"You learn the signs, especially with my family. When you get raised by witches you pick up things." He shrugged, and after finishing,hugged himself and put his head on the table, blinking as he turned and looked at you. "I'm exhausted."
Firiko nodded, "Makes sense" he said softly, shooing Simon away again. "And I feel that…." he said in response to the other's comment. "I haven't slept yet thanks to Simon and his friends."
"My rat decided that bed time was the perfect time to excersize,and her wheel needs oiling. She's probably just antsy because it's a new place. But I'm gonna need all the sleep I can get if I'm gonna have half the energy it takes to chase after Evelyn. I doubt Luma will keep her out of trouble…" He sighed and yawned.
"Luma can be reasonable." said Firiko in his brother's defense. "He's really excitable, and alays gets into trouble. But it's rare that he tries to." he laughed, "There was one time where he tripped into a trash can cause he was trying to catch some old lady's dog."
"Evelyn doesn't try to get in trouble either…she's just…LOUD. And chaotic…" He sighed and got up, stretching again. "Maybe I'll get better sleep on the couch…" He walked over to the couch and stretched out.
Firiko smiled, "I'll leave you to sleep then" he said softly, placing his glass on the counter with a yawn, noting that Simon was gone. "I'll see you in the morning I guess." he said, before disappearing back to his room.
The next morning Evelyn got up and began to make pancakes,in the mood for them. Satsu was fast asleep on the couch,hugging a pillow as she cooked away.
Luma was up just as soon as he smelled food. He was wearing a dark t-shirt and a pair of sweats, and his hair was still messy from bed. But he was up nonetheless. "Do you need help?" he asked Evelyn when he finally saw who was cooking.
"Nope." She was wearing a fox onsie as she cooked,her hair a scraggly mess,since she hadn't brushed out her pink flop yet.
Luma smiled, "You look good in that." he said softly, watching her, his wings moving to fold together properly, his feathers a little messed up.
"Thanks. It's my favorite set of PJs." She smiled. "Actually,set the table would ya? But leave the plates here so I can serve them up."
Luma nodded, "Can do!" he said happily, moving to grab silverware, setting forks knives and spoons at every spot, then grabbing the syrup, jam, and peanut butter and setting that out.
Satsu got up and went to his room,fed his rat,and then went to go get breakfast as Evelyn served it up. "Satsu go get Firiko." He groaned but got up and knocked on Firikos door. "Hey…uhm breakfast is ready."
The door swung open a little when Satsu knocked on it, having not been latched properly the night before. Firiko was still asleep on his bed, One wing was holding up the blankets at an odd angle over his head, the other was stretched out and hanging over the side of the bed.
Satsu walked in quietly, and looked back at the kitchen, took a breath, and shook his shoulder. "Firiko?" He asked nervously. His hands were warmer than the room. He was always warm, cuddly warm. Heating pad warm. The sort of warm that blooms in your heart when roasting marshmallows on a summers night with good friends and good times around you.
Firiko hummed softly, pulling the awkwardly angled wing over his face. "Morning already…?" he whined softly. "I don't wanna get up yet.." he yawned and rolled over, the blankets catching on his wings, his feather's messier than usual as he sat up. "Did Luma send you?" he asked sleepily, yawning, and letting the blankets fall off him, revealing the fact that he was now the shirtless twin, with slightly more defined muscles than his brother, since he flew a bit more than the other did.
Satsu's face went blue as he backed up, and turned away. "Evelyn sent me…" He cleared his throat. 'Holy shit he's HOT He thought to himself, trying to keep his hair from going up in flame out of embarrassment.
(That was quite the reaction. XD)
Firiko didn't notice the other's flustered response. "Noted.." he yawned. "I'll be out in a minute…" He sighed. "Maybe." he pulled himself out of the covers, his messy wings flapping once to straighten themselves out. Though it did nothing for his bed head.
(Will be off for awhile, have stuff to do, but I will be on for a little later, and then later tonight!)
He nodded and walked out to the kitchen,sat down, and began to drown his pancakes in butter and syrup.
Firiko followed shortly after, not at all awake. He was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, but had neglected to put on a shirt. His wings dragged a little behind him, and he was yawning. All the signs of someone who isn't a morning person.
Evelyn dished up pancakes for the twins and set them out, as Satsu happily ate away with a sleepy smile. Evelyn was humming and singing away as she worked. "Eat up! I at least have a busy day ahead of me!" She plopped down, put on berries, syrup, and butter, and began to eat, chugging down her milk. She was most definitely a morning bird. Satsu was a sleep deprived pidgeon. He was afraid of the dark but didn't like mornings. He liked evenings. Evenings were pretty, and romantic. Soft. Cozy.
Firiko flopped pancakes on his plate and drowned them in syrup, while Luma put jam on his, shaking his head at his twin. It hadn't taken Luma long to wake up fully. But Firiko looked as if he'd fall asleep in his food any second.
"What do you have to do today?" asked Luma curiously after taking a bite of his food. "Also you're a really good cook" he added.
"Aww thanks. I've got band practice with my crew The Hicks. We're writing and learning our new set, since we've got some shows coming up so I'm gonna be gone most of the day. Hope you three can handle yourselves." Satsu flinched at that comment but kept quiet as he kept eating.