forum They were Roommates? (O/O) CLOSED (Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

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She whined and followed after him,making grabby hands as she clung to his side.

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(Oh hey I forgot this existed) Evelyn pouted and sighed. "Buh we can just make a pizza or somethiiiiiing." She said, all grumpy and cute. (Also aren't Satsu and other winged boyo still getting laid?)

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(Yeah!) "You can only have ONE hand fweeee!" She whined, hugging his arm, puffing her cheeks out.

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"You don't gotta haaaaand make it. Just gotta open the package, and stick it in da oven! Use like Digiornoes or somethin'!" She said, arms crossed.

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She huffed and opened the freezer, pointing at it. "Satsu went shopping!" She cried out happily, clapping her hands.

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She wandered off to her bedroom, deciding to just let Luma the Buttheaded Daddy Dom be alone. She wanted to go color anyways.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Luma rolled his eyes as she wandered off, putting the pizza in the oven and setting the timer, before going back to their game and moving to one of is levels he'd been working on beating.

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(Ha he seems so annoyed by her. Don't worry my crazy little fuck bucket only gets worse)