(Sorry for the late response, I was busy during these past three days.)
"Just because she's "your pet" doesn't mean you have to treat her bad! Normal pet owners are kind to their pets, but I'm sure you don't know what kind is or means." Jackson said nonchalantly.
(You're fine, I understand! There's no rush)
The man sneered.
"This is what you do to pets who don't behave! Of course, your master too soft on you for you to understand. You put him through all that trouble, and he didn't even punish you! It's pathetic." The man spit. The woman was crying now, not trying to hide it anymore. The back of her head was bleeding, too.
"Says the pathetic man." He paused and then continued. Let her alone, or this time, I will kill you." Jackson snarled.
"Make. Me. Pet," The man snarled right back. He turned, pulling the girl away.
Jackson titled his head to the side, making his eyes turn white, lifted his arm up, brought an object in front of the man, making the man stop. He looked straight into the man eyes, making it look like he was having a staring competion, but in reality, he was moving around organs, ruining his respiratory system, putting horrible diseases inside him (which were not contagious) and making the man's blood cell twice as small and all of this by looking into the man's eyes.
The man choked on the air, falling to his knees. The woman, when the man let go, scurried over to hide behind Jackson. Eventually, the man fell down completely, dead.
"Jackson," Phillips called out. "Everything alright?"
"Yep, everything is just peachy." He said with quite a happy tone. He went to the man, picked him up and threw him into the water. Sharp teeth appeared and the man was dragged underwater. Once he knew the creature was away from the ship, he turned around to the woman and frowned slightly. "Ma'am, are you okay?"
The woman was quivering slightly, head still bleeding.
"I- you- you shouldn't have done that," she said quietly. "They'll… they'll kill you for this."
Jackson sighed and rubbed his temples. "I know, but I couldn't just stand there and let him abuse you. They can't kill me without evidence, and that's one thing they don't have." Jackson took bandages from his pocket, walked up to the woman and wrapped them around her head, well just the spot where she was bleeding.
The woman nodded mutely, letting him bandage her.
"I… I could say he fell off, and that you came to help but we're too late, so you took care of me instead." She sighed quietly.
"Thank you."
"T-That would be. .kind of you. If you don't mind, miss, what's your name?" Jackson finished bandaging her and smiled at the woman. "You're welcome, Miss."
"Amelia." The woman stood on shaky legs.
"I… I've been a pet most of my life. Now that my Master is dead… I don't know who I'll end up with."
"Well, Amelia, I promise you I'll try my best to find you someone who won't treat you like your old master did, and I am aware that someone has to claim you or the captain will just randomly give you to someone. ." A lightbulb partically appeared on top of Jackson's head and then dissapeared. There was no way Phillips would want to have another pet.
It is to be noted, at this point, that Phillips was already planning on buying another pet when the reached the new port they were going to. He also had taken in Jackson to protect him and because he was hot. He wouldn't mind taking Amelia in too.
"Is there anyone we could ask?" Amelia said,l.
((and because he was hot.))
(Oh, gosh. I'm dying of laughter.)
(XD thank you, I try my best)
"Well, I can ask my master if he can take you in, though I'm not sure if he'll say yes, or no, but hey, it never hurts to ask."
(I can see that.)
((Also, you're welcome.))
"Ah, thank you!" Amelia smiled softly, giving Jackson a quick hug.
"Let's go ask him now!" She looked much happier now that she wasn't under a cruel Master.
Jackson gave Amelia a soft smile. "Alright, Just follow me, he isn't that far away." He started walking and it wasn't long before they reached Phillips.
Phillips looked over when he saw Jackson, more than a bit surprised to see Amelia away from her Master.
"Hey guys. What's going on?" He asked. Amelia fell quiet, a touch shy. She was always nervous around free people.
"Well, me and my friend, Amelia wanted to ask you a very important question." Jackson looked at Amelia and noticed that she had gotten quiet.
"Oh, what question is that?" Phillips tilted his head, intrigued.
"My master fell overboard, sir," Amelia burst out.
"He was gone before anyone could do anything. Jackson said-" she cut herself off, confidence gone.
Jackson nodded sadly as Amelia said that her master fell overboard. "Sadly, he was eaten by a shark." He sighed dramatically. "Oh, how horrible! I was starting to like that cruel man. . NOT!" Jackson chuckled before continuing. "Anyways, we were wondering if you could take her in as. . well your pet." He was tempted to ask how Amelia knew his name, but shrugged it off.
Phillips thought for a moment, figuring Jackson had to do with the man falling overboard.
"I see no reason why not," he said gently. He put his hand on Amelia's head, who was smiling brightly.
"Thank you," she said. Unlike with Jackson, Phillips's attitude towards Amelia really was one of master to pet.