had nothing to do.
One of the others walked by, bumping into Jackson.
"Outta my way, runt," the man growled, shoving Jackson to the floor.
"Blasted pet," he spat.
"Hey!" Phillips snapped. "Leave 'im alone!"
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