@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator
Firiko smiled, "Wanna play with me?" he asked Satsu, cuddling him close in his feathers as he continued to plug cords in, booting up the console.
Firiko smiled, "Wanna play with me?" he asked Satsu, cuddling him close in his feathers as he continued to plug cords in, booting up the console.
Satsu nodded as he sat down on the couch where Evelyn had been sitting, as she went to her room. "HAHA I HAVE DADDYS PHOOOOONE!"
Luma sighed, and got up, heading down the hall as his brother got up and stole his spot on the couch, offering Satsu a controller as he booted up a game.
Evelyn sat there looking through his search history as Satsu took one, leaning on Firiko happily.
Firiko smiled, pulling him close with a feathered wing, quickly checking the otherknew the controls as he selected a level. (I would imagine they're playing something like Mario Bros)
Luma came into the room with Evelyn, scooping her up and hugging her, his chin on her shoulder, "What'cha doing baby?" he asked.
"Seeing how much of a dirty mind you are." She says, showing him his phone and his search history. Satsu smiled as he began to play as Luigi.
Firiko kept pace as Mario, playfully hopping on the other every once in awhile as they played.
Luma shook his head, "I'm not a dirty minded guy tho" he said, noting his history of mainly music how-to's and fire elemental forums, and a few websites for wing care.
Evelyn huffed and tossed it aside. "Boring." She flopped on the bed. "VERY boring. A fruitless search." Satsu rolled his eyes as he played along. He was used to teasing and such.
Luma laughed, taking his phone back, "Sorry sweetie" he said softly.
Firiko kept going, letting Satsu take the lead and get the coins while he got the enemies.
(Ah yes this one. So sorry I got busy and sorta spaced it off)
It's fine! I do that sometimes too)
Evelyn glared at Luma still, and turned over on her side all pouty. She then got up to go get a snack, even though it would be Dinner soon.
Satsu just played along, humming along to the iconic music.
Firiko smiled as they worked their way through a few levels, luma hummed, lying on the bed as he waited for Evelyn to come back, scrolling through a forum on his phone as he waited.
Evelyn came back with a whole box of cereal, stuffing fruit loops into her mouth as she plopped down on the bed. Satsu smiled as he leaned on Firiko, snuggling in a bit.
Firiko smiled, pulling him closer with his wing as he found a secret spot and pulled them in.
Luma laughed, reaching into the box to grab some, pulling her close.
She grabbed the box away from him. "NO! My fruit loops!" She stuck her tongue out, glaring at him , and ate another handful.
Satsu suddenly leaned up and kissed his cheek, smiling softly, ignoring the slight blush in his cheeks.
Firiko smiled, hitting pause on the game so he could return the favour, kissing him properly.
Luma laughed, "Mine" he said, hugging her tightly, before stealing more fruitloops.
Satsu blushed but kissed back, his arms wrapping around him.
Evelyn giggled and then glared. "I said MY fruit loops!"
Firiko smiled, setting his controller down and pulling Satsu closer.
Luma hummed thoughtfully, "Well then, I guess I'll just have to find something else." he said, getting up.
Satsu blushed heavily,surprised by this as he leaned into you a bit. She nodded once strictly and went back to eating her cereal. "You better!"
Luma gave her a sharp look, before heading out to the kithen, ignoring the makeout session on the couch.
Firiko smiled against the other's lips, pulling Satsu into his lap.
She stuck out her tongue as he walked away, and stretched out on the bed. Satsu scooted into his lap, arms going around him shyly.
Luma rummaged in the fridge, pulling out some yogurt.
Firiko smiled, his arms locking around the other's waist.
Evelyn began to throw fruit loops,making a mess. Satsu groaned a bit,still sensitive from his earlier relief.
Firiko kept the other close, deepening the kiss a little more, taking it slow so he wouldn't scare the other.
Luma shook his head as he watched the two for a moment, before heading back to Evelyn.
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