forum They were Roommates? (O/O) CLOSED (Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(I'm laughing at all of them this is so funny!!)
Luma smirked, a wing wrapping around Evelyn. "Oh I'm not gonna start trouble" he said playfully, "She might, I won't."
Firiko hummed a little in his sleep pressing closer to Satsu as if he were a teddy bear. Completely unaware of the other's issue.

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Satsu closed his legs together, trying to figure a way out."FIRIKOOOO…" He whined loudly. Evelyn giggled and grabbed her guitar. "See you all next week." She then walked out,still holding you.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko reached out and pulled a pillow over his head with a low groan, only about 15% awake at the moment as he curled around Satsu.
(I'm just waiting till he manages to wake Firiko and they have a meltdown of embarrassment then the other 2 walk in…. XD)
Luma waved goodbye, waiting till they were outside before slipping in front of Evelyn. "So, wereyou actually serious about dating?" he asked.

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"Wouldn't say it if it weren't true,sugar." She shrugs and packs her guitar away in the back. Satsu huffed as he looked at you and noticed how sweet your face was,the peacefulness of it. "I give up…" He snuggled under his chin.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma nodded, not bothering to follow her. "Hmm… Maybe I'll just haveto take you on a date then." he said with a smirk. "But right now I'm gonna fly home, probably follow you and explore the city at the same time too."
Firiko purred softly in his sleep, his wings enclosing both of them like a cocoon.

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Evelyn shrugged. "This is New York, have fun getting lost." She then starts up the car and drives off. Satsu giggled as he cuddled in. "Kiriiikooooooooooo…."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma laughed, "Hence why I'm following you" he said with a smirk before jumping and taking flight, his wings kicking up turbulence as he took to the air with minimal effort.
Firiko groaned softly, mumbling a sleep-slurred version of "Shut up Luma…"

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He giggled. "But you see,I'm Satsu,Kiriko." Evelyn soon enough pulled up in the drive way.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma landed beside her, managing to land smoothly despite the large size of his wings. "See? I'm not lost." he said with a smirk.
Firiko groaned, burying his face in the other's neck with a small groan.

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Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Oh shuddup. You'll be getting lost in my eyes soon enough." She then walked inside,and looked around. "Where's Satsu and Firiko?"

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"This is probably true beautiful." he said smoothly. "Also that's a good question.." he hummed looking around for the pair, eventually walking down the hall and checking Firiko's room.

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Evelyn blushed, and peeked into Satsus bedroom. "Awwwww aren't you two just the cutest?" Satsus face went blue. "It isn't what you think! Help me get out of here!" She taps her chin. "Naw." She then took out her phone and snapped a photo. "Luma cmere. Lookit these two love birds!"

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma came over, and immediately started grinning, choking back laughter. "Oh my…" he said, "Evelyn I think we better give them their privacy" he was grinning at the sight, "Just make sure you two are being safe!" he laughed, imprinting it in memory so he could tease Firiko later.

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Evelyn nodded as Satsu glared at the two. "HELP MEEEEEE!" He yelled at the two,as Evelyn walked away. "Wanna help me cook?" She asked with a smile.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko moved to engulf the other in his wings, muffling his cries, allowing him to continue sleeping.
Luma nodded, "Why of course m'lady!" he said cheerfully, trying not to laugh.

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Satsu sighed and began to tickle Firiko. It always woke his siblings up,why wouldn't it work. Evelyn grinned. "Whaddya wanna cook? I'm thinking Mac and cheese."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko yelped, his grip tightening as he rolled over on top of Satsu, effectively disabling his efforts.
Luma nodded, laughing when he heard his brother yelp. "Sounds good to me!" he said.

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Satsu gasped and moaned at that,since he had had a sex dream and was unable to deal with his boner yet. Evelyn laughed at that sound and began to boil water, and get things ready,singing softly as she worked.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma chuckled, "I wonder just how much of my twin is asleep" he said so himself as he got the macaroni out for Evelyn.
Firiko was resting on top of Satsu at this point, his own crotch against the other, if he were actually awake… well…. let's just say he'd be very embarrassed to have heard that sound from Satsu.

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Satsu gasped again and looked away his face bluer than blue berries. He couldn't help the sounds that escaped him with every movement as he tried to figure out a way out,and fast. He knew how he got when horny. Evelyn smiled,kissed Luma's cheek,and began to cook the macaroni. "Make some bacon. Macaroni with bacon bits is the best."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(Sorry, math homework and notebook don't go well together.)
Luma nodded, "Sure sweetie" he said playfully, digging out another pan and the bacon.
Firiko was still mostly asleep, his weight resting on top of the other, pressing him into the mattress.

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Satsu groaned. "Evelyn I'll DO YOUR LAUNDRY IF YOU HELP!" Evelyn nodded once. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!" She headed off to her bedroom,and came out with an airhorn and a sharpie. She walked into his room, drew a moustache on Firiko,and blew the airhorn once Satsu covered his ears.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma laughed as Evelyn went to help, laughing even more when he heard his brother's yelp.
Firiko startled when the airhorn went off, almost jumping off of Satsu and falling on the floor, wings splayed out at semi-awkward angles on the floor. "I'm Up! What's going on?!" he yelped, surprised, and officially awake.

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"You have a horny twink your all cuddled up to,Firi." She shook her head and went back to cooking as Satsu turned away from Firiko,all embarrassed and flustered.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko blinked in confusion, looking around the room for a moment, before realizing what happened. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Satsu" he said quickly, hiding his face as he blushed beet red, Why the hell did you not wake me Luma!!!
revenge little brother. Revenge. Replied Luma, cackling from the kitchen. "Nice one Evelyn." he said, starting to fry the Bacon.