forum They were Roommates? (O/O) CLOSED (Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

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Again the cat changed into a bird flying around his hands, and that turned into a wolf howled at a non-existent moon. Evelyn scootched closer to Luma.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma smiled, wrapping a slightly damp wing around her, just watching Satsu.
To Firiko he seemed at peace, in tune with his world. He couldn't help but be curious as to what the other was really feeling.

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Evelyn didn't resist it, and leaned into him. Satsu spread his hands further apart as two fox Cubs played with eachother. That turned into a bear catching a fish. He was good, really good. Artistically anyways.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma was mesmerized, along with his twin.
Firiko's blue-green eyes followed every fire creature as they moved, seriously wondering how Satsu was so talented.

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Evelyn got up and came back with her acoustic guitar. She began to play and like that at first he did a snake, rising our of a genie bottle, next it was a bear dancing. An then it was him and Firiko dancing together.

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Evelyn just kept playing, when suddenly she hit a sour chord. It made Satsu jump and his fire leapt high into the air,pulling him out of the zone. His face went blue as he realized everyone had been watching him.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko was studying the other intently, extremely intrigued by now, whereas his brother started up an applaus. "That was really good Satsu!" he said happily.

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Satsus face got even more blue,as he got up and ran off to his room. Evelyn looked between the two.

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"Only when he's completely comfortable. He gets super nervous and embarrassed. Always been sorta anxious about people. Don't blame him."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"I'm not." said Luma. "Believe it or not Firiko was very similar at one point." he said softly.
Firiko swatted him out of reflex, before getting up and heading to his room for a second, needing to think.

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Satsu was trying to calm down in his room as Evelyn sat down back next to Luma.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma hummed softly, "So what do you think about those two dancing together?" he asked.
Firiko spent a few moments pacing around his room, wings fluttering anxiously. Finally he left it, going to Satsu's. Knocking on the door, he waited for a response.

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"Hm? Oh. Same thing about how I feel about your wing around me. He'll create scenes with people just cause. He might not be crushing or anything." There came a squeak from Satsus room as he got up, and opened the door. His cheeks were still blue from embarrassment.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Sorry, chores.)
Luma hummed softly at that thought, "True… but honestly I wonder if it's not something more…"
Firiko smiled at him softly. "You okay?" he asked softly, realizing he needed to be gentle. "That sour note seemed to throw you off pretty badly…"

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Satsu just turned away and went back to the cage that sat on his desk. Inside was a black and white rat. "Hi Templeton!" He smiled and held the rat as it crawled up his arm and crawled along his shoulders.

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He took a few breaths. "It's alright I just get in my head and startle easily…and with all of you watching me…." He sighed.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko nodded, "Understandable." he said gently, his wings poofing at the sound of the other's voice as he stood in the doorway watching him curiously.

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He looked at you and gave a soft smile. "But,thanks for checking in on me." He went back to paying attention to the rat on his head as he sat down and gently took it out of his hair, grabbed it's hamster ball,set it inside,closed it,and let her roll around and discover her surroundings.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko watched the rat explore curiously. "How long have you had him?" he asked, wanting to get to know Satsu, but not wanting to scare him off.
Luma sighed with boredom after a little while. "Wanna start setting up for tht Movie?" he sked.

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Evelyn nodded and got up. "Help me get snacks. Im hungry." Satsu tapped his chin. "Oh a year or so? Maybe a little more. But rats never live long." He watched it roll around and out the bedroom door as he sat on his bed.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma nodded, getting to his feet with a sweep of his wings, causing a bit of turbulence to wash through the room. "Sure" he said smiling.
Firiko hummed softly, "So what classes are you taking?" he asked softly, knowing that college started the next week.
(I figure give them a week to settle in, then we can start classroom drama.)

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(okay yus) "O-oh. I'm taking botany,uhm. A cooking class, math. Uhm some creative writing classes as well,and a few English classes." He smiles sheepishly,not used to all of this attention. "What about you?" Evelyn heard the rat rattling and rolling towards them as she popped some popcorn. "Hi there sugar." As soon as the popcorn was popped she put a few pieces into the hamster ball.