Phillips grabbed Jackson's shoulders, staring down at him.
"Keep your voice down," he hissed, "Don't you know that sound carries over water‽ And that's why the moment we get to a human port I'm getting you out of here!"
“Great, then I won’t have to see your stupid face ever again.” He looked at Phillips who was grabbing his shoulders and growled. “Don’t ever touch me again, Demon” With that, he got out of Phillips hold and stormed away.
Phillips actually snarled, bending down and picking up the collar Jackson had thrown off. If Jackson was caught by someone else with it off, Phillips would be forced to punish him. Of course, Phillips was so averse to that at the moment.
"Jackson!" He hissed, storming after him.
Jackson looked behind him and saw Phillips. That gave him a better reason to start running. So, he did that, running through the pirates, running to a place where no one would bother him. To a place where he could cry and take out his anger. A place he didn’t know were to find yet.
The only place like that on the entire ship would be the crow's nest Phillips had taken Jackson to earlier. Of course, to get there would require Jackson to go back towards Phillips. Casey looked over when she saw Jackson running, eyebrows furrowing slightly when she saw he didn't have a collar on. She said something to Haren, and soon the giant of a man was standing in front of Jackson, blocking him.
"Yer master's calling," he said gruffly.
"It'll be better in the end if you go now. Phillips has a really bad temper…" Casey warned, looking over at Phillips.
Jackson contemplated this, frowned and backed away slowly. “Please don’t make me do this, cause I really don’t want to hurt any of you, but if I have to hurt you just to get past you, I’ll do it. I know I’ll never be able to forgive myself, but I’ll do it, and no I’m not kidding.”
"Jackson, please. You aren't the only witch on this boat." Casey tilted her head a bit, still on Haren's back. "And I can tell you aren't even a full-fledged one." Haren looked down at Jackson, arms crossed. He wasn't budging.
“I might not be a full-fledged witch, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do damage.” He looked at the water and sighed. He decided he didn’t need to go forward, he needed to move backwards. So that was what he did, speed walking backwards and straight to the edge of the ship.
"Hey, wait-!" Haren reached out to grab Jackson's shirt, but missed. Phillips was nearly there, seeing what Jackson was doing.
Jackson stopped and stood still, knowing he had no where to go. He peered at the cold water and sighed. “Don’t get any closer, cause I swear I will jump.” Hunter immediately entered the scene and walked over to Jackson.
Phillips paused, seething. His hair had fallen out of the ponytail, the ends glowing slightly as if they were on fire.
"Don't," Phillips warned. "Stop this."
Jackson shook his head while laughing. He picked up Hunter and stroked his head, making the cat purr. Jackson’s hair now had brown streaks.
“And if I don’t? What are you going to do about it?
Phillips scowled.
"Why should I tell you?" His eyes blazed with fury. "After all, you're just a pet."
Phillips growled and looked at Hunter.
“Well, then it was nice meeting you. I hope you have a miserable life.” He turned around and jumped into the water, but before hitting the water, he conjured a clear protective bubble. When he hit the water, he was inside the bubble.
Phillips let out a little roar, hands going to his hair and pulling at it.
"Cap'n!" He called out. Captain made her way over, frowning.
"I saw, I saw. Let me handle this." Captain closed her eyes, focusing on the water around the bubble Jackson was in, she held her hands out, then motioned up; the water lifted Jackson's bubble back up onto the ship, depositing him at Phillips's feet.
(Poor guy, if he keeps pulling his hair, he’ll turn out bald.)
“You do know I can just roll over the edge again, right?” As he said that, he rolled the bubble away from Phillips, just like a hamster would do when inside their little ball. “I’m sure you don’t want to keep bringing me back to the ship, so it’ll be better if you just let me leave and then you and your brother will never have to see my face again.”
Captain rolled her eyes, stepping between Jackson and the ledge.
"Obviously you don't realize how stubborn I can be. Ya see, as long as my brother here wants you, I ain't letting you leave." Casey was trying to calm Phillips down, who looked like he was about to burst at Jackson.
At the moment, he knew he was trapped. There was no way he could escape or even roll over the edge. He crossed his arms, frowned and sat down on the bubble. “Captain, with all due respect, I don’t think he wants me here.” Hunter meowed something, which made him frown even farther. “Hunter, that isn’t helping.”
"That doesn't explain why he asked for my help with this." She titled her head a bit when he addressed Hunter. So, he could understand Cats. Interesting. Phillips pulled away from Casey and Haren, storming over.
“Because he probably wants to kill me.” Jackson muttered under his breath. Hunter circled around him and meowed a very long sentence. Jackson rolled his eyes and huffed. “No, you will not be getting my fortune if I die. Tell me, dear Hunter, what will you even use it for? You’re a cat, and I doubt there are any cat banks.” The cat stopped and meowed a angry meow. “I said no, and that’s final.”
"What the hell were you thinking‽" Phillips demanded. "Do you have any idea what creatures are in that water‽ Mermaids, and not the happy go lucky ones. No, these are the rip your face off and feast on your entrails mermaids." Phillips grabbed Jackson's shoulders again, not hard enough to hurt him but enough to keep him in place. He was more concerned than angry at this point.
"You damn near gave me a heart attack!!"