@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Unlike my sister, who eats flesh, I eat the essence of souls. Not the memories and personalities, but the thing that holds then in the body." Phillips shrugged.
"Unlike my sister, who eats flesh, I eat the essence of souls. Not the memories and personalities, but the thing that holds then in the body." Phillips shrugged.
His eyes widen with terror and kept his mouth shut. He realized that was kind of normal for demons, but Jackson still didn’t like it. He shuddered and looked away from Phillips. “T-That’s. . nice.” After that he didn’t say anything else.
Phillips picked up on Jackson's dear, his lips pursed.
"I don't like it, though. That's why I but my food instead of… Hunting like my sister. I don't… I don't like hurting people." Still, he unwrapped him arm from around Jackson, looking straight ahead.
“Oh. .I see.” He sighed and looked at the blue sky. It was times like these were he really wasn’t sure what he was going to do next. He was adjusting to life on a boat and life as a pet. As much as he hated being a pet he also liked it, because he got to learn more about Phillips.
Phillips didn't look at Jackson anymore, too wrapped up in his own thoughts. As usual, he'd gone a screwed everything up by explaining what he ate. Everyone he met that wasn't a demon or something similar left him whenever he told them that.
His eyes were starting to get watery, so Jackson rubbed his eyes trying to prevent himself from crying. The only family member he had left was somewhere across the world and he couldn’t do anything to find her. He and his sister were the last witches in the family. After his mother died, Jackson’s father left him and his sister. He sighed and looked at the ground.
Phillips glanced at Jackson, only to see him on the verge of tears.
"What's wrong?" He asked quickly, pulling one hand away from the wheel to put lightly on Jackson's shoulder.
“Issues. . that revolve around my family. My sister was framed for something she didn’t do. Then she was banned from the land, my mother was assassinated, and my father left me and my sister to rot and Decay. He didn’t leave no money, no nothing.” He sighed as tears flew down his cheeks.
Phillips listened intently, reaching up to gently brush the tears away.
"I see," he said, empathetic. He understood Jackson's pain- his own family was just as scattered and broken. He was lucky to be able to be with his sister still, and even then he was in mortal danger to do it.
He smiled sadly and sighed. “Before my sister was banned she gave me Hunter. . he’s the only thing left that reminds me of my sister. I don’t even know if she’s alive or dead.” He shook his head as more tears flew down. “I’m sorry that I’m such a emotional wreck.”
"Don't be sorry," Phillips said gently. He wiped the new tears away as well, keeping his hand against Jackson's cheek.
"And I'm sure someday you'll find her." He removed his mask for a moment to give Jackson a comforting smile (with no teeth showing) before slipping it back on and giving Jackson a hug. He pulled away after a moment.
He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. “Thank you, Phillips. I really needed that.” He opened them and offered him a slightly sad smile.
Phillips nodded, looking over Jackson's face for a moment.
"You know… I could always talk my sister into going where ever. Maybe… there's somewhere you might think your sister is? Maybe, when the time comes… that's where we'll go our separate ways? I want to help you find her."
“I-I don’t know if that’s a wise thing to do.” He paused and sighed. “I don’t even have a lead on where she could be!” Jackson said frustrated. “Finding her could take decades and what if she doesn’t want to be found?”
"If she doesn't want to be found, she isn't worth finding. And how do you know she's not looking for you too?" Phillips tilted his head, pulling one arm lightly around Jackson again. I know I'd be looking for you.
. . . I-I don’t know. . “ He sighed and rubbed his head. “You’re right. She might be looking for me, it doesn’t hurt to try, right?”
"No, it won't." Phillips pulled his other arm away to give Jackson a reassuring hug before going back to holding the wheel.
"And I'll support you as long as I can."
Jackson smiled halfheartedly and looked out at the ocean. His eyes seemed to change to a light blue. “Thank you, Phillips. That’s really nice of you.”
Phillips scoffed a bit, blushing deeply this time. His entire face was turning red.
"I-It's just the right thing to do," he huffed, turning away.
He heard Phillips stammering, smirked a bit and laughed. He turned to Phillips and looked directly at him. “Hm, I wonder why you’re stammering.” He playfully jabbed a finger into Phillips chest.
Phillips blushed even deeper, his face nearly as red as his cloak.
"I-I ain't stammering," he said. "You just h-hearing me wrong."
Even though Phillips mask blocked Jackson from seeing his face, Jackson imagined how red Phillips was turning. Jackson’s finger went up Phillips chest “Ah, is that so?”
Phillips shuddered a bit.
"Tease," he mumbled under his breath, barely audible. He put one arm around Jackson again, looking down at him with soft eyes.
Jackson looked up at Phillips and tilted his head to the side. “Hm?”
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