"Well I'm also running out of ideas." He said gently, pressing his head to Firikos chest. (Oooh ask Satsu what he thinks about Firiko or something let's get this romance going.) Evelyn sighed and got up, grabbed her fruit snacks, and grabbed her stuffy then went to Luma's room and crawled into his bed.
Firiko hummed, "Actually… just out of curiousity… what do you think of me?" he asked softly.
Luma followed her curiously, watching her with a small smile. "And what are you up to?" he asked.
"I'm goin' to bed Daddy!" She replied cheerfully, curling up, hugging one of his pillows and the stuffy. Satsu blushed and looked down. "A-ah uhm…I think your hot…and charming and sweet and protective and smart and kinda goofy…I…I like you." He got quieter and quieter with every word until I Like You was just a barely audible whisper. He then hid his face in your chest, already mentally yelling at himself.
(that was perfect. But also, my brain is frying for an answe because of tiredness + Prefection, so Imma call it a night,before I mess up the next reply.)
(Yaaaaaaaaaay, and okay! Sleep well!)
(Hi! Sorry! Still waking up! (and also recovering from a convo w/ my mom less than ten minutes after awakening.))
(I get that. Take your time just didn't want this to be forgotten. I'm still waking up as well)
"I'm goin' to bed Daddy!" She replied cheerfully, curling up, hugging one of his pillows and the stuffy. Satsu blushed and looked down. "A-ah uhm…I think your hot…and charming and sweet and protective and smart and kinda goofy…I…I like you." He got quieter and quieter with every word until I Like You was just a barely audible whisper. He then hid his face in your chest, already mentally yelling at himself.
Firiko smiled softly at Satsu. "I like you too…" he murmured. "You're cute, and funny, and sweet." he smiled, "Not to mention absolutely adorable."
Luma laughed, "Do you need me to tuck you in baby?" he asked, watching as she curled up in his bed. "Or would you like me to leave you alone for now?"
(Forgive me for the short reply, I'm not fully awake yet. (Which is why I was waiting but I saw that you bumped it to the top)
(oh it's fine if you wanted to write. Go ahead,wake up,come back when your ready and edit the reply. I prefer good responses over quick ones. You tend to remember the rp better when it's good,even long after it's finished)
(Yeah, I don't mind coming up with something, but I'd prefer it be a good something. (Hence why I stick with fast, easy rp's in the morning.)
(I'll be back later, I promise!!)
(I get that. And alright! I'll be here)
Evelyn nodded with a wide smile on her face."Come cuuuuudle!" She whined, patting the bed next to her with a grin. Satsu looked up at Firiko but didn't say a word,though his blushing face said it all for him. He even squeaked a bit at the compliments, embarrassed,and hid hair face back in Firikos chest.
(I updated my reply a bit,)
Firiko smiled, enveloping the other in his wings, hugging him close like a precious jewel. "You okay cutie?" he asked.
Luma rolled his eyes, "Alright" he said, scooping her up so he could lay down and cuddle her comfortably. enveloping both himself, and her in his wings as he held her to his chest.
Satsu squeaked as he buried his head deeper into Firikos chest, taking a few breaths, trying to calm down. Suddenly a worried expression crosses Evelyn's face. "You okay Luma? You look…pissed off. Angry…did I do something wrong?"
Luma looked to her. "It's not you" he said softly, cuddling her, "Was just having a mental arguement with Firiko, he can hide it better than I can."
Firiko sighed, "Oh Satsu.." he said softly, "You're so precious…"
Satsu curled up all tight against him,unsure of what to do. Totally and absolutely awkward. Evelyn snuggled into Luma."Bout what?" (So slight change. Evelyn's powers are gonna be like light based powers and Evan,her twin brother,will have water based powers.)
(Okay then, That mean's her's and Luma's abilities are similar. (Luma's Harmony element is a "light" element.)
Firiko smiled and snuggled him, waiting patiently for some kind of response.
Luma hummed, "Which of our roommates was cuter. You, or Satsu." he said softly, "Firiko's currently winning."
Evelyn glared and pouted,all angry about this claim. "Well ya better argue better then!" She huffed,full of sass. Satsu looked up at Firiko. "D-do you really mean that?" He asked shyly.
Luma laughed, "I dunno…" he said, "Firiko says he called Satsu cute and now he's all curled up in a ball and flustered." he said, "And you're being all pouty at me.."
Firiko nodded, "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't.." he said softly, keeping him close.
Evelyn pouted even more. "Quit being a butt heaaaaad." She whined. Satsu looked down a bit, thinking,then scootched up,nervously,closer to Firikos face.