forum One-on-one roleplay anyone? ||Closed and discontinued?
Started by @spacebluelily language

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@spacebluelily language

“For being annoying, cause I’m sure I’m being annoying.” He shuffled his feet and continues. “And, well, I try not to be annoying, but It seems I can’t stop and now I’m ranting aren’t I?”

@spacebluelily language

Jackson sighed and looked up at Phillips. “Are you sure I’m not being annoying?” He paused and then continued. “‘Because I feel like I’m being annoying.” Jackson said with the most kiddish voice.

@spacebluelily language

“Well, that’s nice to know.” He glanced at the sky and shielded his eyes from the sun. “Yeah, I agree with you on that. Just by looking up at the sun I can see what time it is.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips looked at Jackson, humor sparkling in his eyes.
"Pretty song," he commented, ignoring the looks others gave Jackson. He put his hand on the small of Jackson's back, leading him down to eat.

@spacebluelily language

Now that other people were around them, Jackson decided to start using the words master, sir and ma’am. He looked up at Phillips and smiled a bright smile, clearly happy that Phillips had complimented him and had liked the song. “Thank you, Master.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips tilted his head a bit, not comfortable removing his mask anymore but still wanting Jackson to know he was smiling too. He moved his hand up to pat Jackson's head once, knowing there were several watching their interactions. They made their way down, Phillips taking his seat.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson looked as people passed them and sat down, he looked around trying to make himself occupied, but failed. Of course, something, or rather someone across the room grabbed his attention. He found himself looking at the someone, and then proceeded to mentally slapped himself.
We have to talk. A voice said. He realized it was his own voice.

We do not.

Yes we do! His voice said, once again.

We do not! I’m talking to my own voice, which means I’m going crazy. Is this what happens when pirates lose their minds? It must be, because normal people don’t talk to themselves!

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips chatted with Casey for a bit as the other crewmates sat down, the food coming out. Phillips picked up the plate, putting his hand on Jackson's head to get his attention before handing the plate down.
"What's up?" he asked, seeing the look on Jackson's face as he argued with himself. "Something wrong?"

@spacebluelily language

He shook his head, making himself lose contact with his voice. He looked at Phillips blankly and tried to smile, but failed. It didn’t make it any better that at the moment he looked up at Phillips he had lost the reply he was going to say. Instead he said; “I-I. . uh. . . I-I. .”
Jackson heard his own voice laugh at him, making him growl and frown.
How pathetic! You can’t even say a single sentence!

“Aren’t you the pathetic one?” Jackson said under his breath.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson hadn’t even realized what he had said, until Phillips had gave him the warning. “Yes, Master.” He looked down at the wood and started tracing lines with his fingers.
Hehe, you got in trouble. His voice said, in the most annoying tone ever.

Oh, shut up.

I don’t think I will. His voice said once again, but instead his voice said it in a sing songy voice.

He growled silently and clenched his hands into fists.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips frowned behind his mask, hand going down to rest on the crook of Jackson's neck, thumb gently rubbing him. Once again, he picked the plate up, handing it down.
"You need to eat," he said simply.

@spacebluelily language

Eating was something Jackson didn’t want to do at the moment. He looked at the plate and did nothing. Jackson simply grabbed a small portion of food and ate it. He pushed the plate away, frowned and looked at Phillips. “Happy, Master?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Phillips let a sigh out, picking the plate up. He saw Jackson wasn't going to eat anymore, so he handed the plate off to Casey, like he normally did before he became Jackson's Master. Still, he could feel the others looking at them, so he stood, motioning for Jackson to follow him out.

@spacebluelily language

Jackson stood up with the frown still on his face. He saw one of the pirates mocking him, which made him stop and clenched his hands into fists once again. He stopped himself before something happened and followed Phillips to wherever they were going to go. His good mood had disappeared and instead was replaced with a bad mood.

@spacebluelily language

His arms stayed crossed, that frowned stayed on his face, and his eyes turned a lighter black and his heart turned hard as stone.
“Don’t do what, Master? You’re going to have to clarify what you’re trying to say.” Jackson said in the same cold voice.

@spacebluelily language

“Aren’t I your stupid little pet‽” He grabbed his black collar. “Doesn’t this indicate that you’re my master and me your pet? Do you think I’m stupid, Phillips‽ I know that as long as I’m in this stupid ship, you’re my damn master!” He took of his collar and threw it onto the ground.