forum Someone save me from my boredom
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He started coloring her in, taking the opportunity to stare at her. She was so pretty and she was an essential part of the picture so he had to make sure it was perfect.

@Toaster group

She chuckled as she remembered what her mother said. 'You better only bring one of those things!' Well, guess what Mom. I BROUGHT FIVE! she thought and started to uncontrollably giggle.

@Toaster group

"Ok, ok!" She sat as still as she could and tried so hard to resist the urge to flop on her back, just to mess with him.


When he finally finished, he sat back with a smile. A scarily lifelike recreation of the image in front of him sat on the page. It always weirded people out how realistic it looked but that was just his thing. He had to find something to do while stuck in orphanages.

@Toaster group

"Can I move now?" she groaned. You know what? Imma just do it. She flopped onto her back, rolled over and jogged back up to Jay. "Let me see it!" she pleaded.


He instantly pulled his sketchpad to his chest. "Promise you won't judge me?" He was always scared of showing people his sketchpad since they always thought he was a freak for drawing such realistic pictures.


He sighed softly and handed it to her. He pulled his eyes away, looking towards the lake so he wouldn't see her judging stare when she got weirded out like everyone else.

@Toaster group

Angel didn't know how long she was staring at the drawing before she snapped out of her daze. It was so vibrant and lifelike. He had captured the scene perfectly. She shifted so that her head was laying in the boy's lap and she could see his face. "You, sir, are a beautiful creature too great for this earth." she whispered with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She had never been so moved by a piece of art. "How are you not off in an art studio, making a living already?"


He blushed red, rubbing the back of his neck with an embarrassed smile. "Kinda hard to when you're underage and constantly being passed around foster houses like a regifted Christmas sweater nobody wants."

@Toaster group

"Oh, yeah, I guess that would make it hard." she replied, putting a hand on her chin. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. "I've got it! We can just run away! That would be fun, right? Just the two of us, living in the wild, fending for ourselves. I've always wondered what it would be like to elope."


His eyes widened in shock. Elope?! She can't be serious! "I-I think you might be going a bit far with this, Angel. I mean, w-we did just meet yesterday."

@Toaster group

(Uh…oops. I actually didn't mean to type that. Dumb autocorrect. Oh, well! XD)
"Uh, well…I didn't say right now!" she stuttered. "And besides, I can't actually do it. I don't know how to survive on my own."


(Hey, I think it fits with her character! Sometimes autocorrect knows best)
"Well, you still said it." He chuckled. "I'm going to assume that means you like the picture?"

@Toaster group

"What?! That's messed up! Those people just don't have good taste!" She crossed her arms and almost brushed her hair out of her face before thinking better of it. Hooo, that was a close one. Can't do that when people are around, silly!

@Toaster group

"Yep!" she announced proudly. After that she simply stared into his sapphire blue orbs for a while. "Would it be weird if I said your eyes were pretty?" she asked, making it sound more like a statement than a question. "'Cause they really are."


"What, these ones?" He fluttered them at her with a smile. "Honestly, I'm not sure about that. I think they're kinda boring. All dark and plain."

@Toaster group

She smiled back at him and said, "On the contrary. They're fascinating. The bright blue swimming around with darker hues and flecks of greens and yellows. It all ties perfectly into your dark pupils like a flower." She spoke as if she was describing an unimaginable beauty, which to her, she was.
(This is just how I imagined them. Sorry if I'm way off. 😅)