Luma hummed softly, "Mind if I tag along?" he asked, "I don't know about him but I would like to see." he said cheerfully. Firiko yawned again, eating his food as if he were a robot.
Luma laughed, "Besides, Firiko's probably not gonna do much, other than go back to sleep, and I have a feeling me and Satsu wouldn't do well together."
"Sure! You play any instruments?" She asked as she finished up her food, and cleared away hers and Satsu's dishes. Satsu just went to his room, and decided to read. (What if Firiko stumbles into Satsu's room,wrongly, completely exhaused and delirious, and ends up curling up in his bed and sleeping there, and eventually ends up pulling Satsu into cuddles cause he's basically a human heating pad but fluffy and squeaks when scared.)
Luma hummed, "I have a flute" he said with a grin, "And believe it or not I can sing." he finished his food and went to put his plate in the sink. Firiko finished a moment later, doing the same, yawning again.
"Ah yis, we have a new backup singer." She fist pumped with a smile. "Perfect. Go get dressed, we'll head out in about 20 minutes or so." She nodded and headed off to her bedroom, and got changed. Satsu was all curled up in his bed, all happy as he read away.
Luma nodded, going to go get changed into something more appropriate. He ended up in a denim jacket, cut to fit his wings with buttons over top, and a pair of snug cargo pants. When he came out his brother was standing in the kitchen in a daze, yawning sleepily.
Evelyn came out and sighed. She wore a t-shirt,ripped jeans,and jacket. She then walked over and pushed Firiko off towards the bedrooms,and sighed. "Alright let's go."
Firiko stumbled off in that direction, muttering a barely intelligible 'bye' to Luma.
Luma laughed, "Looking good" he said softly, admiring Evelyn as he followed her out the door, holding a small case for his flute.
She lugged behind her guitar, got in her tiny red car with a red interior, turned on the radio, and the two were off to a small shabby recording studio in down town New York. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Satsu was just happy to basically have the house to himself and be able to be alone. He really didn't like a lot of people and energy around him.
Luma got in beside her, his wings pinned behind his back uncomfortably, but manageable. He was grinning as they set off.
Firiko stumbled down the hall, opening what he thought was his door, ignoring the fact that someone else was on the bed.
Satsu looked at Firiko. "Uhm Firiko? This isn't your room…" He said nervously as he looked at Firiko, unsure of what to do. Evelyn looked at Luma. "You alright hot stuff? You look uncomfy like that…ya know you could just fly above the car and follow me." (It's a bird, it's a plane IT'S…A REALLY HOT GUY!)
"Too easy to lose you" he said softly, "Besides, it's not that bad" he shrugged nonchanlantly. "I'll fly next time, after I know where to go."
Firiko didn't seem to notice, flopping behind him on the bed sleepily, pulling Satsu to his chest and wrapping a wing around them like a blanket. "Warm….~" he murmured, beginning to doze off, his arms around the other's waist.
Satsu squeaked and tried to clambor out of his arms. But he was a weakling compared to, well, a lot of people so it as pointless. He eventually gave into the cuddles as his face blushed blue and he read, but being as tired as he was, Firiko's steady breaths ended up lulling him to sleep. Evelyn shrugged. "I guess. Feel free to mess with the seat to make it more comfortable." She nodded, and kept singing along to her Cyndi Lauper CD.
Firiko held onto him tightly as he struggled, already fast asleep, his wings wrapped around them both.
Luma nodded, moving the seat back a bit so his wings could splay out a bit without issues, and that alone mad him seem more comfortable as he hummed along to the song.
Satsu soon fell asleep peacefully in Firikos strong comfortable hold, smiling as he cuddled in without realizing it. Evelyn smiled and soon they pulled up. She got out, grabbed her stuff, and headed inside.
Firiko hummed softly, tightening his grip as he cuddled the other. (SO CUTE!!!)
Luma got out with a sigh of relief, stretching his wings before jogging to catch up with Evelyn. "Wait for me Eve!"
"NO!" She cried as she headed inside and smiled and high fived or hugged or both her other band members. "Sup guys, I invite you to say hello to our new Hickie. Luma." Satsu smiled and sighed in content as he slept away, happy to be here.
Luma smiled as he followed her in, "Hullo!" he said cheerfully, wings poofed out a bit excitedly. "Pleased to meet you all!"
Firiko sighed softly,hugging Satsu contentedly.
Starla was at the keys, Clara at the Base guitar, Evan at the drums, Evelyn lead singer and lead guitarist, and Ashton as second guitarist. Evelyn set her stuff down and soon they were jamming away. And what started out as normal band practice turned into everyone macarena dancing to the beastie boys. Satsu meanwhile was slowly waking up after a few hours more of sleep, all cuddled up. He blinked sleepily, with a soft smile on his face, and looked up to see Firiko. He then blushed and again attempted escape and again, he failed miserably.
Luma smiled, letting himself adjust to the rhythm, before joining in completely on his own set of notes until everything dissolved, at which point he kept playing cheerfully.
Firiko whined softly when Satsu struggled, his iron grip only tightening.
Satsu blushed, and giggled softly. Firiko sure was adorable like this. But. He had to pee. "Firikooo…I have to peeeee…I'll come back when I'm finished." He complained, actually really enjoying the cuddles. Evelyn laughed as things winded down. "And THAT is what I call a good jam session." She smiled as Clara eyed you. "So Evelyn, what's the story behind lover boy here?" "Hot piece of ass whose my room mate." "Ah. Alright." She shrugs as they all began to pack up.
Firiko didn't let go, still 90% asleep, and not about to wake up soon.
Luma smiled, "Oh I know I'm a hottie," he said with a smirk, still holding his flute happily. "I'm also a single hottie with not much to do so thanks for letting me join in!" he gave everyone a genuine smile.
Evelyn laughed and her and Clara gave eachother knowing glances. "Not for long, since Evelyn is already hitting on ya. It's so OBVIOUS she wants to date you, blind hot idiot." Evelyn nodded. "Clara ain't wrong." Satsu slid down out of his arms and then rolled out, went to the bathroom, and returned to Firikos arms,happily cuddling in. (Hey I'm off to bed! gn)
Luma raised an eyebrow, before humming softly at this info, "Well then I must be blind…" he hummed softly. "Either that or too busy keeping an eyeon my baby brother."
"Ha! You sound like my brother about me!" She giggled, while Clara rolled her eyes and ruffled her hair. "Just don't get yourself in to much trouble with this one Ev'." "Look Clara, he's my partner in crime now. If I'm not the start of trouble than he is." She laughed again, slinging an arm around his shoulders because ya know, fuck your gender rolls. Satsu, meanwhile, had a boner and was hungry and very confused by this whole ordeal. He didn't mind the cuddles but if he got cuddled much longer he would either A) start grinding or B) Try to get food and either way he's just gonna embarrass the shit out of himself and all he really wants to do is read and eat a snack and maybe watch some gay porn and just be left alone. Not that he midnded this he just wasn't used to it upon the fact that he has never dated anyone in his life.