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"Just wait til Firiko looks in the mirror." She snickers as Satsu got up and buried himself under a bunch of blankets on the couch.
"Just wait til Firiko looks in the mirror." She snickers as Satsu got up and buried himself under a bunch of blankets on the couch.
Firiko groaned, "I'm never gonna live this down…" he mumbled, going to the washroom to investigate what Evelyn did. When he came out it was semi smeared from his attempts to get it off, and he was still blushing. "I'm really sorry about that Satsu…." he said softly, before flopping at the table.
Satsu didn't say a word as Evelyn cackled and finished up her cooking, randomly hip bumping Luma as she went along. It was her little way of teasing and flirting. "Oh and Firiko. Me and your brother are basically dating now." She shrugs.
"Lovely…" groaned Firiko. And I've just lost all chance of even the smallest friendship with Satsu…. he thought mournfully, making sure to hide it from Luma.
Luma laughed, randomly bumping her back as he cooked, kissing her cheek when she told his brother.
She blushed at that and pushed him off,always joking and teasing. After Satsu calmed down, he went over to Firiko and hugged him softly. "I uhm enjoyed the cuddles just… ask first?"
Firiko looked up at him in surprise, "Wait actually?" he asked, clearly nervous. He was really hoping Satsu didn't have a mean streak.
Luma laughed as Evelyn pushed him off, ad politely backed down a little as he flipped the bacon.
Satsu nodded. "Y-yeah your super comfy." He smiled, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Evelyn smiled and set the table.
Luma finished with the bacon and began cutting it up.
Firiko watched Satsu quietly, "W-Wel… at least it wasn't a total loss then…."
Evelyn looked at the two. "HEY! YOU TWO SHOULD KISS!" Satsu jumped, his hair flaming and then going out as he sat down at the table,embarrassed. "Evelyn just get the food."
Firiko glared at her. "Control your girlfriend Luma!" he scolded his brother, before giving Satsu an apologetic look.
She cackled. "No one can control me! At least not without some hand cuffs and a boner." Satsu suddenly flicked a fire ball at her,and she brought her hands up and opened it,revealing a pool of water which the fireball sizzled out in.
Luma smirked, wrapping his arms and wings around her. "It's possible we can fix that." he said teasingly.
Firiko sighed, "I wouldn't push him if I were you." he said with a smirk.
"Well then why don't you Luma? Or should I say MASTER~" She purred,nipped his neck,and dished up the Mac and cheese,handing everyone a bowl of it. Satsu just ate quietly and tried to ignore his idiotic sister.
Luma hummed, "You're going to end up in a lot of trouble if you're not careful princess." he smirked, nibbling on her ear before pulling away entirely, his blue eyes glinting with mischief.
Firiko sighed, swatting his twin with a fireball as he accepted his food.
"Daaaddyyy…" She pouted and Satsu looked up. "Be careful there Luma she's a Little." He went back to eating as Evelyn glared at Luma and sat down and began to eat.
Luma smirked, "I figured as much." he said softly, watching her as he sat down to eat his own food.
Firiko sighed, "Hey, maybe then he can control her."
Satsu rolled her eyes as Evelyn ate. "How'd you know I was a Little?" She asked, cramming her mouth full of Mac and cheese. Satsu as soon as he was finished went off to his bedroom to finally deal with himself.
Luma smirked, "Just a hunch." he said softly, before turning his full attention on his food.
Firiko ate quietly, noting that Satsu had left, and having a good idea of why.
Evelyn finished up, put away her dishes and went off to her bedroom to color,happy to have Luma.
Luma stayed in the kitchen with Firiko, who had gotten up to do the dishes. "So, nice roommates huh?"
"Shut it." said Firiko.
Evelyn just colored away and Satsu did his thing,happy that the rat was running in it's wheel again, the squeaks now good cover noise.
Luma and Firiko cleaned up the kitchen quietly, having a silent conversation about their new crushes/roommates.
After a while Evelyn came back out,in her fox onsie,and turned on the TV. Satsu was really confused what to do about Firiko since his mind was off relief now.
Luma and firiko had finished the dishes by that point, and Luma went over to Evelyn, sitting next to her and wrapping her in a wing.
Firiko on the other hand, headed back to his room, deciding that taking a break would be a good idea.
Evelyn cuddled in with a big wide smile, and went back to the coloring app on her phone as some movie played on TV.
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