forum They were Roommates? (O/O) CLOSED (Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

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(okay yus) "O-oh. I'm taking botany,uhm. A cooking class, math. Uhm some creative writing classes as well,and a few English classes." He smiles sheepishly,not used to all of this attention. "What about you?" Evelyn heard the rat rattling and rolling towards them as she popped some popcorn. "Hi there sugar." As soon as the popcorn was popped she put a few pieces into the hamster ball.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma hummed when he saw the rat. "Satsu's?" he asked, watching her as he searched for candy or chips.
Firiko hummed softly, "I've got botany too." he said softly, "Along with math, cooking, chemistry, astrology, and probably some english too." he said.
(How about we put them in the same classes (In the subjects they share) and make them partner up?)

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(Yesssssss but not all the same classes. gotta make things interesting.) Evelyn nodded. "I would've brought my cat but wasn't sure they would allow that. They barely allowed Satsu his pet rat." She poured out the popcorn with a shrug. Satsu meanwhile grabbed his backpack and packed it with notebooks and books, already dreading how heavy it was going to be.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(True, OH! Have them share classes with the other couple! (Evelyn & Firiko, Luma & Satsu)
Firiko hummed softly, "Well… Maybe we'll share some classes?" he was still watching Satsu carefully.
Luma eventually found a bag of chips in the bottom cupboard, "Hmm, that's unfortunate." he said softly, "I'm glad Satsu has his rat tho>'

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(Well duh. Wait isn't it Satsu and Firiko together, and Luma and Evelyn?) Satsu nodded and smiled. "Y-yeah maybe. That'd be nice." He nodded softly and walked out to go find his pet. "Yeah, oh well. Templetons a sweet heart." She smiles as she watches it roll off, and walked off to the couch, and sat down as she turned on the TV.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma followed her, taking the floor and letting his wings splay out behind him.
Firiko followed Satsu curiously. but then noticed Luma and Evelyn. "What are you putting on?" he asked curiously.

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(oooh I get it. Yussss) Evelyn began to play with Lumas hair. "Your hair is so soooooft." She then hugged his forehead and began to put it up in ponytails. "We aren't watching anything yet. Waiting for the two love birds to come out of their cage." "Evelyn I'm single." "Yeah,for now. Oh! I'm single as well. Now,come sit. We gotta pick a movie. I was thinking Bench Warmers." Satsu sighed and sat down next to his sister as she hugged Luma.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma raised an eyebrow when Evelyn started playing with his hair, but made absolutely no move to stop her, seeming to relax in stead.
Firiko sighed, flopping on his tummy, wings spreading out to take up a bit of floor spae. "Sounds good to me, though I have to argue against the title of lovebirds. For now anyway." he looked to his brother. "Though you two seem quite chummy."

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"Oh I'm just chill with everyone. Trust me." She then stretched out and laid on Satsus chest. He rolled his eyes. "Evelyn I'm a little spoon! I don't want to be cuddled by you anyways." She pouted,sat up,and curled up under a blanket as Satsu hugged a pillow. "Oh! Actually how about The Jerk. Not a college movie but it's hilarious nonetheless." Satsu shrugged as his rat rolled in front of the couch and curled up, seeming ready to watch with the rest of them.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko nodded, "Whatever is fine." he said softly, his wings curling around him like a blanket.
Luma nodded in agreement, yawning slightly as he reached for the popcorn.

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She turned on the movie, got up,and and sat in Lumas lap without a care as she ate some popcorn,and handed Satsu the chips which he munched on.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma absentmindedly wrapped both him and her in his wings, munching on popcorn too. Firiko stayed where he was, watching the pair, and keeping an eye on Satsu more than he was the movie.
(Jut so you know, the twin's wings are really big in proportion. (Wingspan is three times the length of your arm roughly.) and their wings meet skin all the way down to their lower back, with feathers and skin melding.)

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Satsu laughed and smiled at the movie. It was a joyous laugh and he had the type of smile that made other people smile as his nose scrunched up and he laughed so hard he snorted which only made him laugh more. Evelyn curled up in his lap and before the movie ended fell asleep. She couldn't help it.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma smiled as Evelyn fell asleep in his grip, and Firiko smiled at Satsu, watching him quietly, laughing softly as the movie progressed. "I think we'll all get along quite nicely." he mumbled to himself.

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Satsu nodded. "Agreed." He said quietly, as he hugged the pillow super close, calming down from his laughing fit, but unable to wipe the smile off his face as the movie ended, and he ate his handful of popcorn. He then got up. He also stretched, and his shirt lifted up showing off his cute lil belly, before he walked off to go find where ever his rat had rolled off to.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Skirt?? XD)
Firiko yawned quietly getting up and shutting off the Tv. "I'm gonna go to bed." he told his brother quietly, earning a nod in response.
Luma smiled softly at Evelyn, who was still sleeping, carefully getting to his feet with her in his arms, taking her to her room and tucking her in, then heading to his own room.

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Evelyn whined when she was set down before her arms grabbed a pillow and she settled in with a smile. Satsu put his pet away, changed into PJ's which was a pair of plaid blue soft pants, and soon the whole house fell silent as they all fell asleep. Ramen sitting on the counter forgotten, and the rat running in it's wheel,it squeaking away until eventually Templeton fell asleep as well.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

But not everyone was asleep that night. Firiko was still up and underneath his window, having a quiet conversation with several people. Luma of course was asleep. But Firiko was chatting with his spirit friends, which had decided to talk rather than let him sleep. But that was okay with him. He liked the spirits, they generally had good advice about almost everything. Like, y'know. College.

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Satsu got up in the middle of the night,hungry,and headed off to the kitchen to get a snack, humming softly as he made himself cereal while holding a kettle,his heat going up as it boiled the water for hot cocoa. He couldn't have water, or any cold liquids which sucked. But oh well. Hot cocoa was one of the weird exception's to No Water. He didn't question it, he loved hot cocoa anyways.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko was thirsty from all the talking with his spirit friends, and was on his way out of his room to the kitchen to grab something to drink. He was still talking quietly to his friend Simon. An ancient knight from the middle ages. "I'm telling you Simon, if you start moving stuff in english class then I will seal you in a crystal for a week." he said softly, laughing as he wandered into the kitchen.

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Satsu tiredly smiled. "Evelyn speaks to spirits as well." He informed, as he sat at the table. The moonlight made his face kinda glow softly as he sat there in his pj bottoms.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko blinked in surprise, "Oh.. Uhm.. hey Satsu" he said softly, waving off Simon's questioning for a moment. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked, unable to help letting his eyes trace over the other lightly again.

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"I got hungry." He said as he sipped his hot cocoa, blinking tiredly. The squeaking of his rats wheel started up again as he took a bite of cereal, looking at you.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko nodded, pouring himself a glass of milk from the fridge, then sitting beside him. "How did you know it was a spirit?" he asked, before whirling around and responding to Simon. "Will you shut up already? If I was looking for that sort of advice I'd ask your uncle."