forum They were Roommates? (O/O) CLOSED (Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma smiled, cuddling her gently as he switched the program to something he preferred.
Firiko flopped on his bed and stared up at the ceiling, unsure of what to do.

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She glared at him, snatched the remote,and turned it back to what she was watching. Satsu was playing with his rat to distract himself.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma raised an eyebrow, taking it and switching it back then making it stick to the cieling with a flash of chaos. The remote also turned pink with orange spots that had blue stripes.
Firiko eventually went back to Satsu's room, unable to stay away.

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Evelyn sighed. "I'll short out the battery if you don't go back to My Little Pony!" She declared,crossing her arms angrily. Satsu jumped as his bedroom door opened,his rat nearly flying out of his hands. He clutched her close to his chest. "Y-yes Firiko?"

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"Just did." He shrugs. "You wouldn't be Luma. And Evelyn is being Evelyn." He shrugged as Evelyn giggled and snuggled into Luma,wide smile on her face. "You can switch it over once dis episode is ovah!"

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma shook his head with a grin ruffling her hair and pulling her hood down over her face.
Firiko hummed "True…" he said softly, watching him. "I… I guess I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go somewhere?"

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She squeaked and giggled. "Daaaaddyyyyyyyy…" She popped up from the hood and grinned up at him. Truly adorable. Satsu eyed you. "L-like on a date? Uhm…I really don't like going out…" He said sheepishly, rubbing his arm awkwardly. His rat bit his finger and he sighed and kissed her head. "Yes yes I'll give you attention,cutie."

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko shook his head, "Unlike the other two I don't think we're ready for that. I was thinking more of an escape them and get to know each other outing…" he said softly, "Maybe a trip to the library?"
Luma hummed "Don't give me that" he said lowly, squishing her against his side

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Satsu lit up at the mention of the library,and put his rat away with a soft smile. "Yeah sure I'd love too." She pouted. "I'll give you whatever I want!" She sassed.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma hummed softly, "Watch it princess." he said firmly.
Firiko smiled, "Shall we go then? I scouted it out earlier when we came here so I could probably fly us both there."

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He smiled and nodded as he stuffed his wallet in his back pocket. Evelyn glared at him. "What am I watching?" She sassed. She hadn't had a daddy Dom for awhile.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"Watch your attitude young lady." he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for sass.
Firiko smiled, "How good are you with heights?" he asked, smiling at him. (Yes he had changed by now, AKA he put on another baggy hoodie)

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She huffed and just snuggled in, admitting defeat. (Stuff Satsu inside the hoodie) "Uh pretty good? I've been in an airplane before and didn't blow it up." He said with a nervous laugh.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

"With nothing but a pair of arms keeping you from falling?" asked Firiko with a slightly mischievous smirk.
(YUSSS But it's too soon… :(
Luma nodded, satisfied with her submission.

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The episode ended and she pouted as it got changed to something else. Satsu took a breath. "No probably not…" (PIGGY BACK RIDE ON FIRIKO! GO SATSU!)

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He shook his head no."I don't do heights all do well…" (Yes piggy back ride?) Evelyn nuzzled in,relaxing a bit.

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Satsu nodded softly with a smile. "Yeah…" Suddenly there was a big CRACKATHOOM! Of thunder and he jumped again. He looked outside as it began to rain and he shook his head and just kinda curled up onto the bed and tried to keep his breathing steady. Evelyn on the other hand got up,bolted outside,and began to dance in the rain.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Firiko startled as well, but recovered more quickly. "Satsu are you okay?" he asked, noticing the other's expression.
Luma laughed, heading over to watch her. "What are you up to lovely?" he asked.

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"ISH RAINING!" She said with a laugh as she twirled around. Satsu nodded. "Yeah…I'm fine…" He said quietly. "We could just stay in."