forum They were Roommates? (O/O) CLOSED (Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma nodded, "I apologize for assuming.." he said softly, reaching for the fruit snacks and opening them for her, carefully wrapping a wing around her.
"Green" said Firiko immediately. "You?"

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"Cyan blue. Your turn." He asks softly,getting comfortable being around Firiko. He just gave off a relaxing vibe. Evelyn shrugged. "Be less of an asshole and ask if you don't understand or want to know instead of assuming. You barely know me, you'll make mistakes and that's okay. You're such a Hard Dom. I've only had soft Dom's so…I'm not used to it." She sighs and cuddles in.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma nodded, "And I realize that, and I'm really sorry for assuming like that. I guess I should also let you know that this is the first relationship I've had for awhile, I mean, since I met my brother, I've been a little busy getting to know him and catching him up on life."
Firiko nodded, "Interesting." he said softly, glad the other was relaxing. "If you could have any power other than what you have what would it be?"

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"Teleportation." He responded quickly, without a moment's hesitation. Evelyn nodded. "Then…let's take things slow instead of just loading everything on eachother and hoping it works." She kisses his cheek softly. "Okey?"

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma nodded, "I was thinking the same thing." he said softly, "Starting with actually getting to know each other."
Firiko smiled, "Interesting."

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Evelyn nodded. "Hmm… but just asking questions and getting to know the surface stuff is so boring. How do we make things interesting?" Satsu nodded. "If I'm in an awkward situation I can snap my fingers and poof! Back to my room."

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"Alright fine but I'm super depressed a lot and will require cuddles." Satsu lay there,bored, unsure of what to ask next.

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Satsu shrugged. "I'm just a boring person." Evelyn nodded. "You ask first." She says as her arms wrap around him,having forgotten about the fruit snacks.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma hummed, "What are all your basic favourites?" he asked, "Y'know, colour, book, movie, those things."
Firiko shrugged, "You're really not."

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"Pink is my favorite color,foxes are the cutest,the Princess Bride is my favorite movie,I love books and music to much to pick just one, I've been playing guitar for 9 years ans I have a cat named Precious who lives at my mom's house. She's a Siamese tabby cat mix. Now you go." Satsu shrugged. "I am really. I'm not very interesting at all." He sighed. "But that's okay."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma smiled, "Wolves are the best animal ever, I love blue, and violet, not indigo. I don't watch enough movies to have a favourite, but Voltron is a pretty cool TV show. I've been playing the flute since I was a little kid, and it was my dad that got it for me. Ive never had a pet, but I have a little sister, and to crazy cousins that you're likely to meet eventually." he said.
"Yes it is." said Firiko happily, cuddling him.

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(When Satsu's depression gets confirmed) "Alright cool. Now you ask the first deep and probably damaging question." She asks, head burying into his neck. Satsu just sighed. "I still want to get to know you…tell me something kinda embarrassing or weird about yourself."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"I learned what sex was from a random spirit when I was ten." said Firiko, blushing.
Luma hummed, "Most embarrassing stage fail." he said softly.

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"Aww that's adorable." Satsu said softly with a giggle. Evelyn tapped her chin. "It started out as drunkenly falling off stage and ended up in a lesbian threesome. Most embarrassing moment you've had in public school."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"It kinda wasn't… That lady's descriptions were graphic" he said softly.
Luma hummed, "Probably getting into a fight with my kid sister, and losing. In front of an audience." he said softly. "Worst outfit fail?"

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Satsu laughed, his eyes lighting up as he did so. "Still adorable." He snuggled in closer. "Your turn to ask, doofus." Evelyn rolled her eyes. "No such thing. I ALWAYS am fashionable. I'm an ugly face but hey, I try to look good…" (so 2 things real fast. Evelyn gets depressed, and horny, really easy. HAVE FUUUUUUN)

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(NIIIICCCEEE…. We probs gonna hafta take this whole thing to PM's eventually….)
Firiko hummed, "Most embarrassing thing to happen to you. Ever." he said mischievously.
Luma hummed, "And it's true, you do look good sweetie." he said softly.

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(THATS FINE.) "Bold of you to assume there are moments when I'm not constantly embarrassed, or panicky or anxious or afraid and having to constantly control my powers so I'm just exhausted all the ti-" He noticed the look on your face and looked away, filled with Shame. 'Stupid stupid STUPID! You just HAD to go there didn't you Satsu? He groaned a bit. Evelyn smiled and kissed his lips suddenly, oh so softly.

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He cleared his throat. "Sorry…uhm. What's your most embarrassing moment?" He asked nervously, forcing a smile on his face. Evelyn grinned and kissed him deeper, being her bratty self as she tried to take control.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"The time I flew face first into the ground." said Firiko softly, figuring he'd let it go for now.
Luma fimrly pressed back, taking and keeping his control.

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She loosened her kiss,giving him the control he demanded wordlessly. Satsu went silent again for a moment, eyes closing as he just breathed for a bit. "Your turn to ask." He murmured, trying to steady his nerves. He gently grabbed your wing and pulled it around him, again gently. Careful, knowing how sensitive and even pleasurable wing touching can be.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma smirked against her lips, keeping it going for a little longer, before pulling away.
Firiko hummed softly, wrapping both arms and wings around him, grateful for the fact that he was gentle. "I'm running out of Ideas…" he said softly.