@spacebluelily language
“Stupid Pirate.” Jackson mumbled under his breath. He stood up and looked at Phillips. “It’s fine, Master.” He smiled at the man, but It wasn’t a nice one it was more of a evil one.
“Stupid Pirate.” Jackson mumbled under his breath. He stood up and looked at Phillips. “It’s fine, Master.” He smiled at the man, but It wasn’t a nice one it was more of a evil one.
Phillips shot the man a look: disrespecting a pet was to show disrespect for the owner, unless the owner said violence was okay.
"Move along before I tell Cap'n."
"Whaaa, gonna go crying to ya sissy?" Phillips scowled, holding onto the wheel tightly.
"Git before I ripe ya throat out."
Jackson quietly mumbled something in Latin. He had put a curse on the person and that made him smile. He sighed and looked at Phillips. “Master, like I said it’s okay. He probably didn’t even mean it.”
The man walked away finally. Phillips looked very pissed.
"Fine then," he grumbled. Most people on the ship didn't like Phillips; his sister was captain, after all, and they thought she was too lenient with him.
Once the man left, Jackson whispered to Phillips what he did to the man. He told him he put a “harmless” curse that would slowly drive the man crazy, until he couldn’t take no more. He made sure he did air quotes when he said the word harmless.
Phillips chuckled. That was pretty sweet, what Jackson had done.
"Just don't make a habit of it," he said, still smiling.
"If you did that to everyone who was rude to you there would hardly be anyone left to run the ship."
Jackson chuckled and smiled. “Don’t worry about it, I won’t make it a habit, but if i do keep doing that, I could just clone them or something.”
"Mhm, like my sister wouldn't be able to tell they aren't the original people." Still, Phillips had a happy demeanor, which caused several people to stop and stare. Phillips was never in a good mood, not unless they were on land.
Jackson looked at the people who had stop to stare at Phillips. “Well, don’t you guys have a job to do? Cause, I’m sure your job isn’t to stare at my master.”
"Jackson, leave the idiots to their work," Phillips said playfully. The others mumbled amongst themselves, about how dare Phillips let his pet talk to them like that, but they shuffled away in time. Phillips looked at Jackson for a moment, then took his hand pulling him over and putting him between Phillips and the wheel. Phillips' hands went back to the wheel, and he rested his chin in Jackson's shoulder.
"Please be careful about how you talk to the people here. I don't want to have to hurt you cause they're idiots."
Jackson sighed and didn’t respond. Instead he hugged Phillips and buried his face into Phillips chest. He mumbled something that was hard to hear, but it sounded like Sir, yes Sir.
Phillips sighed as well, taking one hand off of the wheel to wrap around Jackson, holding him close. He rested his head the top of Jackson's. The action was very affectionate.
"I really don't want you to get hurt," he said again, softer this time.
Jackson sighed and mumbled once again, but it wasn’t heard since his face was still in Phillips chest. He moved his away from his chest, just a bit, so he could be heard. “Is it because you care about me?”
"W-what? No. I mean, I don't think so…" Phillips sighed, holding Jackson close to him.
"I… Dunno. Maybe? It's complicated, and I don't know." A light blush creeped up from under his mask.
He smiled but hid it. “Well, that is certainly new.”
Jackson looked up at Phillips and his eyes glowed a bit. “Anyways, you should get back to work.”
Phillips sighed, then nodded. He pulled his arms away from Jackson, holding onto the wheel again. He left Jackson between himself and the wheel, though, to make sure none of the others could shove him around again.
He blushed a bit and looked out to the ocean. All the blues in the sky and in the Ocean kept him occupied while Phillips was doing his jobs. He wondered if Phillips ever got sick of being in the sea.
"How are you doing?" Phillips ask after a while. "Adjusting well to life on a ship?" As a pet? Phillips glanced at Jackson, smiling under his mask.
Jackson smiled from ear to ear. “Yep.” He paused and sighed. “Phillips, I have a question for you.” He looked out at the ocean once again.
"Hm? And what's that?" Phillips once again looked down at Jackson.
“Do you ever get tired of being a Pirate?” Jackson said, without looking at Phillips.
"Sometimes," Phillips admitted.
"Water had always been… Troublesome for me. But I'm not about to just leave my sister. Mom said stick together, so that's what I plan on doing."
“That’s sweet.” He sighed, remembering how having a sister felt like.
Phillips wrapped one arm around Jackson again, leaving the other one on the wheel so Jackson wouldn't be able to say he wasn't doing his job this time.
"Plus, I'm dead broke, and the stuff I eat can get really expensive."
That had piqued his interest. Jackson knew that food could get expensive, but not too expensive. “What do you eat?”
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