forum They were Roommates? (O/O) CLOSED (Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

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Satsu slowly nodded, shaking a bit. He had a fear of water but wouldn't ever admit that to anyone. That would mean explaining his whole past and he just did NOT have the nerves for that.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

(SORRY!! I've been distracted…. very distracted…. (Mainly by another RP, one that has been going on for idk how long)
Firiko hummed softly, coming over and pulling Satsu into his grip, One of his wings warpped around Satsu, his soft messy feathers brushing against his skin.

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(I get that it's fine!) Satsu almost instantly calmed down as he leaned into Firiko and nuzzled in. Evelyn came back from outside,and took off her onsie right there and walked into her bedroom,only wearing panties.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma gave her a wolf whistle when she stripped in front of him.
Firiko hummed softly, cuddling Satsu gently, much more, 'he's a delicate jewel' than; 'WARM TEDDY BEAR'.

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She giggled and changed into a Deadpool onsie. "Don't bother Daddy,not like as if you can get me to give you any anyways." Satsu squeaked but happily accepted the cuddles. "W-we can still talk and get to know each other like this…"

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma hummed softly, "Maybe princess, maybe." he said, before picking he up and ragging her back to the couch for cuddles.
Firiko hummed softly, "Alright… how about a game of 20 questions?"

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Satsu nodded. "Yeah. That's fine." Her hair was soaking wet, but she still cuddled up against his chest and sucked on her thumb.

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"WHYYYYYYY?" She whined and looked at him. "I has no Binkie soes,thumb worksh!" She glares and goes back to sucking. "You start." Satsu said shyly.

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(sucking on a thumb or a paci is actually pretty calming it isn't a bad thing so now I'm confused.)

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"Red pandas! Yours?" He asked with a smile. Evelyn looked super confused by this. "Seriously. Why? Would you rather I suck on YOUR thumb?"

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"Wolves." said Firiko softly, "Either that or fluffleflies." he smiled softly.
Luma shook his head, "You will be trained out of sucking your thumb. It's not a good habit." he said softly.

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"It's not a habit." She sighed. "It helps to calm me down and keep me little during mental breakdowns and anxiety attacks. It's a coping factor." She gets up,and goes to her room and slams the door shut. Satsu nodded. "Hmm…do you play any instruments?" He asked, jumping at Evelyn and her short temper.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma mentally cursed himself, deciding to leave her alone for a little while, while he thought about how to fix it.
Firiko immediately hugged him tighter to keep him calm. "I wonder what Luma did now.." he mumbled, before answering. "I can play the piano, and a few other things, though none very well."

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"Cool." Satsu fell silent,awkward about this sort of thing. He had also never played twenty questions and was unsure of how this was supposed to go. Evelyn happily sucked in her thumb and played coloring games on her phone.

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"Uhm…I play the bag pipes…" He said sheepishly again,face going blue as he ducked his head down a bit.

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"Farenheight 451." He nodded once sharply. "What about you?" Evelyn came out dragging a stuffy,sucking her thumb,and went to go get herself some fruit snacks.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma was curled up in his wings thinking. He heard her go through, but said nothing.
Firiko hummed, "To be quiet honest I've always like the jungle book."

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"Really? Interesting." He smiled softly as he combed his fingers through his hair. Ashes fell out as well as a few little Sparks of fire. Evelyn grabbed the fruit snack,and tried to open it. She pouted and walked over to her Daddy and tapped his shoulder shyly.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma looked up, "You okay Evelyn?" he asked softly, not wanting to upset her again.
Firiko hummed softly, noticing the sparks. "Your turn" he said softly.

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She nodded and plopped into his lap. "Thumb sucking is not a bad habit,it's a calming habit." She kisses his cheek and hugs him close. "Can you open my fruit snacks fo me?" Satsu tapped his chin trying to think. "Favorite…color?"